
What signal did this former female political commissar of the traffic police detachment in Jiangxi send when she surrendered herself?

author:People's Daily News

Information Daily Jiangxi Zhengyu learned that on 11 April, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission released the news that Liu Baiyu, a deputy county-level cadre of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, had surrendered himself, and was currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Pingxiang Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission and the Municipal Supervision Commission.

Deputy county-level cadres who have reached retirement age have surrendered themselves

Born in February 1959, Liu Baiyu (female) is a native of Anyuan, Jiangxi, with a college degree, and why she has reached retirement age why she surrendered herself to the Discipline Inspection Commission, the driving force behind it is really curious. However, the deterrent effect it unleashes is beyond doubt.

Information Daily Jiangxi Political Reading noted that Liu Baiyu successively served as deputy director of the Office of the Pingxiang Municipal Civil Air Defense Office, cadre of the Pingxiang Municipal State Security Bureau, deputy director of the Office of the Pingxiang Municipal Development Planning Commission, captain of the development brigade of the traffic police detachment of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, deputy secretary of the party committee of the development sub-bureau, etc. In 2011, Liu Baiyu was promoted to a county-level cadre, and successively served as deputy researcher of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, captain of the development brigade of the traffic police detachment, deputy secretary of the party committee of the development sub-bureau, deputy researcher of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, deputy head of the traffic police detachment, and member of the party committee. Political commissar of the traffic police detachment of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau.

As for what Exactly Liu Baiyu committed, the official circular only had eight words: "Suspected of Serious Violations of Discipline and Law", although the number of words is small, but the connotation is rich!

It is not uncommon to surrender voluntarily under high-pressure deterrence

The Jiangxi Political Reading of the Information Daily combed through the circulars that have been publicly released throughout the province and found that the expression of "surrendering oneself" is not uncommon, and there are county-level cadres such as Liu Baiyu and grassroots village cadres.

From the end of 2007 to January 2009, when Jiang Junhua was the director of the Hexi Village Committee of Jingdezhen Jingcheng Town, he took advantage of his position to illegally resell land use rights and profit 230,000 yuan in violation of the law, and then voluntarily surrendered himself and returned all the illegal gains, and was exempted from criminal punishment according to law;

In 2017, in carrying out a special inspection in the field of poverty alleviation, Ruijin City found that Song Mousheng, the director of the highway station of the city's Transportation Bureau, took the serious violation of discipline and law from the project subsidy fund and transferred it to the judicial organs for handling, and a warning education conference was held in a timely manner, and 4 cadres and workers with violations of discipline and law took the initiative to surrender themselves to the procuratorial organs, and the deterrent effect was prominent;


It can be seen from this that anti-corruption is always on the road, and there is no way out if we are lucky. The surrender of one cadre after another has conveyed the signal that "the sword is hanging high, the shock is always there; the confession is lenient, and the resistance is strict, which will surely become a "demonstration effect" and overwhelm the last straw for those officials who are afraid to live forever.

Today, in Jiangxi, the net of heaven and earth is becoming more and more densely woven, the results of comprehensively and strictly administering the party have been demonstrated, the cage that cannot be corrupted is getting stronger and stronger, the that do not want to be corrupt are being built, and the overwhelming trend of the anti-corruption struggle has been formed and consolidated and developed. We always believe that more and more people who have gone astray will get lost and return to the right path!

Liu Baiyu's resume

Liu Baiyu, female, Han ethnicity, born in February 1959, Anyuan, Jiangxi, college degree, began working in April 1977, joined the Communist Party of China in November 1993.

From August 1992 to September 1993, Deputy Director of the Office of the Pingxiang Municipal Civil Air Defense Office;

From September 1993 to October 1994, He was a clerk in the office of the Pingxiang Municipal Civil Air Defense Office;

From October 1994 to April 1996, he was the deputy chief and chief clerk of the secretarial section of the office of the Pingxiang Municipal Civil Air Defense Office;

From April 1996 to July 1996, cadre of Pingxiang Municipal State Security Bureau;

From July 1996 to August 2003, Deputy Director of the Office of Pingxiang Development Planning Commission;

From August 2003 to October 2004, Chief of the Foreign Economic Section of Pingxiang Development Planning Commission;

From October 2004 to February 2006, Deputy Chief of the Patrol Police Detachment of Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau;

From February 2006 to August 2006, he was an instructor of the traffic police detachment of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau.

From August 2006 to August 2009, he was the leader of the development brigade of the traffic police detachment of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau;

From August 2009 to April 2011, he was the leader of the development brigade of the traffic police detachment of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau and the deputy secretary of the party committee of the development sub-bureau;

From April 2011 to August 2011, he was the deputy researcher of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, the leader of the development brigade of the traffic police detachment, and the deputy secretary of the party committee of the development sub-bureau;

From August 2011 to May 2013, he was a deputy researcher of the Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau, a deputy commander of the traffic police detachment, and a member of the Party Committee;

From May 2013 to March 2016, Political Commissar of the Traffic Police Detachment of Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau;

Since March 2016, he has been a deputy county-level cadre of Pingxiang Municipal Public Security Bureau.

【Know a little more】

Article 31 of the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" provides that where a person under investigation suspected of committing a crime abusing public office voluntarily admits guilt and accepts punishment, voluntarily surrenders, and sincerely repents and repents, the Supervision Organs may, upon collective study by leading personnel and report to the Supervision Organ at the level above for approval, submit a recommendation for a lenient punishment when transferring it to the people's procuratorate.

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