
Alcohol is clearly classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer into Category 1 carcinogens, which have a clear carcinogenicity for the human body. According to the study data: 1 in every 18 cancers is drunk


Alcohol is clearly classified as a class 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and has a clear carcinogenicity for the human body. According to research data, 1 in every 18 cancers is drunk.

The carcinogenicity of alcohol in the body can be described as "full blooming", from oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, to liver cancer, almost the entire digestive system.

Alcohol appears to pose a greater risk to women than men, with 16.4% of women in the U.S. breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption.

It is said that "moderate drinking" is required, but drinking in moderation is a kind of persuasion that is secondary, and if it is for the sake of cancer prevention or disease prevention, moderate drinking is definitely not good advice. The more effective and easier way is always to do it – without sticking to the wine. (Dr. Lilac)

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