
#Health 2022##Healthy Eating Has a Knack # This is how I went from big stomach king to kitten stomach in three days, and most importantly, I didn't feel hungry. For physical reasons, from

author:The world is warm

#Health 2022##Healthy Eating Has a Trick # It is with this method that within three days I changed from a big stomach king to a kitten stomach, and the most important thing is not to feel hungry.

Because of physical reasons, since high school like to read some health care books, recently read a book that helped me, tried to use the author to share the method, did not expect that the amount of food at the same time do not feel hungry, nutrition can be absorbed more fully. The method is very simple, and everyone is familiar with it, which is what we often call "chewing slowly".

It tells a small story: Horace Fletcher is an American salesman who is old before the age of 40, and he is too sick to work, he is denied insurance by all life insurance companies, and medical treatment and drugs cannot improve his health. Fortunately, he had a friend who knew how to maintain health, and at the suggestion of his friend, he began to chew slowly, so that the food was fully infiltrated by saliva and completely became liquid when it reached the stomach. In order to achieve this goal thoroughly, he chewed 2500 times at each meal, drinking only a small amount or even no liquid when eating.

He gradually found that he became easier to satisfy, and that his feeling of fullness could last longer. No longer craving heavy dishes, snacks, coffee, tea, and wine, I began to prefer a variety of simple, natural foods. Not only did Horace lose weight, but all his health problems disappeared within half a year. Tests at various medical centers have pointed out that his metabolism and nutrition maintain an excellent balance, as well as very good muscle strength and muscle endurance performance. According to the official advice, to achieve the same performance, he must consume 3400 calories per day, but he can do it with only 1600 calories!

The author also said that "as long as you chew slowly and let the food get fully infiltrated with saliva, you can reduce the burden on the digestive system and improve your health!" Once this simple digestion mechanism is adopted, the amount of food will naturally be reduced, and you will never have to worry about eating too much again. Because the body naturally lets us know how much to eat and when to stop. ”。

Seeing this, I remembered that my mother used all kinds of methods to lose weight when she was young, once she told us an interesting thing, saying that she saw the advertisement that there was a secret recipe for weight loss, she sent money according to the method, and as a result, she received a letter, and nothing else was written, only 4 big words. Believe me not to say, you can guess what these 4 words are.

At that time, we didn't think so, thinking that my mother had been deceived. Now I suddenly woke up to the fact that the original Avenue to Jane, there have long been high people who have pointed out the mystery. But because the principle is not clear, and there is no case to support it, we naturally ignore it.

After a year, I have gained five or six pounds, and recently tried to use the author's method, chewing every bite fully, and in three days, my meal was greatly reduced, and I would not feel hungry. The result of this is that the weight has lost more than two pounds, not to mention, there is also an important discovery, that is, people will be very energetic after eating in this way, unlike before they feel sleepy after devouring and eating.

Many people are plagued by various chronic diseases because of their diet and life habits, and when they have not yet developed into serious diseases, if they can improve their health problems through some changes in habits, why not enjoy it?

If you're also interested in what's in the book, read True Medicine: Complete Preventive Medicine in the 21st Century. Starting with preventive care, let us take the right to health into our own hands. #减肥有什么秘诀 #

#Health 2022##Healthy Eating Has a Knack # This is how I went from big stomach king to kitten stomach in three days, and most importantly, I didn't feel hungry. For physical reasons, from
#Health 2022##Healthy Eating Has a Knack # This is how I went from big stomach king to kitten stomach in three days, and most importantly, I didn't feel hungry. For physical reasons, from
#Health 2022##Healthy Eating Has a Knack # This is how I went from big stomach king to kitten stomach in three days, and most importantly, I didn't feel hungry. For physical reasons, from

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