
After watching 300 videos of Luo Xiang, a teacher wrote a letter to an adolescent child in 6 sentences

Author: Creative Group Makino

Dear child,


First of all, thank you for your trust, yesterday was the first time you opened your heart to me. The original intention of writing this letter is also because of the many troubles you and the teacher told you yesterday:

You said that you obviously have so many classmates, but when you want to talk, you can't find a single person;

You say you like the girl at the front table, but every time you pluck up the courage to talk to her, you are nervous to the point of trembling;

You said that you don't know when you started to hate your parents' daily preaching and questioning.

You say you have a lot of pressure to study, you say you have a lot of dreams, but adults only know how to force you to study with your head down! learn! learn!

You feel that your nature is suppressed, your enthusiasm is consumed, your thoughts are ignored, and your heart is not understood.

You are irritable, depressed, helpless, and you feel that your life is withering away.

You want to fight, you want to roar, but you can't do anything!

Seeing you who should have had bright eyes, but now your eyes are full of autumn grass, the teacher is really distressed.

But I also understand you, because what you are experiencing is the past of us adults.

I heard that you like Luo Xiang, who is very popular on the Internet recently, so I will send you these few words of Luo Xiang in the form of a letter today, hoping to answer your confusion at this time:

"A sign of human maturity is not a positive assertion of one's rights,

It's about constantly having empathy for others."

"Can girls shave their heads?"

This is a small problem that Luo Xiang threw in a video.

He believes that shaving or not shaving the head, the decision is up to the child himself, and parents should first respect the child's choice. But the shaving of the head is related to others, such as how parents view this matter.

For example, you often say that not learning is your right, closing the "door" to your parents is your right, what to choose, what to give up, and even life events, this is your right.

But every act of man has a "chain reaction".

As Teacher Luo Xiang said:

"There is no purely free behavior in this world that has nothing to do with the interests of others."

You are in adolescence, young and crazy, fierce, you feel that all your rights are sacred and inviolable, and you are full of the momentum of showing your personality and chasing freedom.

But to assert one's rights is not to be mature.

Your every decision, every choice, is closely related to the people who care about you.

Yu Qiuyu wrote in the "Notes on Mountain Residence": "Maturity is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, an atmosphere that finally stops appealing to the surroundings, a thickness that does not need to be said. ”

Children, not only focus on themselves, but also know how to take care of others; empathy for parents, empathy for others, this is the real maturity.

"To read the great classics of mankind can come out of us."

Self-righteous closure, constantly transcending our limited life"

The writer Yu Hua once told an interesting story when he was reading:

In order to win the debate with his classmates, he would add three words "Lu Xun said" in front of the point of view every time, which made him a constant general in the debate competition.

But in fact, he especially hated Lu Xun, because he felt that Lu Xun's works not only had no literary value, but were full of darkness and dullness.

Even after he became a writer, when he occasionally heard others comment that his articles inherited the spirit of Lu Xun, he even felt that his works were degraded and insulted.

Until he took over a job adapting Lu Xun's works because he was shy. After opening Lu Xun's works again and studying them carefully, he was deeply shocked.

This was surprising, and almost missed the most precious literary treasure because of his narrow-mindedness and prejudice at that time.

The more I read it, the more I was awe-inspired by the realm of Lu Xun's works.

Coincidentally, after reading many classics, Luo Xiang also felt that books had become the strongest support in his heart, becoming the force that made him always sober and determined in the chaos.

He believes that the greatest meaning of reading the scriptures is to get out of our self-righteous closure and constantly transcend our limited present life.

Child, that's exactly what I want to say to you, that the classics are about getting you into dialogue with the greatest soul of humanity.

And this can also allow you to get rid of mediocrity and vulgar thinking, know humility, and get out of pride and prejudice.

"If your eyes are only focused on the underground,

You never know how happy it is to look up."

Child, I remember you complained to me that you hated being in the company of mediocrity.

But you have to know that if you want to meet better people, you must first make yourself a good person.

CCTV host Kang Hui, when he was a guest on Dong Qing's program, someone in the bullet screen commented: "Excellent people will meet at the peak." ”

Don't be limited to your feet, keep going up, not only to let you see better people, but also to let you see a wider world.

Keep going up to climb to the top to enjoy the magnificent scenery.

This is actually the pursuit of a higher level of happiness.

Children, you often complain that studying is too boring, reading is too tedious, and life is too mediocre.

You said that sometimes you also want to be like those who were given an example by Mr. Luo Xiang in the video, in order to fight against the temporarily meaningless blandness in front of you, choose to experience the excitement in some indulgent ways.

For example, it is stuck in short videos, games, or other lower happiness.

But none of this should be the right way to pursue happiness.

The empirical philosopher Aquila once said, "The only purpose for which our spirit lives is to transcend the spirit." ”

The joy of downward indulgence is not happiness, and the spiritual happiness of working upwards, walking upwards, and making you feel human dignity is the real happiness.

"The only certainty in life is an uncertain life"

In the movie "When Happiness Knocks", Chris struggles by running around various hospitals to sell instruments.

After his wife left, Chris, who could not pay the rent, and his son were swept out by the landlord, but he accidentally won an internship at a securities company.

In order to become the lucky one who was left in the end, he tried his best, although there were frequent accidents, but fortunately he finally passed the examination.

At the end of the play, Chris, who holds a large order, recalls the vagaries of life and sighs with emotion: when he was studying, he felt that he would become a pillar of talent, but he did not expect to achieve nothing when he grew up, and after experiencing many hardships, he did not expect to be taken care of by the god of fate again, and his life could be turned over again.

The path of life, suffering and flowers go hand in hand.

Since you can't be sure which one will come first, grasp the moment and try to do what you need to do.

I can accept that the effort backfires, and I also enjoy the success it brings.

The many troubles of adolescence are just the stars in the river of your growth, and the success and failure of a time cannot determine what the future holds.

As Luo Xiang said: "Life is full of challenges, and accidents are a normal state of life." We just need to do our best, leave no regrets, and do everything we can to fight tomorrow's uncertainty. ”

"We can't be great people, we

Can only do small things with great love."

When Luo Xiang was in graduate school, a peasant villager came to the dormitory to borrow a place, but the villager only stayed for a few days before leaving.

By chance, he saw his fellow countrymen who had been frozen in the cold wind in the underground passage of the school, and only then did he know that the other party had only chosen to leave for fear of trouble.

On that day, Luo Xiang and his classmates made up some money to give to their fellow villagers, although it was not much, but it was also a charcoal in the snow.

This incident touched him very deeply at that time, and let him understand: studying law, learning is not only knowledge, not only handling cases, what you do, all affect the lives of others.

Child, if you can't become a great person for the time being and realize your great dreams, then do a good job in the small things around you first, and give warmth to specific people.

There is an old saying: "Mount Tai does not reject fine soil, so it can become its height; the river and sea do not choose thin streams, so they can be deep." ”

"You become a light yourself, and you can illuminate the people around you." And the people around you are illuminated, and you yourself can be illuminated. ”

"Try to act your own script,

There is also wonderful in the midst of pain."

The actor said in an interview Monday: "Every child is born with a script. ”

There will always be some people around us, who are born with the fairy script, and all the way the gold finger is invincible.

But there are more in life than those of us who hold ordinary scripts.

Although your life "script" is not your choice, as long as you work hard and play your "script" well, whether it is pain or adversity, you can have wonderful.

Jiang Mengnan, who was elected as the "2021 Person of the Year who Moved China", has lost her hearing in both ears and taught herself lip language since she was a child, but she overcame the obstacles caused by deafness with perseverance beyond ordinary people, and finally was admitted to Tsinghua University.

As long as you don't give up, even if you take the hell "script", you can still take a smooth path in the thorns.

The book "Psychology of Motivation" mentions the "theory of incrementality", which simply means that each person's personality characteristics and abilities are malleable and can be superimposed and changed over time.

Every persistence and every effort we make may be superimposed into a weight that will eventually change our destiny.

To sum up in Luo Xiang's words, it is not to envy other people's "scripts", try to act your own scripts well, and there are wonderful in pain.

At this point, there is still too much to say.

Children, some people say that puberty is a small cold, uncomfortable, but can also heal itself.

In fact, adolescence is a rare period of solitude in your life.

During this time alone with yourself, you often hear questions and inquiries from the depths of your soul.

This is the first awakening of your inner voice, and its sudden visit may make you feel confused, confused, irritable, and anxious.

But if you can calm down and really answer the questions in the depths of your soul, all your questions will have answers.

And this answer, time will eventually give you...

New Oriental Family Education (ID: xdfjtjy) transmits the concept of professional family education, provides family education information at home and abroad, and shares absorbable and operable methods and suggestions. Make continuous learning a habit for families.

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