
The 3 heroes who will come out of the power of the Grandmaster! Once the Grandmaster's power is not available, the damage is not even as good as that of the super soldier

When playing the following 3 heroes, you must draw a grandmaster's power, once you don't have the grandmaster's power, the damage is not as good as the super soldier.

The 3 heroes who will come out of the power of the Grandmaster! Once the Grandmaster's power is not available, the damage is not even as good as that of the super soldier

3. Zhao Yun

The 3 heroes who will come out of the power of the Grandmaster! Once the Grandmaster's power is not available, the damage is not even as good as that of the super soldier

Zhao Yun is a warrior who relies on skill plus pu to attack the second person, when Zhao Yun finishes the power of the grandmaster, combined with the enhanced general attack of the 1 skill, a flat A can cripple the crisp skin, play Zhao Yun does not have the power of the grandmaster, then the ability of the second person will be greatly reduced, so playing Zhao Yun will be out of the grandmaster's power.

2. Armored Emperor

The 3 heroes who will come out of the power of the Grandmaster! Once the Grandmaster's power is not available, the damage is not even as good as that of the super soldier

Once the armor opens the big move, it can get an additional attack power bonus, when you finish the Endless Grandmaster's Army, as long as the big move triggers the critical hit, you can hit the crispy half of the blood with one knife, plus the armor has no displacement skill, and the Grandmaster's power can also provide a movement speed bonus for the armor. Therefore, playing with armor is also bound to produce the power of the grandmaster.

1. Pei Huhu

The 3 heroes who will come out of the power of the Grandmaster! Once the Grandmaster's power is not available, the damage is not even as good as that of the super soldier

Tiger is a hero who relies on frequent switching forms to continuously output, when the tiger finishes the power of the grandmaster, it can constantly trigger the passive effect of the grandmaster's power, there is simply no equipment, more suitable for the tiger than the grandmaster's power, do you know which heroes, ranking is also the power of the grandmaster?

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