
There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

author:Flying Raven Science

In the world of martial arts, every move and style contains a deep culture and philosophy. Today, let's take a closer look at the 10 martial arts that have proven to be the strongest in actual combat, not only in terms of their technical uniqueness, but also in their spiritual sense.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

10th place: Filipino Short Stick – Agile Weapon Dancer

Filipino short stick art, a fighting art that uses short weapons as a medium, is known for its fast, direct, and practical fighting style. It's not just a weapon trick, it's an art of harnessing the power of your opponent. In actual combat, the short stick technique emphasizes quick counterattacks after dodging and defusing the opponent's attacks, with a particular focus on the head, wrists, or joints. This technique is more ferocious with the blessing of the weapon, but in the case of bare hands, its strength is slightly reduced.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

No. 9: Judo - the philosophy of overcoming rigidity with softness

Judo, a martial art founded by Japanese Jigoro Kano, is not only a sport, but also a spiritual cultivation. At its core, it's about using your opponent's strength and movement to subdue your opponent, rather than fighting them outright. Judo's practical techniques include falls, ground control, locks, and chokes, and are designed to be won by skill rather than brute force.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

8th place: Aikido – the embodiment of the power of harmony

Aikido, a martial art derived from the Japanese Daito-ryu Aiki Jiu-Jitsu, is known for its unique techniques of cutting into opponents' dead ends, destroying the center, attacking joints, or wrestling. It is not only an unarmed martial art, but it can also be combined with weapons such as knives, swords, sticks, and staffs, showing the diversity and practical nature of Aikido.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

No. 7: Sanda – the essence of kickboxing

Sanda, a full-contact combat sport originated from China, is known for its practicality and practicality. It does not have a set sequence of movements, encouraging free flow and diverse technical applications, including boxing, kicking, wrestling, fluttering, and ground fighting, among others.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

6th place: Karate – a fusion of speed and power

Karate, a martial art school that combines ancient martial arts and Chinese boxing, is known for its fast, accurate, and precise technique. It is not only a martial arts technique, but also a mental cultivation that improves strength, speed, flexibility and endurance through repeated practice and physical training.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

5th place: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – a master of ground fighting

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, founded by Brazilian martial artists Glorio Gerstaal and Carlos Gracie, is known for its ground grappling techniques, including wrestling, joint locking, and choking techniques, among others. It takes into account differences in size and strength, allowing small, weak people to have an advantage in confrontations.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

Fourth place: Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee's philosophy of actual combat

Jeet Kune Do, founded by Bruce Lee, is known for its practicality and practical fighting at its core. It has no complicated movements, focuses on quick reflexes and punch speed, and is known for its legs and punches, emphasizing quick suppression of opponents during fights.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

3rd place: Wing Chun – a combination of flexibility and ferocity

Wing Chun, a traditional martial art in Guangdong, is known for its agility and ferocity. It hits the nail on the head, quickly and accurately, showcasing the style of Wing Chun with form and momentum.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

Second place: Muay Thai – Thailand's national sport

Muay Thai, Thailand's national sport and cultural heritage, is known for its boxing combinations, kicks, knees, and elbows. It focuses on the cultivation of physical fitness and technical training, and is loved for its fierce confrontation, high technical and ornamental nature.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

1st Place: Israeli Martial Arts – Protector in Actual Combat

Israeli Martial Arts, also known as Krav Maga, is a special military combat technique created by the Israel Defense Forces. Its core philosophy is to protect one's own life and the lives of others in an emergency, emphasizing the effects of quick reflexes and attacks to subdue opponents with minimal force and time.

There are thousands of fighting techniques, powerful fighting techniques are deadly, and you know the top ten fighting techniques

Every martial art is the crystallization of human wisdom, they are not only fighting skills, but also an art of life and spiritual cultivation. Behind these techniques is a deep understanding of strength, speed, skill and wisdom, as well as respect for life and peace.