
Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

Introduction: The holidays of the workers have long ended, and the children's holidays have been "insufficient". Although parents sincerely hope that the family's mythical beast can start school soon, the children are reluctant to love the winter vacation. Many parents have found that when they are close to returning to school, the children's state seems to be somewhat "sluggish", and they even do not want to complete their winter vacation homework.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

In fact, the psychology of children who do not want to go to school is the same as the psychology of parents who do not want to go to work, but they are more likely to be affected by this negative emotion. And parents should also do a good job of guiding and relieving the work, do not let their children be targeted by the "holiday syndrome".

Ms. Wang's family is in kindergarten Erbao, after the Lantern Festival, will start school, which makes Ms. Wang overjoyed, but makes the little one "worried". Ms. Wang said, "From this week on, the child has to get up every morning and ask, 'How many days is my mother until I start school?'" Seeing the child's worried look, Ms. Wang really felt sad and funny.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

Of course, it is not only Erbao who does not want to go to school at home, but also Dabao, who is in elementary school, but also begins to be anxious. Ms. Wang found through observation, "Dabao's learning status in the past few days is obviously not good, not only is it not good to complete the study plan I formulated, but even the winter vacation homework does not want to write!" ”

After being "reminded" by his mother, Dabao responded with a sad face, "I am not mentally prepared for the start of school!" Why did the holidays go by so quickly, I felt as if I had just had a holiday yesterday! Hearing Dabao say this, Ms. Wang agreed in her heart, after all, as an office worker, she also thought so in her heart.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

However, for the sake of her children's studies, Ms. Wang had to make a hard effort to be a "bad person". So she spent a whole hour doing Dabao's ideological work, but the reality was that it had little effect. Looking at the child's unintentional learning and anxiety all day, Ms. Wang was a little worried, "If the child starts school like this, it will definitely affect the learning!" However, in the face of young children, Ms. Wang did not know how to intervene.

01. What are the specific manifestations of "holiday syndrome"?

The so-called "holiday syndrome" actually refers to a psychological discomfort that individuals appear after the holiday.

When the contrast between holiday life and subsequent study and work life is very large, the performance of this "holiday syndrome" will be very obvious. Children who are plagued by "holiday syndrome" often show symptoms such as mental malaise, low learning efficiency, drowsiness or insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, and in severe cases, children will also have physiological reactions such as high fever and nausea.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

Usually most children's holiday life is more relaxed and casual, this kind of loose life and learning state, making them more likely to have a tense learning rhythm after that, bored, disgusted, fearful. That is to say, the more chaotic the holiday life, the lack of learning plans, and the more likely children who have not developed good learning habits are to be targeted by "holiday syndrome".

02. What kind of troubles will the "holiday syndrome" bring to the children after the school starts? The "sequelae" are obvious

Children who are invaded by the "holiday syndrome" will not only be more troubled during the holidays, but will also be affected after the end of the holidays and the start of school, so the sequelae of the "holiday syndrome" are still very obvious.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

After the start of school, children who are disturbed by the "holiday syndrome" are easy to show boredom, and there may even be a series of derivative problems, such as tense relationships with teachers and classmates, and obvious rebellious feelings towards parents.

In terms of life, children with "holiday syndrome" may also have loss of appetite and indigestion. Unable to adapt to the rhythm of learning life, they cannot swallow and their daily nutritional intake is insufficient. This will naturally have a certain negative impact on the health of children whose body is in the period of growth and development.

03, close to the return time, these tricks to help children alleviate the infestation of "holiday syndrome"

Children with "holiday syndrome" may also have low learning efficiency and declining grades. Unable to concentrate, they will be affected in class performance and after-school learning, which can easily lead to unsatisfactory test results after the start of school, affecting their enthusiasm for learning.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

Move 1: Adjust the daily schedule and refuse to reverse black and white

Many children have the habit of staying up late in bed during the winter vacation, which is not only detrimental to their physical health, but also affects their learning status during the day. Therefore, when the school is approaching, parents must consciously supervise and guide their children to adjust their biological clock and return to a healthy daily routine as soon as possible.

When children's nighttime sleep time is guaranteed, their mental state during the day is more likely to get rid of the atrophy. "Sleeping well" is the best way to help children get rid of emotional distress and psychological stress.

Trick 2: Make a scientific learning plan and urge your child to return to the right track of learning

There are many children who lack the supervision of the learning plan during the holidays, which makes their completion of the learning content of the holidays very limited. Therefore, when the school is close to the beginning of the school, parents must pay attention to the arrangement of their children's learning plans, help them complete the learning content in the final vacation time, and refuse to procrastinate addiction.

If the child can get rid of procrastination and become more disciplined, then it means that the child is one step closer to returning to the right track of learning.

Near the time to return to school, children are "insomnia and anxiety", parents need to be vigilant against "holiday syndrome"

Move 3: Improve eating habits and exercise appropriately

Regularly eating three meals a day can help children achieve the recovery of gastrointestinal function and help improve gastrointestinal disorders. At the same time, proper exercise can mobilize children's enthusiasm for life, which makes it easier for them to obtain an energetic physical state. At the same time, exercise also helps children relax their mood and relieve emotional stress.

Move 4: Adjust your mindset and stimulate your enthusiasm for learning

The adjustment of the child's mentality is also very important, if the child's own attitude can be changed, parents will be more relaxed in the supervision and guidance work. Parents can prepare some inspirational books for them, so that children can achieve self-psychological adjustment in reading.


"Holiday syndrome" makes children very troubled, which has something to do with the lack of self-discipline in children. If parents can use this to improve their children's self-discipline, I believe that this will be of great benefit to their later learning life.

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