
The 112 famous poems let children feel the beauty in ancient poems

Poetry rooted in the heart, subtly calm

Four seasons, folklore, landscapes, grass worms, children's fun...

112 famous poems open the door to children's beauty, language, imagination and reading ability

The 112 famous poems let children feel the beauty in ancient poems

Ancient Poems for Children

Author: Wang Xin

Publisher: Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House| Kuwei Culture

Seven themes, situational recitation

The ancients wrote poems and lyrics, involving a wide range of content, "Ancient Poems for Children" for the growth characteristics of children, divided into the following seven parts - "Thousand Purple and Thousand Red Is Always Spring", "Green Trees Shade and Thick Summer Day", "I Say Autumn Wins Spring Dynasty", "Absolutely Love the Early Winter Wanwa Frost", "And Happy Good Season in the World", "Sitting on the Mountains and Rivers Swallowing the Sun and Moon", "All Things Are Self-Sufficient", respectively, showing the four-hour scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter, traditional Chinese festivals, mountains and rivers, pavilions and pavilions, animals and plants and the situation of childlike fun. A selection of 112 famous poems by 60 famous poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao, etc., so that children can perfectly connect the real world with the literary world. Touch the scene and express emotions with beautiful verses. Read the text to understand the meaning, in the ancient poems to feel the spirit of nature, the beauty of Huazhang.

The 112 famous poems let children feel the beauty in ancient poems

Must-have poems to help you learn

The poems selected in the book are moderately long, catchy, and easy to recite. Each poem is accompanied by standard pronunciation syllables, one sentence after another, and the beauty of rhyme and imagery are integrated. Professional annotations to help children quickly and accurately understand the poems. Translations and appreciations spread out the ancient poems that condense the essence of the Chinese language and enlighten the hearts of children in a simple and simple way. In addition, each author is accompanied by a short biography to help children understand the author's life, which is also a knowledge point that needs to be mastered in classroom learning. With a roll in hand, you can comprehensively enhance your child's sense of language, beauty, imagination and reading ability. Suitable for children of all ages to read and parent-child reading, enjoy the fun of barrier-free reading.

The selected poems in the book contain more than 50 required poems in the primary and secondary school examination syllabus, which are not only suitable for children's extracurricular reading, but also helpful for children's primary school, middle school, and even university examinations.

About the Author

Wang Xin: Director of Lianyungang Essay Association and member of China Preschool Education Society. Chinese language and literature, preschool education double education, senior primary school teacher, from teaching for 28 years, engaged in literary creation for 20 years, won the honorary titles of "Guanyun Famous Teacher" and "Lianyungang Excellent Gardener". Published works: essay collection "Jia Lan Listening to the Rain", educational anthology "Turning Stones into Gold", Chinese Studies Monographs "The Wisdom of Disciple Rules", "Chinese Style and Family Training" and so on.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng editor Dai Yujing

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