
We might as well follow his seven soul visits and make a soul journey

author:The wings are climbable

The Lebanese-American writer Gibran visited the depths of his soul seven times and despised his own heart.

Here we might as well look at his seven soul visits, after which we can also take a look at our own true nature.

For the first time, when it could have been enterprising, it pretended to be humble.

What we don't have yet can be obtained on tiptoe, but we choose to give it up, and we will call it "meaningless", "unnecessary", "not", and so on, as excuses.

On the surface, this is a casual humility, but in fact it is an excuse for not wanting to work hard, synonymous with weakness.

In reality, no matter what, if the jumping foot can be picked, just jump, if you fail, it is much less regret than not trying your best.

We might as well follow his seven soul visits and make a soul journey

The second time, when it is empty, fill it with love.

The so-called desire for love refers not only to one's own lust, but also to the desire for material things.

In essence, this desire stems from one's own lack of self-confidence and insecurity in one's heart.

When we are empty and lonely, in fact, what we need most should be the abundance of our own hearts, rather than asking for it from the outside, because the borrowed fire can only illuminate for a while, not for a lifetime. If you want to shine forever, you also need a heart lamp that you give yourself.

The third time, between difficult and easy, it chose easy.

Many people at the crossroads of life will choose easy and let themselves fall in the comfort zone, but in fact, we should choose to work causes and effects.

The fourth time, it makes a mistake, but it comforts itself by making a mistake that others will also make.

The reason why a person will succeed is that he must be looking upwards to find a reference object, and if he looks downwards, it will only get worse and worse, and eventually he will fail.

The fifth time, it is free and weak, but it is regarded as the tenacity of life

A small stream sings and walks happily on the road, and when it passes a mound, it does not fight, it does not have the tenacity of the sea and the river, nor does it have the patience of the tower to gather sand, but it flows with its own nature, so it is destined to be a thin stream for life.

Any success is not achieved overnight, but to go through a storm, through a lot of twists and turns, in order to be proud of the world.

We might as well follow his seven soul visits and make a soul journey

The sixth time, when it despised an ugly face, it did not know that it was one of its own masks.

For example, when we are shopping, someone clips three children, which makes our hearts very angry.

And once we see that there is a big gap between the two people, we will unconsciously have the psychology of sandwiching three children.

So, ugly masks like this, occasionally we ourselves have.

The seventh time, it was sideways in the mud of life, and although it was not willing, it was afraid of its head and tail.

Many people are in the quagmire of life, staggering and walking, although they have experienced the vicissitudes of the world, but they will be somewhat unwilling.

However, in the depths of our souls, a voice often appears to hinder our pace.

Although life is not a philanthropist, it will not satisfy all our wishes, and even sometimes, it will give you a heavy slap and beat you hard, but if you can stand up, you will become the king, even if you fall by chance, but there is no collapse, but the dust continues to move forward, so it is also a victor.

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