
Reading history books ~ War reparations for the benevolence of the enemy is cruelty to oneself! 二战后德国的赔偿:1945年‬第‬二次‬世界‬大‬战‬结束‬后‬,德

author:Capsule heart

Read history books ~ war reparations

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

Reparations in Germany after World War II:

1945年‬第‬二次‬世界‬大‬战‬结束‬后‬,德国向‬战胜国‬赔款总计‬是54亿英镑,如果折算成白银约‬400亿两。 德‬国一直‬到‬二‬十‬一世纪才‬最‬终‬赔偿‬完毕‬。

Look at China!

In 1951, the United States, without The participation of the Chinese side, held a meeting in San Francisco and signed a "Treaty with Japan" on Behalf of China, announcing that it would abandon its demand for war reparations from Japan. At that time, New China had not yet joined the United Nations, and the strait side signed the "China-Japan Peace Treaty" with Japan in 1952, announcing that it had renounced Japan's war reparations. In this regard, Japan's war reparations have been legally terminated.


☞ With the exception of China, the other countries invaded by Japan have received some compensation to a greater or lesser extent, such as Myanmar's compensation of 72 billion yen (about 200 million US dollars), the Philippines of 198 billion yen (about 550 million US dollars), Indonesia's 80 billion yen (about 220 million US dollars), Vietnam's 14.4 billion yen (about 38 million US dollars), a total of more than 360 billion yen (about 1 billion US dollars).

☞ Looking further ahead, the Compensation given to Japan by the Qing Government:


After the Ryukyu Incident in 1874, the Qing Dynasty paid 500,000 taels of indemnity to Japan, including 400,000 taels of Japanese monastic construction and 100,000 taels of pensions stipulated in the Sino-Japanese "Beijing Special Articles".


At the end of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War in 1895, the two sides signed the Treaty of Maguan, and the Qing Dynasty compensated Japan with a total of 230 million taels of silver.

☞ Look, is Little Japan grateful? No, it's like a vicious wolf, and you only know how bad you are if you beat him to death or hurt him.

"The Farmer and the Snake's Tale" is often staged!

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and if they fall behind, they will be beaten!

Taking history as a mirror, when the country becomes stronger, the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Reading history books ~ War reparations for the benevolence of the enemy is cruelty to oneself! 二战后德国的赔偿:1945年‬第‬二次‬世界‬大‬战‬结束‬后‬,德
Reading history books ~ War reparations for the benevolence of the enemy is cruelty to oneself! 二战后德国的赔偿:1945年‬第‬二次‬世界‬大‬战‬结束‬后‬,德
Reading history books ~ War reparations for the benevolence of the enemy is cruelty to oneself! 二战后德国的赔偿:1945年‬第‬二次‬世界‬大‬战‬结束‬后‬,德

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