
The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

author:History of the Little Emperor

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, many anti-Japanese heroes emerged, and we can have a happy life today, all of which were bought with blood and lives.

Among them was a heroine, her name was Zhao Yiman, after being captured by the Japanese army, in order to get information from her mouth, Zhao Yiman suffered unimaginable torture from ordinary people, some of which were really cruel. But Zhao Yiman used a tenacious revolutionary spirit until his death and did not reveal half a word.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

On October 27, 1905, Zhao Yiman was born in a feudal landlord family in Baiyangzui Village in the north of Yibin County, Sichuan Province, and Zhao Yiman's parents had a total of 9 children, 6 daughters and three sons, and Zhao Yiman ranked seventh.

Due to the landlord family, Zhao Yiman's family is still very wealthy, so when she was 8 years old, Zhao Yiman entered a private school to study, to know that many children did not have the opportunity to study at that time, so Zhao Yiman's starting point was still very high, but she was not proud and arrogant because she was a child of the landlord's family, but she studied hard and the results have always been excellent.

In 1924, at the suggestion of his family, 19-year-old Zhao Yiman joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League, and due to Zhao Yiman's excellent performance, after 2 years, he was officially converted from a league member to a party member, which is considered to be Zhao Yiman officially embarking on the road of revolution. At the same time, she also served as the secretary of the Women's Federation and the Party Group of the Students' Federation in Yibin City.

In October 1926, Zhao Yiman was admitted to the Wuhan branch of the Whampoa Military Academy and became the first batch of female cadets of the Whampoa Military Academy. Everyone thinks that the Whampoa Military Academy is the world of men, but in fact, in the history of the Whampoa Military Academy, a group of girls have also been recruited, that is, zhao Yiman's group of cadets, in history, Huangpu has trained a group of outstanding heroes, such as Zhao Yiman, Hu Yun, You Xi and a large number of heroes.

Speaking of the Whampoa Military Academy, we may all know that the Whampoa Military Academy was founded in 1924 to be discontinued in 1930, which lasted 6 years, enrolled 7 students, graduated 8783 people, and cultivated a large number of military and political talents.

During his time at school, Zhao Yiman got up at 5:30 every morning and did not go to bed until 9:30 p.m., with 8 classes a day and almost no rest time in the middle. Its courses are mainly divided into two categories: military and political. Military courses are mainly conducted on-the-spot military exercises and war theory, and political courses are mainly studied in the revolutionary spirit. This made her, who had revolutionary patriotic feelings since she was a child, further strengthen Zhao Yiman's revolutionary belief after self-baptism.

In September 1927, due to the coup d'état in the country, many revolutionaries were killed, and after receiving a notice from their superiors, a group of outstanding talents were selected from the Whampoa Military Academy to study at the Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, the Soviet Union, and at that time, party members were sent to study in the Soviet Union, not only to protect these young revolutionary youths, but also to train future revolutionary cadres. Zhao Yiman was among them, and as soon as she received such news, Zhao Yiman was particularly excited, she felt that this was a mission, and at this moment she had taken the revolutionary spirit as a lifelong belief.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

On the ship to Moscow, there were dozens of trainees, and the trainees were grouped into groups of every 10 people, and in Zhao Yiman's group, Chen Dabang, who was also an alumnus, was designated as the group leader. Chen Dabang is a steady man and has a relatively mature political consciousness, because Chen Dabang is a few years older than the other students, so he has always played the role of big brother, taking care of all the group members.

In the long voyage, because Zhao Yiman was the first time to sit on a boat, there was a very serious seasickness, vomiting to the point of not being able to stand up at all, at this time, thanks to the careful care of the group leader Chen Dabang, constantly booing and asking for warmth, so that Zhao Yiman, who had never been concerned by the opposite sex, instantly had a good feeling for Chen Dabang. Until he went to Moscow, Chen Dabang had been taking care of this little girl who had left her hometown, and he originally thought that this girl would be very homesick, but he did not expect that Zhao Yiman would be so strong and independent, which made Chen Dabang also look at Zhao Yiman.

In the back-and-forth contact, the two soon fell in love with each other, in the eyes of the superior leaders, it was not allowed to talk about love in the study abroad, but seeing that they could serve each other as each other's spiritual pillars, they also made an exception, and a few months later, with their consent, the wedding was held in the school church. Although approved by the party organization, but in order to protect the safety of the trainees, these are carried out in secret, after marriage, the two support each other, study together, spent a sweet and happy time, soon, Zhao Yiman became pregnant.

After becoming pregnant, zhao Yiman needed to leave Moscow to return to China through organizational arrangements, while Chen Dabang needed to continue to study in the Soviet Union and serve as the director of the Chinese printing department of moscow foreign publishing houses. Before leaving, Chen Dabang gave a ring and a pocket watch to Zhao Yiman as a souvenir.

He told Zhao Yiman, "The parting of husband and wife is small, the revolutionary task is big, and we husband and wife must make such sacrifices, and when our children are born, we can do a better job in revolutionary work." ”

Zhao Yiman said affectionately to her husband: "When I see these two things, it is like seeing you, you can rest assured, I will definitely give birth to our children safely and then do revolutionary work." ”

In this way, the newlyweds separated in a foreign country after a few months of marriage, and no one expected that this parting would become a farewell, and the couple would never see each other again.

After Zhao Yiman returned to China, she did not idle during her pregnancy, and she also engaged in some secret revolutionary work in Jiangxi, Hubei and other places. It was not until she gave birth to a son that she finally felt at ease, reserved incense for her husband, and now she could devote herself to revolutionary work with greater peace of mind. In order to better carry out revolutionary work, Zhao Yiman sent the child to Chen Dabang's brother's home to raise him according to the method he discussed with his husband before returning to China. Before parting, Zhao Yiman held the child in the photo studio to take the only group photo of the mother and son.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

In 1931, the "918 Incident" broke out in China, Japan brazenly invaded the northeast region of our country, many places were occupied by the Japanese Kou, when Zhao Yiman learned of such news, he was anxious not to do it, took the initiative and the organization to apply to go to the front line of the War of Resistance to support and carry out the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. Since Zhao Yiman had a complete theory of military warfare, the superior leaders soon agreed, and Zhao Yiman immediately rushed to the battlefield.

Zhao Yiman also served as the political commissar of the First Division and the Second Regiment of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, while local fighters called her "our female political commissar". The guerrillas led by Zhao Yiman repelled the enemy many times in succession, because Zhao Yiman loved to wear a red dress, everyone called her the Red Girl Scout Army, and the Japanese newspapers also marveled at this "red gun and white horse" woman.

However, in a battle in November 1935, zhao Yiman, in order to cover the retreat of the troops, unfortunately suffered a blow from the enemy, and before he could escape, he fell into a coma due to blood loss, and when he woke up, he found that he was already trapped in the enemy's military camp. After being captured by the Japanese army, the leader of the Japanese army, Taiji Ohno, immediately recognized Zhao Yiman as the woman of the "red gun and white horse" in their eyes.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

In order to obtain valuable information from Zhao Yiman's mouth, so they carried out a simple treatment of Zhao Yiman, and when Zhao Yiman woke up, he began interrogation overnight, more than two hours of interrogation, Zhao Yiman never said a word, and her strong will completely angered the japanese leader Taiji Ohno.

Angry and corrupt, Taiji Ōno began to order the use of severe torture against Zhao Yiman, hanging Zhao Yiman, whipping with a leather whip, pulling out teeth, electrocution, iron rods nailed to his fingers, and even sprinkling salt and pepper water into the wound, Zhao Yiman was trampled down like this, once passed out several times, waiting for Zhao Yiman to wake up, followed by another round of torture, despite this, Zhao Yiman never revealed half a word, the Japanese army still did not take out any information from her mouth.

Under several days of severe torture, Zhao Yiman almost reached a dying state, many wounds on his body began to infect ulceration and suppuration, the skin had become black and blue, and even the white bones were exposed in the legs. The Japanese army also gave Zhao Yiman a shot in the arm, hoping to continue to force a confession against her, but found nothing. Zhao Yiman passed out countless times, but he never said a word.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

In the end, the Japanese army really had no way, did not get half a useful information from her, and then Zhao Yiman was escorted to the Zhuhe County Prison in Heilongjiang, and Zhao Yiman was also very clear in his heart that the place of detention was nominally to go to life imprisonment, but in fact it was to die. Before leaving, the imprisoned soldier once asked Zhao Yiman what he wanted to say, and Zhao Yiman thought about it for a long time before he asked for a piece of paper and a pen to write a letter to his son.

In fact, Zhao Yiman is very clear in her heart, knowing that even if she writes this letter, it will definitely not be given to her own children, but she really cares about her children in her heart, and before she dies, she really wants to leave a thought for her children, so she still made up her mind to write this letter, but the content of the letter cannot expose the child's information, and she wants to say some mother's words to the child. At this time, Zhao Yiman, as a mother, fell into a contradiction.

After hesitating for a long time, Zhao Yiman still wrote down a few lines.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

Mother is really sorry that you have not been able to fulfill your educational responsibilities. Because of her resolute struggle against Manchuria and Japan, today has reached the eve of sacrifice, and mother and you will never have the opportunity to see each other again before you die. Hope you, Ning'er! Hurry up adults, come and comfort your mother! O my dearest child! Mother does not use a thousand words to educate you, she uses practice to educate you. When you grow up, hopefully don't forget that your mother was sacrificed for your country!

After writing this letter, Zhao Yiman was escorted to the Pearl River, and the Japanese army escorted Zhao Yiman to the execution ground, and in the face of death, Zhao Yiman was calm and calm, shouting: "Down with Japanese imperialism, long live the Communist Party of China!"

A gunshot rang out, and Zhao Yiman, who was only 31 years old, was brutally killed.

Although such an anti-Japanese hero is heroic and righteous, she will always live in our hearts. The last letter written by Zhao Yiman was also preserved in the archives of the Japanese army.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Zhao Yiman's life</h1>

Zhao Yiman's heroic sacrifice has made countless Chinese sons and daughters lament it, and after the founding of New China, many people have proposed to make Zhao Yiman's story into a movie, so that all future generations can sing the praises of Zhao Yiman's revolutionary spirit. Premier Zhou learned of this and personally instructed him to shoot truthfully and praise this patriotic heroine.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

In 1950, the movie "Zhao Yiman" was released nationwide, which suddenly caused a sensation in the country, and since then, Zhao Yiman's name and deeds have spread throughout the country, countless people have been moved by her heroic deeds, and Zhao Yiman has become a heroine admired by the people of the whole country.

But after many people have watched the movie, they have a question, who is Zhao Yiman? Why is there no real information about her in the movie?

Many people have asked the screenwriter of the movie "Zhao Yiman", but the screenwriter also admitted that Zhao Yiman's deeds were learned through the mouth of the warrior at that time, and the mystery of Zhao Yiman's life is not very clear, before making the movie, he also tried to find Zhao Yiman's origin, but there has been no clue, nor does he know where Zhao Yiman is, where her family is now, and he does not know.

Many people want to know the true life of this heroine, so many media newspapers began to report, and soon this news reached the ears of a woman named Li Kunjie in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, she once had a younger sister, named Li Kuntai, in the early years, the sister participated in revolutionary work and left home, there was no news for many years, she only knew that after joining the party, she was admitted to the Wuhan branch of the Whampoa Military Academy, and later went to the Soviet Union to study, and married a comrade surnamed Chen. She went to work in the northeast again, and then there was no news. But the heroine in the movie is named Zhao Yiman, although the experience is very similar, but the name is really different, she also dispelled the idea.

Some people may say that asking Zhao Yiman's husband Chen Dabang will not reveal the truth, but when Chen Dabang was consulted, everyone was shocked.

Chen Dabang said that his wife's name was Li Yichao, not Zhao Yiman, and Chen Dabang had asked his brother many times, when Li Yichao put down his children and went to work in the northeast, there has been no news since then, leaving only a photo of his wife and children. This is also a knot that Chen Dabang has always existed, where his wife Li Yichao has gone, and whether he is alive or not, everything is unknown. Although through the movie "Zhao Yiman", I feel very much like my wife Li Yichao, but the different names still make me unable to believe.

Li Kuntai? Li Yichao? Zhao Yiman? Three names, but many similar experiences, is it really the same person?

This makes Zhao Yiman's life more complicated. Sister Li Kunjie inquired about the news of sister Li Kuntai, husband Chen Dabang inquired about the news of his wife Li Yichao, and the people of the whole country inquired about the life of the protagonist of the movie Zhao Yiman, at this time, there were already 3 directions looking for Zhao Yiman's life.

If several parties can converge at this time, the doubts about Zhao Yiman's life may be solved. Through the promotion of the superior leader, this wish was soon realized, Chen Dabang and Li Kunjie met, through the only photo left by Chen Dabang's wife at that time, Li Kunjie recognized at a glance that the woman in the photo was his sister Li Kuntai, and everyone cried excitedly.

Now it is certain that Li Kuntai is Li Yichao, so is it the same person as Zhao Yiman?

It is not yet certain. Since this matter has been reported by the majority of newspapers, many leaders of higher-level organizations are also looking for clues to prove that these 3 names are not the same person.

Suddenly, an important clue came, Zhao Yiman once quietly told a soldier that her original surname was Li, and when she was about to rush to the northeast to resist Japan after returning from the Soviet Union, in order to hide her identity, she changed her name to Zhao Yiman. Therefore, her later heroic deeds are recorded in the name of Zhao Yiman.

In order to verify Zhao Yiman's origin as soon as possible, Chen Dabang sent a photo of his wife Li Yichao to the soldier, and when the soldier saw Li Yichao's photo, he excitedly said that it was her, it was her, she was Zhao Yiman.

Since then, finally really want to white, Li Kuntai? Li Yichao? Zhao Yiman? These three names are the same person.

In order to hide her true identity, the real name in her hometown is Li Kuntai, when she joined the party, it was Li Yichao, and when she went to the battlefield against Japan, she did not tell her secrets to her relatives, if not so many people persisted in looking for clues, I am afraid that her family would not know that she was Zhao Yiman, the hero of the towel.

At the time of the victory of the War of Resistance, in the archives of the Japanese army, the letter that Zhao Yiman wrote before his death was found, that is, the letter written to her son, and the child known as "Ning Er" in this letter is now a big and small guy, he is Chen Yexian, at this time he understood that the heroine zhao Yiman in the movie was actually his mother, when he personally got the letter left by his mother, he cried until he could not stand, and later she copied the letter written by her mother and carried it on her body.

The 31-year-old female political commissar was brutally killed, and she had 3 names alone, almost forgetting Zhao Yiman's life by her family

At this time, it was already 1956, and Zhao Yiman had been sacrificed for 20 years.

Whether she's called Li Kuntai? Or is it called Li Yichao? Or is it called Zhao Yiman? She will always have a resounding name, that is, the heroine of the towel. Scarf hero does not let the eyebrows be shaved!

She will always live in our hearts and will always be with the people of the motherland.

#我和祖国在一起 #

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