
Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

Many players do not put victory in the first place when playing the game, especially the current glory of the king, the king of the position is very easy to achieve, many players without higher pursuit, like to pursue a personal game experience in the game, so for these players, what hero is the most suitable for their own use?

If you want to say that the personal game experience is maximized, and no longer value the situation of winning or losing, then the following heroes are very interesting when they are used, but teammates and opponents will be particularly disgusted, which is the standard for selfish players.

Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

First Mozi assist

Mozi assist in the earliest because everyone is reluctant to assist and the hero appears, that is, to play a mage as an auxiliary, he hides behind his teammates and loses his skills, rather than saying that he fights for his teammates and lets his teammates output, not to go to the front to play first, to create output opportunities for teammates, but to wait for opportunities to play output behind him.

Mozi assist, in fact, and other mage assists the same, maybe the beginning of you are an auxiliary, but playing has become a mage, the most typical example is to buy the knowledge gem at the beginning, a few minutes later directly sold, just play as a mage, anyway win or lose does not matter, they are in the back of the poke.

Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

Second Bell Kui Assist

Zhong Kui auxiliary is also a big happy hero, the main reason why everyone is reluctant to play auxiliary, is that the impact of assist on winning and losing is too small, in most of the game, the fact is the same, so everyone is not willing to play auxiliary.

But Zhong Kui assist is not the same, teammates must cooperate with you to play, if you hook empty, the two skills are not accurate, this game has no sense of existence, losing is because of you and losing.

But if the second skill is more accurate, as long as you hook the key opponent, it is basically a great achievement, so select Zhong Kui, the remaining nine players, whether teammates or opponents, will feel flustered, and they will all look at your second skill.

Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

The 300th mile keeps the covenant

The last two seasons of shooters are particularly difficult to play, so the 100 Mile Covenant is theoretically the most suitable shooter to choose, and the shooter is difficult to play because teammates do not help, assist is not protected, and opponents may always target you, so shooters are difficult to play.

But if you choose to keep the covenant for a hundred miles, you can place the eye position, then basically no one can catch you, the line will be particularly safe, plus your two skills can be ultra-long distance output consumption, the line one hit one is the advantage, the line one hit two is not very difficult, the only thing is to select this hero teammate is easy to play, easy to be scolded, easy to be flipped later, but the process is very happy.

Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

The fourth journey bites gold

Although this hero is weak, he has a stable appearance rate every season, and there is also a glory collection skin, because it is very happy when using Cheng Biting Gold, even if you are punctured due to your own mistakes in the early stage, it does not matter, it does not matter if you are beaten to no value.

Anyway, play Cheng bite gold is always with the line, wait until their own equipment is slightly formed, if you single out, few heroes can beat themselves, their big moves and the effect of acceleration and blood return, a skill and displacement, that kind of line, the opponent is helpless to be held back by their own game experience is very good.

Glory of Kings: Take out the four heroes that have a great game experience and are disliked by teammates and opponents

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