
#人到中年, what do you have to say to everyone # If people have a car and a house in middle age, and they hold an asset in their hands, then the ability to resist the crisis is much stronger, and the heart is naturally a lot more practical

author:Danger is known

#人到中年, what do you have to say to everyone # If people have a car and a house in middle age, and then hold an asset in their hands, then the ability to resist the crisis is much stronger, and the heart is naturally much more practical, which is equivalent to having an admission ticket to the door of wealth.

However, we should also be soberly aware that having an admission ticket does not mean that we have entered the house. This ticket will lead to the "gate of wealth" if used well, and it may take you into the "bankruptcy hell" if it is not used well.

When people reach middle age, if, as mentioned earlier, they have accumulated both wealth in half a lifetime, and they may also have "taken for granted" investment "empiricism". However, this kind of "empiricism" often does not lead us to another peak of wealth, but on the contrary, it is likely to make people fall into the financial abyss and find it difficult to turn over.

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