
There was an explosion in the Bass Strait, and in the face of the "spiritual victory method" of the United States and the Philippines, China can no longer hold back

There was an explosion in the Bass Strait, and in the face of the "spiritual victory method" of the United States and the Philippines, China can no longer hold back

Since Marcos provoked the dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, the Philippines has remained on the back foot, even with the support of the United States. Seeing that he had no way to deal with China, the Philippines joined forces with the United States to vent its "grievances" on a Chinese-made ship. In the recent US-Philippine joint military exercises, the Philippines used a Chinese-made civilian ship to imitate the Chinese Navy's warship and "show" an invasion of the Philippines, while the United States and the Philippines played a defensive role and sank the "Chinese-made" ship.

In the face of this move by the United States and the Philippines, the evaluation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country can be said to be to the point, and spokesman Lin Jian bluntly said that this is using the "spiritual victory method" to comfort itself. Just like Mr. Lu Xun's Ah Q, when he encounters a strong enemy, he always tries to comfort himself by doing something that he doesn't have. This is the current state of the US-Philippine alliance, they can only comfort themselves with such hypothetical attacks, and then cheer inexplicably.

There was an explosion in the Bass Strait, and in the face of the "spiritual victory method" of the United States and the Philippines, China can no longer hold back

Although it is a bit funny, I have to admit that the Philippines today is really determined to constantly provoke China in the South China Sea and become a "bridgehead" for the United States. At the beginning, China was very patient with the Philippines, but the Marcos government has repeatedly made inroads, and in this case, China can no longer be forbearing, and there is no need to be forbearing. At this stage, we are only using water cannons to sober up hot-headed Filipinos. In the future, if China really wants to play with the Philippines in the South China Sea, it will be a high probability event that the "planting island" construction team will reappear. It's not surprising that it hasn't appeared now, after all, it's better to counter this kind of thing, or layer by layer. When the construction team of "Taneshima" begins to work, if anyone dares to launch a provocation again, China will not be welcome. I just don't know if the Philippines or the United States will give us a chance to be polite. More than 10 years ago, when China first began to "plant islands," the Philippines was unable to stop it, while the United States did not have the courage to stop it.

There was an explosion in the Bass Strait, and in the face of the "spiritual victory method" of the United States and the Philippines, China can no longer hold back

In general, no matter how provocative the Philippines is, we will respond accordingly. But we all know that all this is manipulated by the United States behind the scenes, so China has not only warned the Philippines, but also repeatedly hinted that the Philippines should not become cannon fodder in the game of the United States against China, and if they do not listen, then China will not be able to get used to them.

There was an explosion in the Bass Strait, and in the face of the "spiritual victory method" of the United States and the Philippines, China can no longer hold back

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