
There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

author:Awakening ING

In the past few days, the whole network has almost been dominated by Gu Ailing, and it can be said that an 18-year-old girl has countless fans, and more than five million fans in a single day.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

For me, a middle-aged man with few idols, I admit that I was indeed impressed by this little girl and completely worshipped.

Looking at the whole world, there is no shortage of young people in this world, no shortage of talented people, no shortage of beautiful people, no shortage of tall models, no shortage of powerful school bullies, and no shortage of Olympic champions. But the only thing missing is a combination of the above identities, but China's Gu Ailing can.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Many people use the word perfect to describe her. Yes, there was hardly a single flaw in her body. From the praise of the President of the Olympic Committee, Bach, to the reports of the major central media, from the congratulations of various stars to the pursuit of netizens on various platforms, she has gone to the road of canonization, and even some people predict that her value is comparable to that of an international superstar, and she can continue to dominate the screen for eight years.

For parents who have children, they will look at this mouth of "other people's children" with envious eyes.

Yes, Gu Ailing's birth can hardly be compared with "other people's children", and can be described as unique. Because, it is too difficult to cultivate such a perfect Gu Ailing. Let's take a look at how difficult this really is.

Difficulty one: to have a strong genetic inheritance

There is an old saying: dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the son of a rat will punch holes. Although it is a bit of a joke, sometimes there is some truth to it.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Looking at Gu Ailing's family lineage, you will find that whether it is the father's side or the mother's side, their families are all elites and all of them are academic bullies.

Gu Ailing's father is a Harvard graduate, his grandfather is a Stanford graduate, his mother is a double school bully of Peking University and Stanford, his grandmother is a graduate of Shanghai Jiaotong University, a famous women's basketball player, and his grandfather is also from a famous school, the main football force of the school.

Whether it is learning ability or physical fitness, Gu Ailing has inherited the genetic advantages of both families. Under the inheritance of three generations of genes, a Gu Ailing with high IQ and emotional intelligence and super athletic ability was born.

Turning over her experience: in order to fully prepare for the 2020 Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing completed all the courses in the American high school in only one year; she took the American college entrance examination at the age of 17, with a difference of 20 points, and was successfully admitted to Stanford University; at the age of 19, she won the first Olympic championship in Beijing.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

The key is that she also has many skills: football, basketball, horseback riding, archery, cross-country, swimming, surfing, rock climbing, piano, painting, singing, ballet, foreign languages, catwalk, speech, without her can not do, only you can not think. What's even more puzzling is that this is all superhuman skills acquired by a girl who sleeps for ten hours a day.

Another key is that this year, she is only 19 years old, and she has done things that many people have difficult to accomplish in their lifetimes. This is the true goddess! Such excellent genetic inheritance, how many families in China?

Difficulty two: to have an enlightened mother

Gu Ailing, who has countless fans, has made her an idol for many people, but her idols are her mother and her grandmother.

Gu Ailing said: "Mom and Grandma are very powerful, very confident, very brave women. ”

Her mother was very open to her, never pursued her perfection, never set goals for her. Her mother always guided, supported, and encouraged according to Gu Ailing's interests.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Gu Ailing loves skiing, and her mother can drive nearly 800 kilometers a week and drive eight hours to send her skiing. She is such a career- and talented woman who needs to spend and sacrifice a lot of her time for her daughter, how many such mothers are in our real family?

In 2016, Gu Ailing broke her collarbone; in 2018, Gu Ailing fell into a concussion and lost her memory; in 2021, Gu Ailing's right hand ligament was torn and her hand bone was crushed; this year's Winter Olympic Ski Jump project, Gu Ailing "risked death" to challenge the unprecedented air turn 1620 degree plus safety grab.

How many mothers in China can make such a good daughter bear so much physical pain and great risk. Instead, countless of our moms create an extremely safe external environment for their children.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

You can't fall, you can't touch, don't swim, don't play football, don't play alone. How can a child who grows up in a greenhouse be comparable to a child who fights with heaven, earth, and himself?

Difficulty three: to have a good family environment

I have to admit that if a child wants to reproduce Gu Ailing's path to the gods, it is difficult to achieve without a favorable family environment.

Because everything you learn costs money, you need to concentrate a lot of top resources to support. Skiing, horseback riding, piano, ballet, which does not cost money, even many are aristocratic sports.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Not to mention so many projects, just ordinary families to enroll their children in a few interest classes is already overwhelmed.

Her mother Gu Yan said: "Cultivating Gu Ailing is all the money paid by her own family, and it cost at least 1 million US dollars to ski alone. This also saves a coaching fee, because Gu Yan is also a skier.

Other kinds of interest classes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, which is not counting the value created by Gu Ailing's mother's personal time.

Behind the success comes from the right time and place, and it is impossible to lack anything, especially the indispensable financial support.

Difficulty four: to have a wide range of interests, dare to challenge themselves

If for the current Chinese society, there are many people whose wealth exceeds gu Ailing's family, but the most difficult point is that it is difficult for the children of rich families to have a self-disciplined and self-motivated person like Gu Ailing.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Any external environment is only a contributing factor, and the real main role lies in oneself. The biggest factor why Gu Ailing can succeed is her strong self-motivation, high concentration, and wide range of hobbies.

She will always do what she loves perfectly, always use herself as an opponent to beat, always concentrate, focus, and focus on the things in the moment.

Just as netizens said: like some children with superior conditions, from birth, she has a good deck of cards in her hand, but only she can play the effect of wang fried, which makes the world amazing!

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Well, having said so much is not to make us ashamed or arrogant, but to let us know ourselves and our children.

For most of our ordinary families, we are ordinary people ourselves, and our children are ordinary people. Maybe our children will never reach the height of Gu Ailing, but we can make our children more beautiful, healthier, and more confident.

There is no second Gu Ailing, and looking at her path to becoming a god, you know how difficult it is to cultivate a perfect child

Gu Ailing is the ceiling for many of our children, although it is difficult to reach, but it is definitely a good thing to have an idol who can lead them and lead the positive energy of this society.

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