
The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

author:Wukong talks about history

It is said that women can hold up half of the sky, and there has never been a shortage of women among China's heroes, such as mu Guiying, a hero of the towel, and Hua Mulan, who served in the army for her father, who are outstanding representatives of women. In fact, not only in ancient times there were outstanding women, but also many outstanding women in modern times, such as the one I want to introduce to you today.

The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

This person is a female political commissar of the New Fourth Army, she is not only ingenious and capable, but also has a very good reputation in the Japanese army, it is said that the Japanese army is afraid when they hear her name, who is she? Why is there such a great ability? This person's name was Chen Shaomin, born in 1902, Shouguangren, Shandong, was an outstanding female general during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was the political commissar of the Eyu Advance Detachment of the New Fourth Army, and the only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army.

The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

The reason why Chen Shaomin is so outstanding is inseparable from her parents' cultivation of her. Chen Shaomin's parents were very tolerant of her, even in the context of the feudal era, they never forced Chen Shaomin to wrap his feet, so Chen Shaomin became famous and had an extra nickname called "Chen Dazu". Chen Shaomin's parents were very supportive of her study, and the literary and beautiful women chen Shaomin studied in her childhood were founded by foreigners, so her education since childhood was more open than that of ordinary children, which also created her free personality and laid the groundwork for her to join the youth league later.

In 1928, the 26-year-old Chen Shaomin became a party member, and two years later, after organizational arrangements, Chen Shaomin was mainly responsible for underground work in Qingdao, Shandong. In the process of work, Chen Shaomin and Ren Guozhen, secretary of the Provisional Provincial Party Committee of Shandong, exchanged feelings and made a marriage report to their superiors. Unfortunately, the two people's happy days did not last long, Ren Guozhen was martyred, and soon after, Chen Shaomin gave birth to a daughter, because it was inconvenient for her to take herself, she handed her daughter over to her mother in her hometown to raise and then continued to embark on the revolutionary journey, unfortunately, her daughter also died of illness at the age of one and a half.

The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

After this, Chen Shaomin decided to devote all her time to her career, and the peak of her career was when she was in Nanjingshan County, He, when she was appointed political commissar of the Yu'e Independent Guerrilla Detachment of the New Fourth Army and the only female political commissar in the New Fourth Army at that time. This force continued to expand, and later gradually became a division-level unit, and Chen Shaomin was able to lead such a large team for course not without reason, even after the expansion, she often led soldiers to fight the Japanese on the front line.

Chen Shaomin was calm and calm, with the calm and wisdom of other commanders, she had been strafed by the Japanese machine gun when she led the team across the river at night, when Chen Shaomin's men thought they had been exposed, they asked Chen Shaomin for instructions to return fire, and Chen Shaomin saw through the Japanese army's tricks at a glance, she said: "The Japanese army did not find us at all, just testing it." Sure enough, soon the Japanese sent a small team to patrol.

The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

Chen Shaomin told the soldiers to calm down, and when their patrol was over, thinking that there was really no situation, we would attack again, so that the odds would be greater. Sure enough, under the command of Chen Shaomin, the battle was a great victory, annihilating more than a hundred Japanese troops. Unfortunately, the leader of this Japanese squad escaped the disaster by pretending to be dead, and when he returned, he praised Chen Shaomin's foresight, and from then on, the Japanese army would be involuntarily afraid when he heard Chen Shaomin's name.

The only female political commissar of the New Fourth Army once made the Japanese army feel frightened, what was the subsequent outcome?

In the past, we always had stereotypes about women, thinking that they were weak, but when it came to the time of the motherland's crisis, women were just as heroic. After the founding of New China, Chen Shaomin was appointed chairman of the National Textile Trade Union and a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and she vigorously promoted Hao Jianxiu's work method and made outstanding contributions to the development of the motherland's textile industry. In 1977, Chen Shaomin died of illness at the age of 75.


"Maverick Chen Shaomin" Ding Dong

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