
Nanjing Shenkang Psychological Hospital: How to guide children to manage their emotions

How can children be guided to manage their emotions? Children in the childhood of every word and deed is actually learned with adults, so the parents' words and deeds are very critical, when the child grows up, it is necessary to guide the child how to manage their emotional performance, and how to express joy and sorrow, so as to avoid the child's extreme personality, affecting the healthy development and growth of the body and mind.

Nanjing Shenkang Psychological Hospital: How to guide children to manage their emotions

First, help your child identify emotions.

First, be able to recognize your own emotions. We can always point out the child's emotions: excitement, disappointment, pride, loneliness, expectation, etc. Constantly enrich your child's emotional vocabulary.

The more emotions a child can recognize, the clearer and more accurately he will be able to express his emotions, which is the beginning of processing emotions. Can express, he can communicate, can think of ways. Sometimes, as long as it is expressed, the emotion will be solved.

Second, taste beautiful things with your children.

When it comes to positive emotions, I say that we should deliberately pay more attention to the good things in life and add positive elements to ourselves. How?

Good taste and many ways. For example, always point out to your child all sorts of details that are worth savoring. Every point of life is easy to overlook. When we show it to our children, we are extending these moments, expanding these details.

Nanjing Shenkang Psychological Hospital: How to guide children to manage their emotions

Third, always affirm positive character and character.

There are 24 positive personalities and characters listed earlier, but there are many more that are not listed, such as trust, equality, respect, and so on. We usually pay less attention to the so-called shortcomings and mistakes of children, as well as the deficiencies in various abilities, and learn more about the child's performance of these excellent characters. Once discovered, we will confirm it in time. Over time, the child will develop more in these directions.

Nowadays, parents are too focused on their abilities. We can think of it this way. It's hard to say what kind of abilities a child will have the opportunity to play when he grows up, but good character and character are useful everywhere. Abilities may be buried and abandoned, but character and character will never change.

Fourth, identify and emphasize the sense of growth.

When we find ourselves growing, our adults will be happy. For children, growth is all they have, so it's more important. Whenever a child makes progress, we point it out in time, let him see it, tell him, do you remember what you were like last year and last month? Now you can do it!

Progress, improvement and growth can best reflect the value of children themselves. Feel free to seize the opportunity, discover specific progress, and tell your child that you are better today than yesterday!

Fifth, cultivate hobbies and provide opportunities to do things.

The cultivation of hobbies cannot be overemphasized. Psychologists have found that people with mature hobbies are more interested in new things and have a stronger ability to learn. Because their learning is driven by intrinsic motivation, they have stronger willpower and passion.

Nanjing Shenkang Psychological Hospital: How to guide children to manage their emotions

How can children be guided to manage their emotions? This is all in the daily life of parents and friends to lead by example slowly guided, in addition, but also need to teach children's sense of independence to cultivate hobbies, so as to better stimulate the enthusiasm for learning.

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