
The young man has been abducted for 30 years and has been looking for relatives alone for seventeen years, and today he will be reunited with his parents

author:Jimu News

Liu Yi, chief reporter of Jimu News

Video clip Kim Young

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It's like a cycle of fate.

In February 1992, Zhou Tianpeng, who was only 3 years old, was abducted in front of his home in Yongchuan, Chongqing, and 30 years later, he returned home in February. On Feb. 5, the 33-year-old will meet with his birth parents. Since he was a child, he has doubted his life, and he has been secretly looking for relatives alone for 17 years.

Distant memories

The memory of Zhou Tianpeng 30 years ago was already very vague, and he couldn't be sure how he was abducted. "Maybe it's the temptation of sugar!" Zhou Tianpeng said that there was always a scene in his mind, a woman wrapped in a turban, gave him candy to eat, and then he could not remember what happened later, and the recurring picture was to take a green-skinned train, and finally he arrived in Daye Town, Dengfeng, Henan.

He has a slightly more impression of home than how he was abducted. In an adobe house, there was a missing clay pot at home, he always took eggs from the gap, and he took a very broken boat... But where he came from, Zhou Tianpeng had no memory at all.

The young man has been abducted for 30 years and has been looking for relatives alone for seventeen years, and today he will be reunited with his parents

Zhou Tianpeng

Zhou Tianpeng's adoptive father is single. When Zhou Tianpeng was six or seven years old, he felt that his adoptive father was not his biological father, because the two did not look alike at all. Later, Zhou Tianpeng heard gossip in the village, saying that he had bought it, and he ran to ask his adoptive father about his own origins. Like many parents, his adoptive father told him he had picked it up in the garbage.

The young man has been abducted for 30 years and has been looking for relatives alone for seventeen years, and today he will be reunited with his parents

Zhou Tianpeng's childhood photo

As he grew older, at the age of 16, Zhou Tianpeng confirmed that he was not the biological son of his adoptive father. "Not only is it different in appearance, but there are also big differences in personality." Zhou Tianpeng said that the adoptive father is slow, he himself is an acute son, and the father and son have no less quarrels. And the neighbor's aunt also told him that he had indeed bought it from his adoptive father.

Childhood was not good for Zhou Tianpeng. The adoptive father often went out, no one in the family cooked for him, and he was hungry and full. He did a lot of work at home and in the fields, and he suffered more than his peers. In the village, he was also often bullied. Zhou Tianpeng believes that all he suffered was because his biological parents were not around.

Secretly searched for relatives for 17 years

"Many people in the village say I'm from Sichuan." Zhou Tianpeng said that when he was 16 years old, he once went to the captain's house in the village and overheard the captain say that he was from the Sichuan area and had been abducted to Henan by a human trafficker. The captain also encouraged him to go looking for his birth parents.

Zhou Tianpeng said that because he did not deal with his adoptive father in temperament, he did not dare to explicitly mention to his adoptive father about finding his biological parents, but secretly began his own family search plan.

16-year-old Zhou Tianpeng began to work everywhere, miners, waiters, cooks, car washers, welders... Henan, Beijing, Jiangsu, Hebei, no matter where he works, he always pays attention to all kinds of family search information, hoping to find his biological parents.

Zhou Tianpeng said that when he went to work in the local coal mine, he also knew many miners in Sichuan, and he asked his co-workers whether they had heard of anyone who had lost their children, but there was no result. When he saw the notice on the telephone pole looking for a son, he always had to stop, and when he saw the person looking for the son on the street, he also had to go forward to inquire to see if the stranger in front of him was his father and mother.

"At that time, there was no network, and many people's information was not known, and they did not know how to publish it." Zhou Tianpeng said that for more than a decade, his idea of looking for relatives has not been broken, and then the Network has developed, he began to pay attention to the information of searching for relatives on the Internet, but he has never found any clues related to his own life.

In 2015, his adoptive father also passed away. The family changed, life was not smooth, Zhou Tianpeng felt that the vast world had no place to stand for himself, he even thought of taking his own life, but a dream brought him back from the brink of collapse.

Zhou Tianpeng said that at that time, he was working in Xinmi, and just when he was discouraged, he dreamed of a voice saying, "Where are you, child, your mother is waiting for you to come back." It was because of the sound in the dream that he was more determined to get through the difficulties and find his parents.

The dawn is finally here

The journey of family finally saw the light of day.

In 2021, Zhou Tianpeng recognized his mother when he was working, and saw a video of a girl looking for her brother on the short video platform, and the girl's physical characteristics and appearance were similar to Zhou Tianpeng. Zhou Tianpeng got in touch with the girl, although in the end both sides found that neither side was the person they were looking for, but the girl told Zhou Tianpeng that the best way to successfully find relatives was to contact the volunteers, and then collect blood to establish a file and compare it with the DNA data left by the family searching.

The young man has been abducted for 30 years and has been looking for relatives alone for seventeen years, and today he will be reunited with his parents

In August 2021, Zhou Tianpeng took a blood sample and waited for nearly a month, but did not successfully compare with the information in the DNA database. At this time, a volunteer told him that through DNA analysis, he could also make a comparison called the "Y library" to roughly determine where he was from. On January 28 of this year, with the help of the police, comparing the results, and more accurately than expected, he found himself from Fandian Village, Xianlong Town, Yongchuan, Chongqing.

Yang Yi, who helped Zhou Tianpeng complete the last step of finding a home, is a Yongchuan native, and in August last year, Zhou Tianpeng posted his family search information online, and Yang Yi began to pay attention.

"Xianlong Town is right next door to my house." Yang Yi told jimu news reporters that when she learned that Zhou Tianpeng's hometown was in Xianlong Town, she sent her family search information to various local WeChat groups and asked netizens to help forward it. Zhou Tianpeng's cousin in Yongchuan saw the message, and zhou Tianpeng then got in touch with his family.

"Mom" who didn't shout out

"It's the taste of home." On February 4, Zhou Tianpeng traveled from Hebei to Yongchuan, Chongqing. Sitting in the taxi, he rolled down the window and breathed in the air of his hometown. Although the hot And Spicy Chongqing dish made Zhou Tianpeng stick out his tongue, the taste of this 30-year-old taste made him excited.

Zhou Tianpeng told Jimu News that on January 30, just before the Chinese New Year's Eve, the results of his parents' DNA comparison with his came out, and he finally found a home. That night, he didn't sleep all night, and he slept only two hours Chinese New Year's Eve night. "I was so excited I couldn't sleep."

Zhou Tianpeng also called his parents. When he called his mother, he wanted to shout "mother", but as soon as the word "mother" came out, he couldn't say the next words. On the other end of the phone, my mother couldn't cry.

"All the words may only be spoken when they meet..." Zhou Tianpeng said, he and his parents were crying and unable to speak on the phone, and he was satisfied to learn that his parents were in good health. Later, his cousin told him that in order to welcome him, the family specially bought a new bed, a new quilt, and prepared a banquet.

"I finally went home..." Zhou Tianpeng said, after thinking about it for so many years, he just wanted to return to his biological parents as soon as possible. On February 5, he will return to his hometown to reunite with his parents, who have been separated for 30 years.

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