
Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

In the first two years, Lexus and Cadillac as a second-tier luxury brand in the domestic luxury car market can be said to be quite a scenery, the strong performance in the market is close to the BBA, the annual sales champion is also by the two companies in turn, until 2020 is the case.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

In 2020, Lexus sold 225,000 units in the Chinese market, up 11% year-on-year. While Cadillac's cumulative sales for the full year increased by 8.2% year-on-year to 230,007 units, Lexus was defeated.

But it should be said that in addition to Lexus, most of the rest of the luxury brands rely on large-scale terminal offers to obtain sales results, such as Volvo, but also such as Cadillac, most of its models in the market have given great concessions, very attractive. In contrast, Lexus' annual sales of 225,000 vehicles are more gold-rich.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

But by 2021, Lexus had 219,000 vehicles in China, down 6.8% year-on-year, down three places compared with 2020, and more importantly, in the luxury brand sales rankings, Lexus has fallen to seventh place, in the second-tier luxury camp, the leading position has been grabbed by Tesla and Hongqi.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

From the momentum of the first two years to last year's sudden silence, Lexus appears to have some lack of staying power in the market, and when it comes to the reasons behind this, it must be inseparable from two points.

The first is the lack of chips. As we all know, in 2021, the "lack of core tide" swept the entire automobile market, the vast majority of car companies are bitter, many models can not be delivered, some particularly popular brands and models need to queue up to pick up the car, with a pure import car status Lexus of course has not been spared.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

Affected by the chip shortage, Toyota announced in the middle of last year that its two factories in Japan and three production lines were shut down and reduced, and the two factories were responsible for producing some models of Lexus and Toyota, so it also directly led to the postponement of the new Lexus LX, which was scheduled to be launched before the end of last year, to this year's debut and go on sale.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

In 2021, Lexus has adjusted the price of many of its models, including Lexus's ES, NX, RX three models, of which ES and NX models have the highest decline of 3,000 yuan, while the highest increase of RX models has reached 20,000 yuan.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

This is as an imported model, and because of the decline in the car market, almost all car brands have chosen to give some concessions in price to attract consumers, but Lexus is the opposite of the choice of price increase, consumers are naturally difficult to accept, and turned around and chose other luxury brands.

Lexus sales plummeted in 2021, really want to be domestic to save?

Write at the end

It is undeniable that in the first two years, Lexus was definitely the leader of the second-tier luxury brands, but now it has been left behind by Tesla and Hongqi, a domestic brand, and it is definitely not an easy task to catch up.

In addition, take Lexus' biggest competitor Cadillac, which has long been localized, but Lexus has always insisted on import sales, first of all, there is no great advantage in price, and consumers are not indispensable. It can only be said that if Lexus wants to pick up sales this year, it is bound to plan well, of course, it is not excluded that in the case of sufficient chip supply, Lexus sales can rebound.

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