
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old

author:Rural her third aunt

Happy birthday dear son

A month ago, my mother wanted to write you a letter on your birthday, but she hesitated, afraid of being sentimental, bored to follow the trend, and never wrote. But my heart has been thinking about it, and from time to time I am excited to think of a lot of things to say to you. As you grow up, you will have your own thoughts and behaviors, and your parents are afraid that they will no longer have the confidence to teach you in the future, and I am afraid that you will no longer have the patience to calm down and listen to us. After much thought, I'll still take advantage of your birthday to tell you what I want to say.

The twelfth day of november in the solar calendar is a special day for our family. Twenty-three years ago, on this day, you came to Mom and Dad. Child, this is really a deep love that God has given us. We have remembered it in our hearts and have always cherished it. You have also seen that our family, like other families, has peace and warmth, but there are also contradictions and quarrels, but in tolerance, understanding and tolerance, everyone strives to do a good job of themselves first, although our family is still very poor. Although we are not rich yet, our family is harmonious, everyone has a dream, and we are trying to make our family richer and more beautiful.

Boy, you're twenty-three years old. Mom and Dad have said many times in private, for your today's relief, you have finally grown up, we can worry less! You have been working since you graduated from college for a whole year, and the biggest change is that you have calmed down in dealing with people and become accustomed to taking care of the overall situation. It's more about helping others for fun! The big boy with sunshine in his heart has love! No longer as self-centered as when I was a student. What is more gratifying is that you can support yourself with the income of your own labor, no longer covet the few yuan in your mother's hands, and even sometimes ask your grandmother what you need to buy for your grandmother. Children, you can integrate into society so quickly, be self-reliant, and be grateful to your parents, this is our greatest pride, and it is also the result we most want to see.

The child, twenty-three years old, is the most beautiful season of life, a young and fearless year. There is no family burden, the body is strong enough to fall down and you can get up immediately, when people encounter things, some feel bad, some are retreat time, there are places you want to go, people you want to see, you want to do, you can pay for the road you earn, your parents can also help you a little, you can neatly spread your feet and leave. How good is the age of youth, how good a child. Oh, and maybe you'll say, what's so good? There is no very satisfactory income at work, there is no girlfriend who feels very beautiful in the heart, I dare not play how to play, in short, I dare not let go of my hands and feet. Child, your little depression and dissatisfaction are the psychology and life reality of normal people, indicating that you are still self-motivated and want to be better about everything yourself. That's right. Then, go to your dreams, go to the struggle, and believe that the future will be better.

Mom and Dad are glad that you do the job you love, whether it's professional knowledge or how you help customers and leaders solve difficulties, it's a sign of your wisdom. It is the professional skill you choose, and it is also the hobby that you grew up in your youth. Perhaps, one day you will feel aesthetic fatigue, feel boring and tedious work, which also shows that your skills are insufficient, it is time to calm down and learn again, recharge, seek a breakthrough, and innovate again, rather than rashly giving up and starting a new industry.

Child, your job is not only a simple survival skill, but also a professional and technical journey that needs to be improved endlessly. Mom remembers you telling me about the vintage and difference of wine through your expertise! You use English to help customers solve problems in life, I hope you will always maintain this innocent, sensitive, hard-working and beautiful heart, let your life into your interests and hobbies, art full of life. Such a life, ordinary but not mediocre, plain but not boring. Your career is just getting started, and the esoteric and good life also requires you to pay more energy to practice, summarize and pursue. Children, you will slowly know that a person can combine their own interests and survival skills into one, what a fortunate and comfortable opportunity, I hope you cherish it, patience, study and forge ahead, step by step to play your strengths, tap your potential.

Children, your growth, progress, in the eyes of your parents, in the eyes of your friends, but also in the eyes of your colleagues at work. Mom and Dad want you to cherish the friends you meet, even if you have different interests, you must speak peacefully, leave politely, give respect to others, and give yourself dignity. Cherish every job opportunity to show your skills, and colleagues can have different views, you can discuss with each other, you can also think that you are right, but you must have a sense of teamwork, obey the collective leadership and arrangement, and cannot arbitrarily pick and choose without a word. Some people point out that your shortcomings are insufficient, that is, they do not treat you as an outsider, and see that you still have the hope of cultivation and room for progress. Children, only by adapting to the complex and changeable society, rather than retreating into their own small pockets, can you become strong in your heart and gradually become an independent strong person in life.

Children, those who can really outperform their peers, have professionalism, determination and pattern! You have a good starting point, and mom and dad hope that you will use the virtues of diligence, kindness, and modesty to expand more and more development space. Mom and Dad like you and cheer you on!

Child, you are twenty-three years old, and it is time for you to fall in love legally, reasonably, and reasonably. Mom and Dad want you to find the girl you love. I hope that you do not first look at the external conditions of the girl's family, such as rich and poor and black, white, fat and thin, but pay attention to the inherent future potential such as cultural accomplishment. We say this, not to ask others for anything, but to hope that you have a long-term vision of choice and do yourself well enough in the first place. Only when you are quiet, through reading book society, innovative work and other ways, day by day enriching, cultivating, precipitating, and improving yourself, can you become a luminous body full of energy, attract the attention of others, get recognition and closeness. Naturally, the girl who comes together with you is the one who shares your like-mindedness, can create a happy family together, enjoy a good life, and love each other for a lifetime.

The kids are talking about it a lot! It may be the depth of love and the depth of responsibility! Put yourself in the sins you have suffered, and hope that your children will no longer have a hard time like us! Finally, I wish my dear son a happy birthday, all the best, and marry a good daughter-in-law!

Mother Zhang Suxia

A letter to a twenty-three-year-old
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old
A letter to a twenty-three-year-old

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