
The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

This year's May 5th Black Festival will still have skins to welcome the return, and the skins that have returned to the field have some news at present. According to netizens' revelations, the limited skins of mi yue, Zhuang Zhou, Pei Baohu and Wan'er are all expected to return to the scene on the May 5th Open Black Festival. Mention Wan'er, by the way, Wan'er's new skin, this hero has a long time to have the news of new skins, but there has been no exact online time, until recently there was a national service Wan'er anchor broke the online time of this skin, and the online time is next month.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

Finally, the sales of Gongsun Li's Jade Rabbit Princess skin are also very surprising, according to official statistics, the sales of this skin are about to exceed Zhao Yun's Tanyu skin, what is going on, let's take a look.

Skin exposure for the opening of the black knot return

Every year, the anniversary and the May Fifth Black Festival are fixed skin returns, and now there is only a little more than a month away from the May Five-Year Black Festival, and there is also news about the skin to return to the May Fifth Black Festival. According to the revelations of some players and bloggers, there are the following skins that are likely to return to the field during this year's May 5th Black Festival.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

The first is Zhuang Zhou's starry sky fish, this skin is a limited skin that came out very early, and it is also a favorite skin of many Zhuang Zhou players, the quality of this skin is still good, and it has not returned to the field for a long time, and the five-five black festival is very promising to return. Then there is Mi Yue's white crystal skin, which has been out for a while and is eligible to return. Then there are the skins of the two Sirius series, namely Wan'er's Sirius Dreamer and Pei Hu's Wolf Hunter, one of these two skins has a high probability of returning.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

Then this year's five-five-open black festival skin is the spirit of the mink cicada, this skin is currently in good quality than last year's Xuan Ce's five-five black knot skin, plus it is the hero of the mink cicada, so the sales of this skin are estimated to be very high.

Wan Er's new skin online time is determined

Wan Er has not had a new skin for a long time, but this year the hero has a new skin, and it is still a legendary skin. The launch time of this skin is said to be April, and the credibility of the message is still relatively high.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

Because this news is said when the national service Wan'er anchor biscuit live broadcast, the general big anchor will get some news in advance, so Wan'er's new skin will most likely be launched in April. However, according to the anchor's revelations, this skin is actually just a direct sale legend, which is somewhat unexpected.

Jade Rabbit Princess sales broke a new high

Gongsun Li's Jade Rabbit Princess This skin originally thought that there would not be many players to buy, which knew that the skin bounced up as soon as it was sold on the line, and many players who did not play Gongsun Li had started this skin. According to statistics, the sales of this skin in just one day exceeded the sales of Zhao Yun's tanyu skin in three days, which can be described as very scary.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

The reason why the sales of this skin are so high may also be related to the price of this skin. The price of the Journey to the West linkage skin is 532 bonds, and the price of an epic limited skin is not expensive, so it is also the main reason why many players buy it.

The skin of the opening black festival return was exposed, the time of Wan'er's new skin was determined, and the sales of Jade Rabbit broke a new high

And this skin has also been optimized before it was launched, and the special effects and voice of this skin itself are deeply liked by players, but there are some problems with modeling. The official optimization is the modeling, the optimization of the modeling still looks a lot better, no wonder so many players have started this skin.

Kerr has something to say

Little Pepper feels that this year's May 5th Black Festival will definitely return to a KPL-defined skin, which has always been the practice, and among the many KPL-defined skins, the probability of Wan Er and Pei Hu returning to the field is undoubtedly the largest. Then Wan'er's new skin may really be as the anchor said, it will be online in April, and Wan'er players can look forward to it a little. The sales of The Jade Rabbit Princess are still very good, and it is estimated that there will be optimization in the future, so this skin is indeed worth starting.

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