
I understand you're coming, so I wait!

1, I give you my whole soul, along with its quirks, little temper, flickering light and darkness, eighteen hundred kinds of bad things. It's so nasty, only a little good, love you. ——Wang Xiaobo, "Loving You Is Like Loving Life"

2, the blossoming of flowers is a sentence, the night is a piece. Dusk begins to write, and dawn is countless title pages. The whole world put together a poem, I love you as the last line. ——Zhang Jiajia

3, it doesn't matter if you are alone, as long as you can love a person from the bottom of your heart, life will be saved. Even if you can't live with him. - Haruki Murakami, "1Q84"

I understand you're coming, so I wait!

4, some people think that love is sex, it is marriage, it is a kiss at six o'clock in the morning, it is a bunch of children, maybe it is true, Miss Lester. But you know what I think? I think love is about touching and withdrawing your hand. - Salinger, "The Heart of a Broken Story"

5, if humans have tails, it is a bit embarrassing to say. As long as I am with you, I will not be able to stop shaking. ——Riki Kitagawa," "Three Quotes"

6, a person who loves me, if love stutters and speaks incoherently, I know that he loves me. ——Mu Xin's "Literary Memoirs"

I understand you're coming, so I wait!

7, before I met her, I was not afraid of death, I was not afraid of traveling, nor did I worry about a long time, but now I have never thought about the future so sincerely. —— Rao Pingru, "Ping Ru Meitang"

8, when you think that you will eventually be your passerby, you feel that you have become a passerby of the whole world. The wind, though strong, went around my soul. - Bessie, "Passerby"

9, I understand you're coming, so I wait. ——Shen Congwen, "After the Rain"

I understand you're coming, so I wait!

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