
Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage


Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage

The bravery of the child should have different definitions depending on the age, for the two or three-year-old child, I think there are still some things he can do within the scope of his ability and ability, and these things must be based on the different personalities of the child. Bravery can only cultivate and guide, can not dominate and force, within these ranges, children can try as many and effective as possible different life experiences, for children is related to play.


Smile at the child often, do not ignore the opportunity to communicate with the child, smile and whisper to the child can make the child feel that the other party loves himself, not only make the child feel safe, have a basic trust in the world, but also make the child feel their own value, so that full of confidence, happy to explore the world, and can promote the development of children's language ability.

Children speak very quietly on the podium or in public, and the performance feels obviously lacking in self-confidence, this time the child may have grown up in an environment that is not too many people from childhood, and has not established the awareness of the podium and public speech since childhood, this situation in addition to more encouragement, but also need to take the child to the podium, on the stage, more exercise in the podium, stage and public occasions to speak the ability. You can bring your child with you, or you can report some relevant training to your child. The effect is still good.

Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage


Patients with stage phobia usually have no difference from ordinary people, but whenever they face the audience on stage, they will unconsciously show embarrassment, anxiety, nervousness, and fear, and some physical symptoms will appear, such as shortness of breath, flushing face, etc. Actors with timid, cowardly, introverted and other personality traits are particularly susceptible to the influence of stage phobia, and before going on stage, they will often use avoidance or escape to relieve their anxiety and tension.

Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage


Children have less life experience, no failure experience they often show their own high expectations, when facing the audience and other children's eyes, they are particularly afraid that in case of "messing up" others will laugh at themselves, this fear and anxiety intertwined emotions, leading to the occurrence of "stage phobia", just like children's original confident performance, because of the special fear of being laughed at by children and overly nervous, resulting in failure on the stage.

Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage


Before the child goes on stage, parents do not deliberately create tension for the child, rather than constantly saying to the child to cheer up, a joke can completely dissolve the tension pressure before going on stage, in addition to physical contact with the child, it can also effectively alleviate the tension caused by stage phobia, such as parents can use their arms to hug the child, touch the child's head with their hands, etc. Parents can set a loose "passing line" for the child Parents can develop a "passing line" for the child, do not require him to perform well, Only require him to perform a pass, parents in daily life should also pay attention not to be too harsh on the child, no matter whether the child is excellent or not, parents must give him a strong love, children who grow up in love, will be full of confidence in the future road of life, overcome fear.

Baoshen Media | "self-confidence" is the standard for children to appear on the stage

Self-confidence has a role in the development of children can not be underestimated, confident children take the initiative to try, but also willing to accept the pick, on the contrary, if the child lacks self-confidence, the child will not have enthusiasm for anything, do things always afraid of failure, do not dare to try, thus losing a lot of opportunities for progress, unconfident children pay more attention to the results, and confident children value more is the process.

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