
Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

If ask these days

Who is at the top of the Beijing Winter Olympics?

Mascot "Ice Pier"

Must have a seat

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

It's done with strength

What is "a pier is hard to find"

Netizens want to have an ice pier

It is also the use of eighteen martial arts

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

Orange Pier (Netizen @ Rob)

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

Snow Pier (Netizen @ First Encounter 7 Babe)

Why are ice piers so beloved?

Let's hear it

How design art masters taste

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

#全球性IP的一次成功打造 #

Han Zhanning

Famous designer and curator, founder and creative director of Shenzhen Asia Copper Design Consulting Co., Ltd

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

The mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "ice pier", is a big fire, and it is already a "pier" that is difficult to find. Since I am friends with Cao Xue, the chief designer of the "ice pier", and Liu Pingyun, the chief executive, many people have asked me how to buy the "ice pier" in the past few days. This made me start to think about why the "ice pier" was so hot.

First of all, I think it is the success of the image selection of the panda and the success of the "cute" shape design, and the design of the crystal ultra-soft plush texture and ice shell adds modern and international attributes, which is conducive to the acceptance and love of the global audience. The affinity of ultra-soft plush and silicone rubber shell texture is also the reason for the popularity. The super platform nature of the Olympic Games has magnified such success, and it can be said that the "ice pier" is a truly successful global original IP design.

The second is the modernity and internationalization of the shape, and even the future. On the one hand, this is the Chinese attribute of the "panda" itself, and on the other hand, it is actually our national cultural self-confidence today. In fact, the intervention of many traditional cultural elements will also cause obstacles to international cultural exchanges in many cases. The modernity, internationalization, and even futurism of the "ice pier" is also one of the reasons why it is accepted and loved by global audiences.

Therefore, I believe that the design of the "ice pier" is a global original IP design in the true sense; its success is not only the success of Chinese design, but also highlights the true sense of national cultural self-confidence.

In addition, I also hosted an exhibition "National Image • Olympic Vision" exhibition on "Ice Pier" for the design team of the "Ice Pier" of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Shenzhen, which is currently being exhibited at the Shenzhen Sea World Art Center, and as of February 20, everyone is welcome to visit the punch card.

#冰墩墩身上寓意三种 "warmth" #

Liu Pingyun

Chief Executive Officer of Mascot Design for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Vice Dean of School of Visual Arts and Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

Recently, many relatives and friends have asked me if I still have an "ice pier", and some people have asked me to sign the "ice pier" they bought, as the designer we are very pleased, because this heat has reached the biggest wish of the original design: that is, I hope that the outside public and children can like this mascot.

The reason why the image of "ice pier" is so popular is that it means three kinds of "warmth": one is the shell of ice crystals based on the sugar coating of the ice gourd symbolizes sweet warmth; the second is that the colored ice ribbon visually breaks the single black and white effect presented by the traditional panda, bringing warmth in color; third, the love in the palm of the "ice pier" symbolizes peace and hope, and is the warmth of peace and hope transmitted by China to the world.

I think that a good mascot image design needs to meet three elements. First, relevance. The design of any mascot should coincide with the theme of its "service" in order to give the viewer an exclusive transmission.

The design of the "ice pier" ice shell is to convey to people that this is a grand event of ice and snow sports, which makes it look like an ordinary panda; followed by the local nature of the mascot. As the host's carrier to show its national or urban image, the mascot needs to reflect the local cultural characteristics; the third is the era. That is, the design of the work should keep up with the times and be as pleasing as possible. For example, the designer should think that there are two main groups that pay for the mascot, one is the official, or the organizer, and the other is the consumer, the image is not pleasing, and everyone will not spend money to buy your peripheral products.

This time, our "ice pier" design method has a lot of innovations, especially with the help of high-tech three-dimensional technology instead of hand-painting, ink and other traditional ways to create, showing a new visual experience. Panda is a cultural symbol, how to combine the historical symbol code and the current symbol code, innovate in the inheritance, and design a future-oriented, distinctive panda is the difficulty of creation. Finally, we buckled the "ice ribbon" of the National Speed Skating Hall to the helmet of the "ice pier", and the flowing color lines symbolized the track of ice and snow sports and 5G high technology. In addition, the overall shape of the "ice pier" is like an astronaut, and the aerospace industry is a modern scientific and technological undertaking and a common cause of mankind, which has a good meaning.

The creation of "Ice Pier" is the crystallization of collective wisdom, and under the leadership of Professor Cao Xue, 14 teachers and students of our Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts have finally stood out from 5816 design schemes after 21 major changes and thousands of adjustments. The High Level of the Winter Olympics, highly valued by everyone, and in the design process, every member was under great pressure and overloaded work intensity. Countless times we have felt that we are on the verge of despair, but we think, hold on a little longer, in case it becomes. I didn't expect it to be really successful!

#让更多优秀设计 "break the circle" out #

Zhang Hao

Chairman of Shenzhen Graphic Design Association, Visiting Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Why is the "ice pier" loved by everyone, the designers say...

If in the field of the Summer Olympic Games, athletes challenge the limits of human beings themselves, then the Winter Olympics have an additional pride in challenging nature. Riding the clouds and driving the fog in the ice and snow, the wind is fast, not only the sensory enjoyment of "helping to soar up to 90,000 miles", but also the spiritual inspiration of "plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold".

There are many people who analyze the reasons for the success of the "ice pier", including: clever prototype setting (panda), excellent naming (overlapping characters), strong communication power (national level), etc., these reasons are correct, but we compare the mascots of similar activities in China and abroad vertically and horizontally, in fact, there are not a few cases that meet the above conditions, but why the "ice pier" can stand out is worth pondering.

I think it's important that "ice piers" have several unique design techniques:

First, to the soft and warm panda set a transparent shell, its inspiration comes from the ice sugar gourd and ice and snow, the ice shell is not only associated with ice and snow sports, but also full of science and technology and sense of the future, there is a very strong exclusivity and era; the face is decorated with a colorful aura, which is inspired by the national speed skating hall - "ice ribbon", the flow of colorful lines have the Olympic five rings, ice and snow track and other associations, but also to the black and white panda added rich color details; the overall image resembles an astronaut, as if through time and space, It echoes the rapid development of China's aerospace industry in recent years and arouses the patriotic feelings of the Chinese people.

Second, the proportion and posture of the head and body shape of the "ice pier" are references to the cub panda, which is more cute and cute than the 2008 Beijing Olympic Fuwa, which is in line with the current aesthetic trend.

Third, the "ice pier" that has undergone 21 major reforms and tens of thousands of small adjustments has been refined in detail and has rich connotations.

Fourth, the "ice pier" follows the Spacecraft such as Tianwen-1 in close contact with Mars and the Moon, and also has exquisite animations related to astronautics.

Overall, the design team got rid of the shackles of traditional thinking and let the panda elements old bottles of new wine and shine again. Including the Winter Olympics, every large-scale sports and cultural activities are a comprehensive display of the national image and strength, and graphic design is the most condensed and intuitive means to shape the brand image, the logo, custom font library, medals, torches, clothing and other designs of the Winter Olympics are also very successful, art and technology are the same color, tradition and fashion fly together. Design is originally to serve life, I believe that with social progress and the aesthetic improvement of the national level, design is no longer just a matter discussed in the design circle, there will be more and more excellent design "breaking the circle" out, serving the people's livelihood, "beauty and commonality, the world is the same".

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