
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas

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The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to direct, in addition to Chris Pratt, Blythe Dallas Howard, Mamodo Assi and others, "Jurassic Park" stars Jeff Gobrunn, Laura Dunn and Sam Neal also confirmed their return to "Jurassic World 3" to continue to play the original role of "Jurassic Park", and the film is scheduled to be released in North America on June 10, 2022. There is a great opportunity for domestic release, after all, the first two are released in China, and the villains are dinosaurs, so they will not carry private goods.

#影视杂谈 #

#侏罗纪世界3定档6月 #

The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas
The first official Chinese character trailer for Jurassic World 3 was released. Colin Trevoro, the director of the first part of the Jurassic series, returned to directing, except for Chris Palat and Blythe Dallas

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