
How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

Zelas: By Barbarian King E

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

A question for everyone, do you think designers are lazy when designing things? At first, I felt that I should not, after all, there is nothing to be lazy about, but after playing for a long time. I found that there are indeed many things, the designers of the fist are lazy, and one of the most outrageous things is that a certain version of Zelas is banned by the system by default. It is because of this Glass's E skill, when designing, the designer is lazy, and the skill is the underlying data of the creep. If you say that the barbarian king is on the line, the barbarian king uses the e skill to get this skill. You will find that the number of swords you have replenished has increased, and the number of gold coins has also increased, which is why this hero is immediately banned by default.

Kyle: I used to be lazy

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

The old version of Kyle is very much liked by everyone, ask everyone a question, why do you like this hero? Many people will say that because the feel of ordinary attacks is very good, let me tell you why you feel that ordinary attacks feel good. Because Kyle is a two-form hero. However, the normal attack trajectory of the ranged form uses the ordinary attack trajectory of the melee form, that is, as long as this action is shot, then the damage is directly hit. Perhaps to be more blunt, this ordinary attack cannot be blocked, and the wind wall cannot be stopped. Does it feel like the designer is a little too lazy? The ballistic trajectories of the two normal attacks were not designed separately.

Yasso: Any skin is the original skin

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

We know that when The hero Yaso unleashes the big move, he will leave a doppelganger in place, of course, this doppelganger lasts very short, almost negligible. If not some players go to see it frame by frame. You can't find this kind of special effect, but the player finds that no matter which skin Yaso uses, the twins left in the same place are the clones of the original skin, which is actually a kind of laziness, right? But I think this laziness should be understandable, a special effect that can't be seen, you design it so good, what do you do?

Grass: Once nothing now is unreasonable

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

Tell me how lazy the designers of League of Legends really liked to be lazy in the early days. It is the element of grass, in fact, at the beginning, there was no grass in the whole canyon, and then it was slowly added, and it was not added at one time, you can look at it, the original version of the grass and the current version of the grass are not the same. By the way, to give you a spit on the design of this grass, there are also a lot of unreasonable, or fist designers lazy place, that is, Timo can hide in the grass, I think it is reasonable. But a big bug that eats N layers can also hide in the grass, you are a little unreasonable, you know!

Female Gun: Legion of Destruction Steals Pike's Spring Water Effect

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

After the heroine's broken legion skin came out, many players said that the special effect of this skin's spring water was really too domineering, but it seemed to have been seen somewhere. Tell you, where you have seen it, it is the original skin of The hero Pike, the special effect of returning to the city is almost the same, it is to summon a shark. And the female gun's spring water effect, you can understand that it is stealing Parker's spring water effect, maybe the designer of the fist thinks that we players will not use the original skin, so we just stole a original skin of the spring water effect, you are a little too small to look at us.

Caution: Future Warrior

How LOL designers are "lazy" Skills can boost the economy by replacing A with creeps

Cautious this hero has a future warrior skin, I don't know if you have found, some small details of this laziness, that is, the original painting and the model are not right, simply put, the shoulder armor on the original painting and the shoulder armor in the game model are not on the same shoulder, this kind of thing you can say that the designer is lazy, you can also say that the designer may have done whatever he wanted when designing the model. Maybe you didn't look at it carefully, but this is also a kind of laziness, after all, in a sense, the designer should restore what other designers have made, of course, this thing may be a bit difficult for the modeler.

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