
Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world

Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world

Earthly travel is slow

The world is bustling, and it is too late to look closely.

I don't want to go through a dream like a flower,

How can the world be true or false, such as the water moon mirror flower,

It was a bamboo basket to draw water, and it turned into nothing in an instant.

Then walk slowly, look at the April lotus, june willow, September begonia.

From dawn to dusk, the nebula sinks into the dream,

Look at how much flowers fall in the dream.

Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world.

Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world

Ben is

Ben was a human prisoner, rushing from the cape to the end of the world.

But because of the flowers blooming thousands of rolls, gargling stone pillow streams, peach blossom face,

And stop hurrying and fall in love with the cool and thin world.

Ben is an idle person in the courtyard of locust flowers, burning incense and tea and slowly boiling time.

But because of this, he is also a teenager, dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, fighting in the end of the world.

Originally the green lantern does not return to the guest, the red dust is indifferent to the wind and moon.

But because of his lust for the wine in this cup, the man in the painting could not bear to return,

I had to spend the rest of my life in this complicated world.

Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world


The moon in the mountains is bright, and the clothes of those who have returned from the mountain tour are slightly cool with dew.

Bright moon pine light, shining in the stream, babbling into people's hearts;

At that time, the moon was there, shining on the guqin, and the moon dew was stained with flowers;

The bright moon rises out of the Heavenly Mountains, shining among the sea of clouds, and half of the streamers reflect the purity.

A round of mountain moon, see the empty pond fish shadow, hide the high bird cloud heart, the moon in the mountain, Lang shines on the world.

The shadow under the moon was shallow, and I did not know how to see several people returning.

Once stepped on the moon, walked deep through the bamboo forest, passed the peach tree,

Bring back a piece of moonlight in the mountains, and go back to sandwich it in the song words, like a faint melancholy.

Ask the wind to borrow a scene, and groan and walk in the earthly world

Lean on the wind to go

There are colorful colors in the spring wind. With a peach blossom smile,

The delicacy of the pear blossoms, and the beauty of the spring. Spring morning. Leaning against the door of the old house,

Wait for the wind to come, so that the soul can rely on the wind. The soul is in the wind,

Only in this way can we break free from the external imprisonment and find the original authenticity.

The soul is in the wind, like in the babbling brook in early spring, to remove unnecessary whitewash,

You can get a glimpse of your own sincerity. Not as good as, not as good as in the late spring,

Leaning in front of the door, waiting for the soul to ride the wind, from Huazhi Chunman to the full moon of Tianxin.

About the author

Nanfeng: Born in a small town in Shaanxi, likes to read, likes the poet Shu Ting, index finger. Love all the good in the world.

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