
Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

In the past few days, many people have gone to work, and the new Hangzhou people who have returned to their hometowns for the New Year have also returned to Hangzhou one after another. After a Spring Festival holiday, does your car need maintenance?

Every year after the Spring Festival, Hangzhou 4S stores will usher in the peak of vehicle maintenance, but this year affected by the epidemic, many people did not return to their hometowns for the New Year, nor did they travel, so these two days the major 4S stores in Hangzhou did not appear in the previous years of queuing for maintenance scenes. The reporter consulted more than 10 different brands of 4S stores, after-sales managers have said that this year's post-holiday maintenance is not as tense as in previous years, fast repair, emergency repair can generally be received on the day of the store.

Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

No queues, post-holiday maintenance freedom

During the Spring Festival, due to the obvious increase in the use rate of private cars compared with usual, long-distance driving ranging from hundreds of kilometers to thousands of kilometers, it is inevitable that there will be small accidents such as scratching, so after returning to the city after the year, many private cars with "injuries" will be rushed to the 4S shop for maintenance.

Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

The after-sales manager of Beijing Hyundai Zhejiang Hantong 4S store said that from the perspective of previous years, most of the post-holiday accident cars are mainly scratches, many of which are small bumps in bicycles that lead to paint falling off, bumper bumps and other problems, "Most of the accident cars need to wait for insurance companies to do evaluation, plus the individual parts of the 4S store are out of stock, so the time will be relatively long, resulting in queuing." However, it has been two days since he went to work after the holiday this year, and he found that there was no situation in the store where vehicles were concentrated and returned to the store for maintenance.

The relevant person in charge of FAW-Volkswagen Hangzhou Bairui Store also said that there are not many customers for maintenance in the past few days, basically do as you go, do not have to wait. Hangzhou Hecheng Zhibao store after-sales director according to the experience of previous years analysis, the first day of the holiday, the store is generally not likely to have a queue phenomenon, it is expected that the beginning of the eighth month of the first month, the number of vehicles entering the store will increase, "However, our technicians have all returned to work, even if the vehicle is more than usual, do not worry, to do maintenance directly can come." ”

Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

A number of 4S store after-sales leaders have said that after going to work after this year, there are significantly fewer vehicles coming to the store for maintenance than in previous years. They analyzed that on the one hand, it may be related to the fact that many customers have not returned to Hangzhou, on the other hand, it may be related to the epidemic situation in Hangzhou during the Spring Festival this year, "Many people whose hometowns are in other provinces have responded to the call to stay in Hangzhou for the New Year this year; many people who were originally ready to travel in the province or abroad have also cancelled their plans because of the epidemic; some people who stay in Hangzhou for the New Year have not even gone to relatives in other districts, counties and cities, and everyone has traveled less, and there have been fewer accidents." ”

A person in charge of Zhejiang Aotong store believes that another reason for not having to queue up this year is also related to the reservation system that is currently widely implemented in 4S stores, "Old customers know that before coming to do maintenance, call first to make an appointment, and when they come back at the agreed time, they don't have to queue." "So overall, the 4S store is not as crowded as it used to be.

Therefore, if your car needs maintenance, you can always come to the store during this time, and basically there will be no queues for a long time.

What do I need to pay attention to in the maintenance of my car after the holiday?

After a Spring Festival holiday of continuous use of the car, the vehicle mileage generally increased more, after returning to Hangzhou, the vehicle is best to do an inspection, there is a need should also go to the 4S shop for maintenance. Specifically, we asked the after-sales managers of some 4S stores to list a few:

First, clean the body. After a long drive, the first thing to do is to clean the exterior of the body and remove the traces of dust, mud and other traces attached to the paint, so as to avoid all kinds of dirt staying on the body for a long time and destroying the paint surface. In addition, winter frost and snow are also easy to leave in the surface area of the car body, and the corrosive chemicals contained in it can also cause damage to the paint.

Second, the chassis anti-rust. Inspections include each rotating part, whether the suspension component is loose or damaged, and chassis rust inspection. If you often drive on mountain roads or muddy roads, mud and other dirt are easily attached to the chassis, and some sand and gravel that constantly knock on the chassis will also peel off the protective layer of the chassis original chassis armor, and the possibility of the chassis being rusted becomes greater, and it is best to tighten all the screws on the chassis.

Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

Third, replenish the liquid. After a long drive, all kinds of liquids (oil, antifreeze, etc.) will inevitably leak and consume. In addition, the engine may deteriorate the oil under continuous high temperature operation, so various oils should be tested after a long drive.

Fourth, maintain the tires. Check the tire pressure, preferably with a four-wheel alignment to keep the four-wheel balanced. Carefully clean the inclusions in the tire pattern and avoid using tires with more wear. If it is found that it has been completely worn, the new tire should be replaced in time. If there are obvious grooves in the surface of the brake disc, it may be caused by the continuous friction between the brake disc and the fender when the vehicle is driving on the gravel road. Therefore, it is best to conduct a careful and thorough inspection of the brake system when conditions permit.

Did you do the car maintenance after the holiday? There is a new development this year

5. Clean the vehicle. During the festival, there are many adults and children in the car, and some small storage spaces may have various miscellaneous items.

It's best to sort it out carefully. Especially from the hometown back, all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, seafood stuffed with trunk, there will be odor, you can take out the trunk pad to wash and dry, while opening more windows.

Sixth, check the battery. During the Spring Festival, some vehicles are in a state of suspension, if you suddenly find that you can not start, it is very likely that the battery of your car (car battery) has a problem (of course, not necessarily the problem of the battery). You can see if the battery fault light on the dashboard is on, if there is, and confirm that it is a power loss, then you can only find a kind car owner to take the power, or if you call for emergency rescue.

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