
Red Family Letter (22) | Zhao Yiman: "Red Gun and White Horse" female political commissar

author:Beijing Disabled Persons' Federation

In order to solidly promote the in-depth development of party history study and education, the Chaoyang District Association for the Physically Handicapped recorded an audiobook of "Red Family Letter" on the eve of July 1st, which fondly recounted the suicide notes, poems, and family letters of 30 revolutionary martyrs, including Li Dazhao, Fang Zhimin, and Chen Yi'an. Today, tell you the story of the martyr Zhao Yiman.

Today's Person: Zhao Yiman

Life of Zhao Yiman

Reader: Zhang Shuzhen

Zhao Yiman's family letter

"I hope you don't forget that your mother sacrificed for the country" - Suicide note to her son before the righteousness (1)

"My child will continue to fight for his mother" - Suicide note to his son before the righteousness (II)

Zhao Yiman's story

"Red Gun and White Horse" female political commissar

Reader: Xing Honghui

Zhao Yiman (1905-1936)

Formerly known as Li Kuntai, a native of Baiyangzui Village, Yibin County, Sichuan Province. In 1923, he joined the Socialist Youth League, served as the secretary of the League branch of Baiyangzui Village, organized the "Women's Liberation League Association", and fought against the feudal forces. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1926. After joining the Party, he became more active in revolutionary activities among his students. In the autumn of 1927, he was sent by the party to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. In the winter of 1928, he returned to China and went to Shanghai, Jiangxi and other places to do secret work. After the September 18 Incident in 1931, he was sent to work in the northeast by the party. At the beginning of 1933, he went to the Harbin Manchurian Federation of Trade Unions to engage in organizational work, and later served as the acting secretary of the Harbin Federation of Trade Unions. Due to the destruction of the Party organization in Harbin, the Manchurian Province of the Communist Party of China sent her to the Central County Committee of the Pearl River as a commissioner of the county party committee and secretary of the Tiebei District Party Committee. In the autumn of 1935, he was appointed political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army. Wounded in battle in November of the same year, he was found by the enemy while recuperating, but was eventually outnumbered and unfortunately arrested. On August 2, 1936, he was 31 years old.

"Hope not to forget that your mother died for the country"

——Testament to his son before the righteousness (I)

Ning Er:

Mother is really sorry that you did not fulfill your educational responsibilities. Because my mother resolutely waged the struggle against Manchuria and Japan, today she has reached the eve of sacrifice. Mother and you will never see each other again. Hope you, Ning'er! Hurry up adults and come and comfort your underground mother! O my dearest child! Mother does not use a thousand words to educate you, she uses practice to educate you.

When you grow up, hopefully don't forget that your mother died for your country!

August 2, 1936

Your mother, Zhao Yiman, was in the car

"My children will continue to fight for their mothers"


Mother went to the northeast to find a career, and today's unfortunate end, who knows?

The death of my mother is not a pity, and the pity is my child, and there is no one who can raise me. After the death of the mother, my children will continue to fight for the mother. Grow up to comfort your mother under the Nine Springs! Your father came to the northeast and died in the northeast, and your mother followed in his footsteps. My child, dear poor my child!

The mother has nothing more to say, and my child's own good study is the mother's last glimmer of hope.

Your mother before she dies

Their stories

In the years when the Communist Party of China led the people in bloody struggle, a large number of female heroes emerged in the ranks of the party. In the past, there was a famous female hero on the anti-Japanese battlefield in northeast China, and even the newspapers of the enemy and counterfeits marveled at her heroic posture of "red guns and white horses." She is Zhao Yiman, who Guo Moruo praised as "Willing to Fertilize China with Blood".

The warriors honored her as "our female commissar."

Zhao Yiman, formerly known as Li Kuntai, with the nickname Shuduan, the scientific name Li Shuning, also known as Li Yichao, was born in 1905 to a small landlord family in the north of Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When she was 8 years old, she entered a private school, and when she was 10 years old, her mother would wrap her feet and wear her ears and eyes according to the local custom, but whether she reprimanded or scolded, she resolutely refused. She washed her feet in front of everyone, which was considered offensive at the time.

During the May Fourth Movement, Zhao Yiman was influenced by revolutionary ideas. In 1924, the eldest brother-in-law, Zheng Youzhi, introduced her to the Socialist Youth League by means of correspondence. In the summer of 1926, she joined the Communist Party and served as a women's commissar of the Yibin Prefectural Committee of the Communist Youth League and an acting women's minister of the county Kuomintang Party Department. In 1927, when the Wuhan government was anti-communist, she moved to Shanghai, where she went to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, where she married her classmate Chen Dabang (Chen Dabang) the following year. In the winter of 1928, due to illness and pregnancy, she was transferred back to China and went to Yichang, Shanghai, Nanchang and other places to do underground work.

In the spring of 1932, she was sent to work in the northeast region, renamed Zhao Yiman, and successively led the workers' struggle in Fengtian (Shenyang) and Harbin. The following year, in order to cover her identity, she had a false marriage with Lao Cao (Huang Weixin), the head of the Manchurian Federation of Trade Unions. In July 1934, she went to the anti-Japanese guerrilla zone east of Harbin and served as a member of the Zhuhe Central County Committee and later the secretary of the Zhuhe District Party Committee. In the autumn of 1935, she also served as the political commissar of the First Division and the Second Regiment of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, and was affectionately called "our female political commissar" by local fighters.

In the guerrilla zone, Zhao Yiman had very close relations with the masses. She suffers from pneumonia, her body is weak, and she, who uses the pseudonym Li Yichao, is affectionately known as "Thin Li" and "Sister Li" by the villagers. In November 1935, her troops were surrounded by Japanese puppet troops, and she asked the regimental commander to lead the breakthrough, serving as a cover herself, and was wounded by a bullet in her left wrist. She was found by the enemy in the village to recuperate from her wounds, and when she rose up to meet the battle, her left thigh bone was pierced by a bullet and she was arrested for bleeding too much and comatose. She was taken to the Harbin Pseudo-Binjiang Provincial Police Department for several coma after being sentenced, but she remained unyielding. When her life was in danger, Rikou was worried that she would not be able to confess when she died, so she was sent to the Harbin Municipal First Hospital for surveillance and treatment. Dong Xianxun, the puppet Manchu policeman in charge of guarding her, and Han Yongyi, a female nurse at the hospital, were both touched by her bravery and listened to her preach the truth of resisting Japan and saving the country, so they decided to join the anti-Japanese coalition team. With the help of the two, she escaped from Harbin on the night of June 28, 1936, and headed in the direction of the anti-Japanese guerrilla zone.

The pseudo-mounted police team caught up with their carriage in the early hours of the third day, and Zhao Yiman was arrested again. The enemy tortured her repeatedly for a month, and she only angrily rebuked the enemy: "You can turn the whole village into rubble, you can chop people into mud, but you can't destroy the faith of the Communists!" ”

On August 1, 1936, the enemy took her to Zhuhe County and paraded her in a horse-drawn carriage before the public execution. She sang "Red Flag Song" all the way, and many people along the way were moved to tears, and she was only 31 years old when she was righteous.

Japanese newspapers were also amazed by the tide of "red guns and white horses"

When Zhao Yiman was in the Zhuhe guerrilla zone, the puppet Harbin newspaper published a report entitled "Zhao Yiman, the female leader of the communist bandits, rampant in the Hadong area with red guns and white horses." Although there were many slanderous and untrue words, it also described her as divine. In fact, Zhao Yiman is an emaciated and sick woman from the appearance, but the revolutionary era has given her an incomparably strong will.

As the first generation of female party members of the Communist Party of China, Zhao Yiman took a road of rushing out of the feudal family, entering the school to accept new ideas, studying abroad, and returning to China to engage in revolutionary activities. She grew up in the enclosed countryside of Sichuan, where the custom was not to let girls read and write, and she took the opposite path.

Her father died when she was 13 years old, and her brother-in-law controlled her in many ways. In order to avoid trouble, the brother-in-law burned the progressive books she had collected and prepared to marry her off. She vomited blood in anger and issued a declaration calling for separation from the family in the Women's Weekly on August 6, 1924 under the name "Yichao". Zhao Yiman then joined the party and became the first batch of girls in the military academy, rebelling against the feudal family and the dark society with practical actions.

Women's emancipation has always been an important measure of social emancipation. In the bloody struggle of the Chinese nation for its own liberation and the Japanese aggressors, the emergence of such heroes as Zhao Yiman was not only cultivated by the national democratic revolution led by the party, but also the symbol and pride of this revolution that has penetrated the hearts of the people.

"If the boys are all good, why are the women so different?"

When Zhao Yiman was a teenager, he rebelled against feudal customs in his hometown. Not only did she not wrap her feet herself, but she used a kitchen knife to chop up shrouds and small pointed shoes, but also organized the "Women's Liberation League", which soon reached more than 180 members. They put up slogans and drew cartoons on the streets of the downtown area, and painted the squires as foxes and devils. The local feudal forces hated Zhao Yiman and others to the bone, threatening to splash them with dung. Her mother once wanted to use the method of being a female red to restrain Zhao Yiman's heart and let her learn to pick flowers (embroidery), but she did not pick out a flower in 9 months, but read a lot of revolutionary books.

During his studies at Yibin Girls' High School, the principal, in accordance with the requirements of the feudal authorities, specifically stipulated that all girls' school students must wear buns. Zhao Yiman led several female classmates to the principal (supervisor) and said: "We can't comb our heads, we can't pull the bun, please comb it and give it a bun!" The principal, known for his Taoism, was momentarily embarrassed. Subsequently, Zhao Yiman and his classmates took out the prepared scissors and cut their own short hair, which resulted in being expelled from the school.

During the Great Revolution, Zhao Yiman joined the girls' team of the Wuchang Central Military Academy. Soon, Xia Douyin launched a mutiny attack on Wuhan, and the cadets were organized into an independent division and set out to the west under the command of Ye Ting. Lying on the hospital bed, Zhao Yiman struggled and took the illness into battle. She wrote in a poem: "If the boys are all good, why are the women so different?" ”

When she was serving as the regimental commissar in the anti-coalition team, the team was surrounded by enemies, and the regimental commander did not agree to let her stay cover, on the grounds that she was a female comrade. Zhao Yiman, who usually treats comrades very kindly, became very strict: "What a man or a woman!" Whoever said lesbians can't cover up! "It has touched many gay men.

(Author: Ma Xianglin, Director of the Library of the National Defense University, originally published in Beijing Youth Daily)


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Red Family Letter (22) | Zhao Yiman: "Red Gun and White Horse" female political commissar

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