
LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

Wrist Hao: Strong hand split skull

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

Have you ever thought about a question? It is the skills of some heroes in the League of Legends, listening to the name feels like a rather outrageous skill, it feels very scary, such as the e skill of the hero of the wrist hao: strong hand split skull, after everyone sees this name, do you feel that your scalp is numb in an instant? The key is that this hero's skills are still very good, whether it is from its own effect, or from the point of view of damage, it is quite powerful, which is why this hero is so strong, of course, this hero's most powerful must be a big move.

Prophet of the Void: The Great Trick The Grip of the Underworld

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

The hero of the Void Prophet is also very scary, whether it is from the name or from the effect, especially this effect is more powerful, directly control the other party, and the other party has no way to target through equipment in the early stage, after all, everyone should know that if you have this equipment that can be used against the Void Prophet, it is basically equivalent to selling teammates, because your teammates must also be out, if you can't say it, you will be too bad. It's the equivalent of everyone being killed once by the Void Prophet. Do you feel that such a skill is terrifying in an instant? To tell you, when you play the Void Prophet, this big move is very important in the early stage, in the later stage, because it is possible to be targeted by the other party's skills, so don't think about a skill in the later stage to kill the other party, the early stage still has to do a little more things.

Whagat: Big move

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

The hero of Ogart is even more needless to say, right? You can look up the name for yourself: Beyond the Fear of Death. The name alone can scare off a bunch of kids. And the skin itself is also quite powerful, especially this skill, when the opponent's hero can be seconded, there will be a circle of chain special effects on the screen of the other hero, which is definitely a very scary special effect, right? When I saw this special effect, I believe that the opponent's hands have already opened the keyboard, after all, the teammates have no way to save themselves, can only wait for the next resurrection, continue to fight with Argat!

Noh: Big move

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

Do you know what the name of the hero's big move is? I reckon most players should know it, because the name of this big move is very scary: The Noxus Guillotine. Of course, the average player is called a guillotine. This skill I think and this name is still more matched, because see this name to know that this is a second person's skill, and this big move is indeed used for seconds, but you need your own passive to cooperate with it, when the guillotine skill is released, I believe that most of the players, will also feel that they are about to be seconds, by the way, this skill after the seconds of people, there is a fear effect, but can only fear their own home and the other side's creeps.

Yaso: The wind is blowing

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

Yaso's skills are actually very good, if you talk about the most terrifying skill, I believe it is still this wild wind, such a skill, not only the name sounds more domineering, its own skill animation and effect is also good, this should be regarded as one of the strongest skills in the League of Legends, because most of the time when this skill is thrown out, basically Yaso can start his own killing mode, especially after cooperating with the stone man, a big move directly to take five kills is also a chance, of course, Will the other party give you this opportunity? We have to say that after all, after the other party saw the combination of the stone man Gayaso, it would not stand too concentrated.

Rambo: Big move

LOL's 6 Scariest Skills The first one looks scary at the first name

What do you think of Rambo's big move? Judging by the name, I think it's pretty good: thermostatic burning. It sounds like that kind of damage type skill, and the hero's own skill is also the same, it is a rather domineering skill, after throwing it out, it may be decided whether the other party's wave of team battles is lost or won. We know that Rambo, the hero's big move, has the so-called death position, that is, as long as you lose your skills in this position, then even if the other party has one more big piece than you, there is no way to win you in the team battle.

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