
The year of change How to hand in the thirteen-year-old double 11?

author:Zizhu Business Review

At 0:00 on November 12, the total transaction rating of Tmall Double 11 was 540.3 billion, and the cumulative order amount of exceeded 349.1 billion, and the total transaction volume of the two was 889.1 billion yuan.

The year of change How to hand in the thirteen-year-old double 11?

According to the network economic society's "dianshubao" e-commerce big database, the transaction volume of the double 11 network in 2021 was 965.12 billion yuan, an increase of 12.22% year-on-year, and did not break through the trillion mark. The transaction volume of the two head platforms accounted for 92.12% of the transaction volume of the whole network. In addition to Tmall and, douyin e-commerce, Suning Tesco, Dada Group, Mushroom Street, Xiaomi, and what is worth buying have also released data war reports.

Tonglian data monitoring, October, into the double eleven warm-up, most of the e-commerce mobile APP active users increased:

The number of active users of mobile Taobao was 834.1078 million, an increase of 4.71% over the previous month

The number of active users of mobile Tmall was 47.278 million, an increase of 7.17% over the previous month

Suning Tesco has 34.7465 million active users, down 4.78% from the previous month

The number of active users of was 304.9404 million, an increase of 4.05% over the previous month

The number of active users of Pinduoduo was 763.5582 million, an increase of 2.43% over the previous month.

The year of change How to hand in the thirteen-year-old double 11?

Mo Daiqing, director of the online retail department and senior analyst of the e-commerce research center of the network economic society, believes that the front line of double 11 this year is longer than before, from 8 pm on October 20, major players opened double 11 pre-sale, which is four hours more than last year's 22 days of double 11, becoming the longest double 11. The elongation of the front line can greatly alleviate physical, health, economic and other pressures and enhance timeliness. Compared with the past, the major platforms are relatively low-key, pay more attention to quality and experience, and it is also possible that under the anti-monopoly trend, the major e-commerce platforms intend to keep a low profile. However, from the data war reports released by various companies, there is still a relatively obvious growth trend and room for growth.

The year of change How to hand in the thirteen-year-old double 11?

Cao Lei, director of the e-commerce research center of the network economic society, said that this year's double 11 is cold or not from two aspects, on the one hand, we feel that it is indeed a lot of cold, mainly because users will have aesthetic fatigue. Its life cycle is an inverted U-shaped parabola. From another point of view, in fact, double 11 is not deserted, but we feel that these e-commerce platforms in the media, outdoor elevators, buildings and other online and offline channels, as if the advertising is slightly less, especially offline. Then online, in fact, there are not many diversions through various APPS and community platforms. However, judging from the final report card, there is a greater growth trend than last year.

Zhuang Shuai, a special researcher of the E-commerce Research Center of the Network Economic Society and the founder of Bailian Consulting, also said that the war report can be seen to create a new high, and the benefits are obvious. Double 11 has a role in promoting the entire industry, more users and merchants are involved, including offline entities also through the form of the platform, that is, in the form of the same city retail.

Mo Daiqing, director of the online retail department and senior analyst of the e-commerce research center of the network economic and social society, said that from the perspective of the final battle of double 11, there will still be a contest between the head e-commerce platforms, the head platform concentrates traffic and users, from which to share and share dividends, the "oligopolistic effect" is obvious, and the transaction volume of the two head platforms accounts for 92.12% of the transaction volume of the whole network. For small and medium-sized e-commerce companies, the space for exertion is limited.

Mo Daiqing believes that the difference between the pre-sale of Double 11 and previous years is that in previous years, double 11 consumers looking for goods have a venue. This year, Tmall mainly promotes live broadcasting with goods, especially the two major anchors Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya in the traffic concentration. Behind the sales of the two major anchors in the head reflects the huge resource concentration effect, and the space available to small and medium-sized anchors and long-tail anchors is compressed. In addition, it is not good for merchants, the original consumers can find themselves through the venue, and now to pass the anchor, in fact, there is an extra hurdle. Then, under the coercion of the platform, in order to be able to enter the live broadcast room of the head anchor, the merchant is bound to make concessions and sacrifices. This creates uneven development for the business ecosystem, and it is not necessarily healthy.

Mo Daiqing said that behind the rise of the national tide is the improvement of domestic product strength, and it is sought after by young consumers. Double Eleven is an opportunity for domestic brands to increase in vain, and it is also an important way for domestic brands to open up the market. At present, many domestic brands rely on low prices to attract traffic out of the circle, which is effective in the short term. But low price is only a means to attract users, while obtaining users, domestic brands should also do a good job of conversion, long-term low prices are not enough, more need to pay attention to product quality, and user experience improvement.

She said that in addition, in the future, domestic brands should gradually enter the stage of upgrading, and product design and research and development should become the focus of attention, so as to enhance core competitiveness. In addition, in terms of traffic, we should gradually develop multiple channels and self-owned channels to reduce dependence on individual channels, thereby reducing marketing costs and reducing the burden on the future development of the brand.

Mo Daiqing believes that double 11 has entered the 13th year, young users have tended to be rational, coupled with e-commerce promotions are now more frequent, it can be said that there is a month, nothing more than the size of the force, for users has been the norm, in the choice is more rational, there is more time to think. Double 11 major e-commerce platform launched the elderly version, it can be seen that the elderly also like more and more convenient shopping, coupled with the elderly's online shopping habits of life necessities gradually cultivated, such as chai rice oil salt sauce coarse tea, should see the elderly are also adapting to the Internet life. The excavation of the silver economy is not only related to the quality of life of the elderly, but also a way to promote consumption.

The year of change How to hand in the thirteen-year-old double 11?

Mo Daiqing said that "Double 11" was called "holding coins for purchase" before, and then after "consumption advance", then called "consumption overdraft", and concentrated on the rapid transfer of offline to online consumption phenomenon. Behind the gorgeous numbers of the double 11 opening war report needs to be looked at rationally. Turnover refers to the amount of orders placed, the actual amount should be deducted from the unpaid amount, return volume, brush order volume, etc., after squeezing out the water is the real GMV. Therefore, for the data we also need to squeeze out the water after the real look.

The impact of double 11 is very large, and every year the big promotion will allow users, merchants and business models to get a centralized training and carry out the survival of the fittest. Consumers can also have some new ways of shopping, such as live e-commerce and same-city retail experiences. At the same time, more new products and brands are involved, giving consumers more choices. With the expansion of the scale of Double 11, the influence of China's retail market is also increasing. On the other hand, Double 11 can also allow more foreign users to come to China to shop, and foreign retailers can also enter China to compete and improve the level of our entire industry.

Chen Hudong further pointed out that after all, Double 11 has experienced more than ten years, the older generation of netizens have become accustomed to it, and whether the new generation of netizens pay attention to it, these are the categories of consumer behavior. As a traditional e-commerce promotion festival, how to continue to be brilliant in the follow-up, how to renew the old festival, and perhaps a new breakthrough still needs to be sought by e-commerce companies. Double 11 is actually a microcosm of the development of the e-commerce market, boosting consumption and promoting the economy, once contributed to it, but how to continue to improve and promote, depends on the development of e-commerce.

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