
One day to learn, right brain memory pi 3. after a hundred digits. 1415926535897932384626433832795028841971

author:Growth drivers

One day to learn, right brain memory pi 3. after a hundred digits.

14 15 92 65 35 89 79 32 38 46 26 43 38 32 79 50 28 84 19 71 69 39 93 75 10 58 20 97

49 44 59 23 07 81 64 06 28 62 08 99 86 28 03 48 25 34 21 17 06 79

Memory Method:

(1) Coding chain method

(2) Story chain method

(3) Positioning chain method

Key Step: Familiarize yourself with memorizing 0-100 codes

The logic behind it:

14-Key 🔑15-Parrot 🦜92-Ball ⚽️65-Urinal Pot 35-Mountain Tiger 🐯89-Plantain 79-Balloon 🎈32-Fan 38-Women

46- Feed 26 - River 43 - Stone Mountain ⛰️38 - Women 32 - Fan 79 - Balloon 🎈50 - Wulin 28 - Bully 84 - Bus 🚌19 - Cloth Hook 71 - Chicken Wing 🐔69 - Bagua 39 - Hill ⛰️ 93 - Old Umbrella 🌂75 - Suit 🤵10 - Cricket 🏏️58 - Tail 🐿️20 - Smoking 🚬97 - Old Flag 🏳️ ⚧️49 - Wet Ghost - 44 - Snake 🐍59 - Centipede 23 - Monk 👨 🦲07- Hoe ⛏️81 - Termite 64 - Screw 🔩06 - Pistol 28 - Bully 62 - Cow 🐮08 - Skates ⛸️99 - Uncle 86 - Eight Road 28 - Bully 03 Bench 48 - Stone Slab 25 - Erhu 34 - Three Silk 21 - Crocodile 🐊17 - Instrument 🔬06 Pistol 🔫79 - Balloon 🎈

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