
LOL: The lowest 4 heroes in the lower limit, this position is not as good as super soldiers!

Different heroes are completely different heroes in the hands of different players, LOL has developed for ten years and only has 158 heroes, so do you know who are the heroes with the highest lower limit? Know how outrageous these heroes can be in the hands of players who can't play? This issue will reveal them one by one for everyone.

LOL: The lowest 4 heroes in the lower limit, this position is not as good as super soldiers!

Number one: Robots

As the oldest batch of assists, robots are the first choice for most non-auxiliary players, but the hero's mechanism has lagged far behind the version, and from the perspective of a professional player, cats are ten times stronger than robots.

Choose the most wasteful of the four "hook" types of Parker, Titan, Hammerstone, and Robot, then it is not a robot. Titan controls more, can resist, Parker is flexible and output, Hammerstone is full of functionality and can protect teammates, what is the robot? The answer is nothing.

Low-end game players generally take whether they can hook people to the only criterion for whether they can play robots, but the role of robots is to deter, suppress, and cooperate with teammates to play the effect, and once they become the outcasts of teammates, then the robot is not as good as the super soldier, the hook is useless, and the hook is not accurate. ADC players know that if you encounter a robot that can't play, you just want him to wander. This is the only auxiliary hero with a low upper limit and a lower lower limit, even inferior to Bud and the stone man who is not an auxiliary.

Once with a friend to open the black, he used is a robot, the whole Q skill has not been hit, we have no control skills on our side, in the team battle, he flashed to pull the enemy stone man, at this time the enemy stone man ahead of us two pieces of equipment, our side of the four teammates are leaning together, so the stone man a big move directly destroyed the four of us, but my brother said "I pulled to the opposite of the fattest person, you can't fight, will you play?" ”

LOL: The lowest 4 heroes in the lower limit, this position is not as good as super soldiers!

Second place: Yaso

Kitchen knife heroes generally have almost unlimited output space, but there is also a "dish" with no lower limit! In traditional kitchen knife teams such as Barbarian Yixin, only Zhao Xin became an outcast, because the main output of the Barbarian King and sword saint came from Ping A, while Zhao Xin relied on skills.

But Yaso is an exception, he has the same output ability and output frequency as the Barbarian King Sword Saint, but you don't know if he is interspersed with ping A in the skill, or interspersed with the skill in the flat A, anyway, he has a strong output ability, and the most important thing is that he looks extremely ethereal!

In the hands of the master Yaso, Yaso is too strong and too ethereal, in the hands of Yaso who can't play, Yaso can't do anything, his own Yasuo is super ghost for many years, and after the super ghost, he will go to the brush, brush for twenty or thirty minutes to come out of the team battle for a second!

Third place: Zelas

LOL: The lowest 4 heroes in the lower limit, this position is not as good as super soldiers!

The strongest is shown on the background board, the best opponent to practice walking position. Zelas who can play can often annoy you to death, but Zelas who can't play can annoy his teammates to death, what is not good, the skill is not hit, the recent Zelas prefers to "scratch his head", the beginning of the game wants to grab the enemy to fight wild BUFF, causing the enemy to fight wild retaliatory GANK, auxiliary behavior ADC back pot, don't look at his Zelas what is used, the escape ability is very strong!

As a french auxiliary, if it cannot be consumed, it is useless, but the relatively low proficiency of the legal auxiliary is often not to consume the enemy, but to collect its own line of troops at every turn! But we can't do anything about it, the Zelas who can play can make your ADC very happy, the Zeras who can't play can make the opposite very happy, and we can only fight for luck.

LOL: The lowest 4 heroes in the lower limit, this position is not as good as super soldiers!

Fourth place: ADC

Like our second hero, Yasso, heroes with high output frequencies tend to have ample upper output limits, but also extremely low lower limits. What is the difference between ADC and heroes like Yaso? It's the hand length. But 90% of the ADCs we encounter fail to control the attack range.

Why are the roads we encounter pits? Because most ADCs have not systematically practiced and learned ADC, they are using ADCs with other positions of play and ideas. The basic skills are not solid, will not mend the knife, will not be consumed, the auxiliary to see your eyes will go to swim away, the auxiliary will swim away and you can't play, and the next road will naturally collapse. In most of the matches, you can see the direction in about three minutes down the road, either the two "break the righteousness", or keep sending.

But ADC is the most fun position for League of Legends, because its sense of operation, the sense of competition in the psychological game of the line, and the sense of teamwork that assists the cooperation are all unmatched by other positions. But ADC eat proficiency and game understanding, once the game is not played well, it becomes a super soldier, or even worse than a super soldier, the super soldier will at least not send.

And their own strength is not a problem and is subject to the strength of the auxiliary, which is why the players we see in the next road are all double-row, because single-row can not play at all.

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