
In 756, the envoy Bian Lingcheng read the execution edict to Feng Changqing, who said: "It is not a pity that my soldiers have been defeated and died, but I only hope that the envoy will hand over this letter to the holy lord, otherwise I will not be blinded." Then waved

author:Greetings to the Little Scholar

In 756, the envoy Bian Lingcheng read the execution edict to Feng Changqing, who said: "It is not a pity that my soldiers have been defeated and died, but I only hope that the envoy will hand over this letter to the holy lord, otherwise I will not be blinded." Then he swung his knife and killed himself. Bian Lingcheng sneered, said "stupid", tore the letter to pieces, and then went to execute Gao Xianzhi. The deaths of Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing made the Anshi rebellion even more unmanageable...

Feng Changqing, Gao Xianzhi and Bian Lingcheng were once comrades-in-arms in the same camp, Gao Xianzhi was the commander, Feng Changqing was the attendant, and Bian Lingcheng was the overseer, and the three of them once led the army over the mountains and mountains through the expedition to the Xiaobolu kingdom and won a great victory. But between the three people who seemed to be a harmonious group, there was an undercurrent surging underneath.

Feng Changqing was born in a humble background, followed his grandfather to Anxi, and looked ugly, not only blind in one eye, but also lame on one leg, but under the ugly appearance, he had superior wisdom, and he had been involved in group books and thoughtful thoughts since childhood. Helpless to look at people is an inevitable weakness of people, Feng Changqing blocked the door many times and tried to introduce himself to Gao Xianzhi, Gao Xianzhi was not willing to take it under his command, and finally annoyed him, but let Feng Changqing be a servant, but it was not reused.

Feng Changqing did not care, and was unknown every day. Once Gao Xianzhi led a large army to expedition to the Daxi tribe, 2,000 soldiers and horses marched day and night, driving straight in, and the Daxi tribe was caught off guard and the people turned over on their horses. When Gao Xianzhi returned to the camp and was preparing to order the drafting of a good report, he saw a clear-thinking good report on the desk, which not only clearly expounded his unexpected and unprepared thinking, but also clearly explained the water source and geographical situation along the march, and the writing was smooth and smooth to read. Ask the people around you, only to know that this is from Feng Changqing's handwriting.

From then on, Gao Xianzhi entrusted Feng Changqing with a heavy responsibility, Feng Changqing advised Gao Xianzhi, and Feng Changqing was also promoted step by step from the position of attendant to the post of envoy, and the two often discussed secrets in the camp and determined the strategy, but left the supervision army Bian Lingcheng aside. Bian Lingcheng thought that he was a eunuch sent by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, and usually acted as a mighty blessing and commanding, but Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing did not eat his set, which made Bian Lingcheng very angry, and from then on, he and the two of them were in the same water and fire, and they formed a beam.

Later, Feng Changqing's wings gradually became fuller, transforming from Gao Xianzhi's deputy role, and began to stand alone, serving as the main general in the campaign of the expedition to the Kingdom of Dabolu, leading the soldiers through the Pamir Plateau, and timely discovering the enemy troops hidden in the mountains and forests, using strategies to break the Dabolu Kingdom, and becoming famous and famous, truly becoming a feudal official.

Two years later, the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and Tang Xuanzong was so anxious in the face of the Anshi Rebellion that he questioned the courtiers in the middle of the court: "I treatEd An Lushan as a mountain, but I didn't expect that this man was ambitious, and actually rebelled, which Aiqing can lead the army to conquest!" ”

The DPRK suddenly fell silent, An Lushan also served as the envoy of the three places, all of them were border defense heavy horses, long-term confrontation with the Khitans, the soldiers and horses were skilled, and the elite soldiers in the world could be said to have more than half of An Lushan. On the other hand, most of the Central Plains soldiers and horses who were still under the control of the imperial court were infantry, and they had been sitting in peace for a long time, how could they be the opponents of An Lushan! Helplessly, Tang Xuanzong was blinded by Yang Guozhong, thinking that An Lushan would be like Xu Jingye in the era of Wu Zetian in that year, and he could clean it up without any effort.

"Your Majesty, I invite you to fight An Lushan!" Tang Xuanzong looked up and saw that the person who spoke was None other than Feng Changqing, who happened to be on the pilgrimage.

"What is Aiqing's good strategy?" Tang Xuanzong asked.

"The last general is not talented, willing to go to Tokyo alone, recruit brave and good warriors, and do their best to resist the anti-thieves!"

"Good!" Emperor Xuanzong of Tang had long heard that Feng Changqing was resourceful, and immediately gave Feng Changqing a false title of Fanyang Jiedushi and asked him to rush to Luoyang to recruit soldiers and horses. At the same time, Zhang Jieran led 10,000 soldiers and horses to guard Chen Liu, and Gao Xianzhi 50,000 soldiers and horses to defend Shaanxi County, together forming three lines of defense.

Although Feng Changqing had some trust, but after all, he was also a passion for the loyalty of the country, and immediately rushed to Luoyang, Tokyo, and within a few days he recruited 60,000 soldiers and horses, but the situation was too urgent, Zhang Jieran's first line of defense in Chen Liu was breached in less than a day, and Feng Changqing's second line of defense in Luoyang ushered in the elite cavalry of An Lushan.

Luoyang is in the middle of the world, located in the land of four battles, itself is easy to attack and difficult to defend, the vanguard of An Lushan first arrived in Kuiyuan, Feng Changqing relied on the numerical superiority to fight for a while, killing hundreds of enemy troops, but not much later, The main force of An Lushan arrived, Feng Changqing temporarily recruited the disciples of the city well, could not stop the tiger and wolf division of An Lushan, and had to retreat to gushui.

Feng Changqing knew very well that although there were objective factors in his military defeat, at this time Tang Xuanzong was anxious to resist the enemy and would not forgive him, but only hoped to inform the imperial court of the true situation of the soldiers and horses fighting with An Lushan, and not to be blinded by Yang Guozhong and other traitors, so that even if he lost, he would be defeated decently, so he wrote to Tang Xuanzong three times to detail the situation of the battle and the strategy of defending the enemy. At the same time, rushing to the third line of defense of the old boss Gao Xianzhi, Shaanxi County, because Shaanxi County had no danger to defend, suggested that Gao Xianzhi retreat to Tongguan and resist the enemy with danger, which was undoubtedly the correct strategy, otherwise not only Gao Xianzhi's 50,000 horses would be cannon fodder, but also Chang'an would also open the door. Gao Xianzhi followed Feng Changqing's advice.

However, at this time, Bian Lingcheng happened to be at Tang Xuanzong's side, colluding with Yang Guozhong, falsely accusing Feng Changqing of exaggerating An Lushan's battle in order to shirk the responsibility for defeat, and also spread rumors that Gao Xianzhike withheld grain embezzlement and deliberately abandoned Shaanxi County to retreat to Tongguan. Tang Xuanzong was furious and ordered Bian Lingcheng to rush to the front line to execute Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi, and a scene of Wentou appeared.

Although Feng Changqing had a great deal of trust at the beginning, after all, he was also eager to protect the country, and later if Tang Xuanzong could listen to Feng Changqing's advice, perhaps the Anshi chaos would not be unmanageable. However, the death of Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi made the enemy soldiers both frightened and cold, and the strategy of sticking to Tongguan proposed by Feng Changqing was regarded as a cowardly fear of the enemy, and even the veteran general Ge Shuhan had to give up his great geographical advantages to lead 200,000 troops out of the pass to meet the battle when he knew that it was inappropriate, and was beaten by An Lushan; after the defeat at Tongguan, in fact, the Tang army also had room to turn around, but the death of Feng Changqing and Gao Xianzhi also became a lesson for GeShuhan's generals, holding GeShuhan surrender to An Lushan, and the anshi rebellion became more and more intense , pushed the Tang Empire into decline. #战争风云 #

In 756, the envoy Bian Lingcheng read the execution edict to Feng Changqing, who said: "It is not a pity that my soldiers have been defeated and died, but I only hope that the envoy will hand over this letter to the holy lord, otherwise I will not be blinded." Then waved
In 756, the envoy Bian Lingcheng read the execution edict to Feng Changqing, who said: "It is not a pity that my soldiers have been defeated and died, but I only hope that the envoy will hand over this letter to the holy lord, otherwise I will not be blinded." Then waved
In 756, the envoy Bian Lingcheng read the execution edict to Feng Changqing, who said: "It is not a pity that my soldiers have been defeated and died, but I only hope that the envoy will hand over this letter to the holy lord, otherwise I will not be blinded." Then waved

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