
The Search for 100 "Good Daughters of the Party" campaign | The Party's Good Daughter (Twenty-Eight) - Wang Qin: A thirteen-year-old female political commissar who joined the army

author:Jilin women
The Search for 100 "Good Daughters of the Party" campaign | The Party's Good Daughter (Twenty-Eight) - Wang Qin: A thirteen-year-old female political commissar who joined the army

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and in this magnificent historical picture, countless outstanding communists have thrown their heads and spilled their blood, struggled hard, and made selfless contributions. In the revolutionary contingent gathered in the past 100 years, there is such a force, they are mothers, wives, daughters, whether in the revolutionary war, reform and opening up or the new era of socialist construction, whether it is a new era of struggle or a new journey, whether it is a battle against poverty or an epidemic prevention and control battle, everywhere has left the sonorous footprints of the heroes of the towel, they have interpreted their love for the motherland with their loyalty to the party, with their own lives and blood and practical actions, they have a common name - the good daughter of the party. From now on, Jilin women launched the "Women's Hearts to the Party, Determined to Follow the Party" Party's Good Daughter Story Meeting. Let's listen to their touching stories.

The Search for 100 "Good Daughters of the Party" campaign | The Party's Good Daughter (Twenty-Eight) - Wang Qin: A thirteen-year-old female political commissar who joined the army

A female political commissar who joined the army at the age of thirteen

The Search for 100 "Good Daughters of the Party" campaign | The Party's Good Daughter (Twenty-Eight) - Wang Qin: A thirteen-year-old female political commissar who joined the army

Wang Qin, born in 1935, joined the People's Liberation Army in August 1948 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1956.

When she joined the army and filled out the form, because she did not recognize words, the 18-year-old who reported to the village, so the 13-year-old girl joined the army and came to the Sanye Yizhong Logistics Department Hospital.

After enlisting in the army in 1948, Wang Qinxian participated in three months of professional medical training, and after passing the training and examination, they changed into military uniforms in Pingdu County. When I entered the barracks, it was during the Battle of Huaihai, and the people who were sent from the front to the hospital were all seriously wounded. Xiao Wang Qin, who had just joined the army, was responsible for caring for the wounded, and she knew that the responsibility was heavy, and when she was guarding at night, she did not dare to be distracted for a moment, and she had to endure dozing and take care of the wounded and sick, for fear of delaying the illness of her comrades because of her negligence.

During the Spring Festival, the Battle of Huaihai was over, and the troops began to carry out education in the city, and the troops gave each person two pairs of shoes, a quilt, and a teapot, which was considered to be armed for them. The shoes were not too small, she took two pairs casually, and followed the team into the city. On the way to the station, because of the big shoes and the lack of heels, she was afraid that she would fall behind and delay the progress of the large troops, so she had to endure the blood bubbles on the soles of her feet and trotted all the way to follow the team.

In April 1949, the Battle of the Crossing River began, and Wang Qin still remembers that when crossing the river in wooden boats, party members and comrades sat around the boat to protect the safety of non-party comrades. Soon after Wang Qin entered Nanjing with the hospital, he was transferred to Sichuan again. One day in May, the hospital set off from Nanchang and walked 800 miles to Changsha. At that time, Wang Qin was wearing a thousand-layered bottom cloth shoes made by the common people for the soldiers, because the soles of the shoes were densely packed with hemp rope, and there was only one layer of cloth in the shoes, and after the foot broke the layer of cloth, soon the hemp rope gave Wang Qin a layer of blood bubbles on his feet. Instructor Lin of the hospital asked her to ride away on horseback, insisting on telling the instructor to leave the horse to the comrades who needed it more. The comrades-in-arms were touched by Wang Qin's dedication spirit of not being afraid of suffering and tiredness.

With the end of the war, the troops were reorganized, and Wang Qin was assigned to work at the Health Bureau. Considering that Wang Qin was illiterate, the troops sent a few small comrades with similar situations to the Accelerated Primary School of the Second Squadron of the Southwest Military and Political University. Wang Qin knows that learning opportunities are rare and very hard, often learning in the middle of the night, because of her hard work, she rose to high school after three months. High school had not yet graduated, and the Korean War broke out.

Wang Qin was sent to the 31st Hospital of the Tonghua Army on the forward position of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. On December 2, as soon as the hospital's medical staff put down their backpacks, the hospital brought in more than 2,700 wounded. Wang Qin, who was a nurse, and the comrades in the nursing class plunged into the rescue work. They are responsible for examining the wounded and treating the wounds. When the war on the front line was fierce, they were busy every day, and Wang Qin worked day and night for several days in a row, in order to squeeze out more time to save her comrades-in-arms, and she has been taking care of the wounded soldiers with love. The harsh environment and the fatigue of the work did not overwhelm Wang Qin, she grew up in hardship and hardship, first as the deputy head of the nursing class, and later as a trainee nurse. After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Qin took up a leading post and served as an instructor, instructor, and deputy political commissar in politics.

Wang Qin won many honors in her military career, she was awarded the third class meritorious service in the Liberation War, and in peacetime she was selected as a socialist activist of the Jilin Provincial Military Region twice, attended the party congress and the activist congress of the Logistics Department of the Military Region many times, and was elected as an advanced worker of the Academy and a five-good pacesetter. In 1988, Wang Qin was awarded a medal of merit for liberation.

Wang Qin retired in 1983 in the 206 Hospital, she dedicated 33 Spring and Autumn seasons in the hospital, she contributed her youth to the hospital, gave selfless love to the border guards, and she created the image of a female soldier who sacrificed her life and forgot her death in the war for the people of Shancheng.

Wang Qin adhered to his original intention, did not change his true colors, and with his heroic fighting, loyalty to the party, willing dedication, and arduous and simple character, he established the appearance that a communist should look like and the appearance that a revolutionary soldier should look like. Wang Qin's touching deeds are like a majestic spiritual monument, inspiring us to forge ahead on the road of pursuing our dreams.

Inherit the red gene and continue the red blood. Salute to these venerable revolutionary ancestors.

(Contributed by Tonghua Women's Federation)

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