
What should I do if I stay up late to eat and drink during the Spring Festival and get on the fire?

During the Spring Festival, many people eat and drink heavily, change their eating habits, frequent socializing, staying up late, watching TV, and changing living habits. Many people will have a fire, such as red tongue, dry mouth, sores on the lips, swollen gums and pain, etc. So what to do at this time?

In fact, the so-called fire is a skin disease caused by herpes simplex virus infection when immunity is reduced, and this disease often occurs on the lips, around the mouth, around the eyes, together with a lot of small blisters, there is a burning sensation. Herpes simplex is caused by herpes simplex virus infection, mostly due to herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. This virus infection is easy to recur, there may be local burning discomfort itching before the rash, generally when the body's resistance declines, it is easy to recur, such as fatigue, staying up late, cold, alcoholism, the above situation will lead to a decline in the body's resistance, at this time herpes simplex is easy to recur.

Traditional Chinese medicine generally divides "fire" into two categories: "real fire" and "virtual fire", and the common types of fire are "heart fire", "liver fire", "lung fire", "stomach fire" and "kidney fire".

Fire has the distinction of virtual reality: real fire is also called yang hyperactivity, that is, yang qi is too exuberant fire can be divided into liver fire, heart fire, lung fire, spleen and stomach fire, kidney yin deficiency of the virtual fire, etc., all kinds of fire has different symptoms.

What should I do if I stay up late to eat and drink during the Spring Festival and get on the fire?

If it catches fire, here are a few things you can try:

1. Eat vitamin C.

Eating vitamin C after the fire can significantly improve the symptoms of the fire. Of course, if you eat more foods that contain vitamin C, the effect will be better, and it can also supplement the malnutrition caused by fire.

2. Do not eat irritating foods.

Irritating foods can aggravate the symptoms of fire, especially some chili foods.

What should I do if I stay up late to eat and drink during the Spring Festival and get on the fire?

3. Get enough sleep.

When the rest is not good, the resistance will be poorer, and it will be easier to catch fire.

4, often drink herbal tea.

Mouth blistering is mostly caused by the fire, so you can drink more herbal tea after the fire, which will help the fire to "press" down. You can try chrysanthemum tea, gardenia tea, honeysuckle tea.

Chrysanthemum flavor: spicy, bitter, sweet, cold. Attribution: lung, liver meridian. Indications for function: evacuation of wind fever, clear lung fever, clear liver, flat liver.

Gardenia sexual taste: bitter, cold. Guijing: heart, liver, stomach, lung meridian, function indications: diarrhea fire to remove annoyance, cool blood to stop bleeding, clear heat and detoxification, clear damp heat.

Honeysuckle taste: sweet, slightly bitter, spicy, cold. Meridians: lungs, stomach, heart, large intestine meridians. Indications for function: detoxification, ventilation and heat, heat relief.

What should I do if I stay up late to eat and drink during the Spring Festival and get on the fire?

5, eat more bitter food.

Eating more bitter foods such as bitter melon is more conducive to health, and eating bitter foods is very good for the mouth foaming caused by real fire.

6. Eat more spleen and dehumidifying foods.

Eat more spleen and dehumidifying foods, such as winter melon, barley, etc., some light diet in life is conducive to alleviating the problem of mouth foaming.

7. Keep your mood comfortable.

Learn to control your emotions and not overly sad, angry, depressed, angry, etc.

What should I do if I stay up late to eat and drink during the Spring Festival and get on the fire?

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