
Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

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If you look closely, you will find that women who are easy to be single or have been single for a long time often have some common characteristics, they are either too independent, or they can do everything on their own, or they have extreme or excessive requirements for love.

In addition, they are always addicted to the illusory world, so that the requirements for the other half are always overly idealized, and it is difficult to find someone who is really suitable for them in real life.

In general, such a woman usually has three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people.

Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

One: too independent

Why are women who are too independent often more likely to be single than the average person? Mainly because their own desire for love and marriage is not so strong. For them, these are just icing on the cake, not in the snow, that is, with better, without themselves will not be too bad.

In the case that the material basis can be satisfied by itself, it is no longer dependent on anyone, unless you meet someone you really like, why bother?

Jiajia, who has been single for many years, thinks so, and whenever asked why she is still single, she always says:

"I'm not deliberately pursuing singleness, I just haven't met a person I like and is suitable for the time being, and I've kissed each other several times in succession, not only without feelings, but also with a lot of poor conditions."

The other half I want, either I particularly like and can conquer me, or the conditions are similar to mine, not to drag me back. If neither is occupied, then I marry him, what do I want? ”

If you think about it, you will feel that she is very reasonable, those women who are financially independent, have a stable income, have a car and a house and a deposit, unless they meet someone they like, why should they make up for marriage?

This is also the reason why financially independent women are more likely to be single, they are no longer dependent on anyone, just on their own, they can also live well.

Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

Two: addicted to the Internet, love to watch dramas and novels

In daily life, another obvious feature of women who are easy to be single is that they are addicted to various TV series and novels.

Because they are always used to closing themselves off, they are usually reluctant to deal with other people, and they love to be alone, TV dramas and novels have become a good pastime.

These are things for them to pass the time, but also a kind of spiritual sustenance.

In TV dramas and novels, there are beautiful loves, there are moments of family reunion, and there are also some daily life displays, in which women can find the love they want and make up for their lack.

They are like a kind of "spiritual poison", even if they know that they are illusory, they still want to be deeply immersed in it, even if they just follow the characters inside to love, it is good to be loved once.

But this is just a means of escaping reality, and one day we will have to get out of the illusion and step into reality.

The social circle is too narrow, which will lead to the chance of encountering true love becoming smaller and smaller, and if you don't go out one day, you won't meet the really right person one day.

Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

Three: The vision is too high, and there is no clear and correct understanding of the self

In addition to being too independent and addicted to the unreal world, there is also one of the most important reasons that women who have been single for a long time, often have a particularly high vision and do not have a correct understanding of themselves.

They are always asking for others, but they rarely ask of themselves. Even if your own conditions are particularly poor, you will ask the other party to be good enough. For example, if you earn five thousand a month, you will require your other half to earn fifty thousand a month in the future, otherwise you will feel insecure.

But this kind of demand is unrealistic, and people with a monthly salary of fifty thousand are indeed not in the minority, but why should they look up to you? People have a strong mentality, the goal is always stronger than themselves, better people, they will not look down, only look up, so it is almost impossible to expect them to see you.

This reminds women who have been single for a long time that you are not without a chance to meet true love, you just have too high a vision and automatically filter out a lot of the otherwise suitable people.

If you don't adjust your mindset and view of marriage, it's hard to meet someone who is really the right person.

Women who have been single for a long time often have three obvious characteristics, which are very different from ordinary people

In fact, everyone has their own rhythm of life, there is nothing wrong with being single, the key to the problem is whether you are actively single or passively single. Active singleness is a choice for oneself, while passive singleness is that no one looks at oneself, and there is an essential gap between the two.

The former is worthy of respect, which is a manifestation of assertiveness, while the latter requires reflection on oneself, because to a large extent, it is your own reason.


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