
Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

Source | Guangdong Health Information

Never expected!

Healthier ways than running and swimming turn out to be...


Singing regularly can play a role in preventing and treating diseases. Studies have confirmed that singing is a movement of the respiratory muscles under specific conditions, and the benefits are no less than running, swimming, rowing, etc.

Singing can also change the blood composition of people and help improve human immunity. Many professional singers live many years longer than the average person.

What are the benefits of singing?

1. Improve the body's immunity

When you can't get rid of boredom and distress, as long as you sing a little bit, you feel a lot more relaxed. Because you have to concentrate when singing, all kinds of depression will be completely left behind, immersed in the beautiful mood of the song, enjoy the artistic beauty brought by music, so as to get rid of the psychological shackles and make yourself feel relaxed.

When singing, you can also bring yourself into the situation of the song, and pour out your heart and express your emotions through singing.

I've heard that medical experts have tested that when singing, especially when singing your favorite songs, the brain generates and releases brain hormones similar to morphine. It promotes and stimulates the increase of immunoglobulins and anti-stress hormones, so that the brain and body and mind feel relaxed and happy, and increase the body's immune function.

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

2. Use the abdominal muscles to close the belly

When singing, the basic breathing method is abdominal breathing. The muscles of the abdomen are fully utilized, boosting metabolism and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen.

In addition, when using abdominal breathing, the activity of the diaphragm regulates the inhalation and exhalation of air, and the lung volume increases.

The correct singing method of singing is not to shout with the throat, which not only fails to achieve the effect, but also damages the throat, forms polyps, and causes the opposite effect. Practice the right way to sing:

Abdominal breathing

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

"Abdominal breathing" is the basic technique of singing, which is quite easy to practice, and can be practiced by yourself at home:

Start by lying on your back on the ground or on the bed, with objects weighing 1 to 2 kilograms on your abdomen, such as books or phone books. Maintain this posture and sing a song, remember to see the rise and fall of the abdomen, make sure that you are breathing in the abdomen, practice once a day, and slowly become skilled.

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

Correct singing posture

When singing, stand or not sit, spread your legs apart and shoulder width apart, maintain balance in your body, and remember to use the "abdominal breathing method".

Imagine yourself as the master of the song, devote yourself to singing without emotion, and being able to do this will greatly improve the effect of weight loss.

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

In addition, there is a point to pay special attention to, try not to drink alcohol when practicing singing. If you want to drink, it is better to drink hot tea or fat sea.

3. Enhance memory

There are thousands of old songs and new songs, and the lyrics are rich in content, and it is difficult to remember clearly without having to worry. Therefore, singing is actually a kind of mental work, to search, recover and reproduce the content of the song from the hundreds of millions of information in the mind, the brain really has to run at high speed.

Because of the need to repeat the memory of the lyrics, in the long run, it can also strengthen the brain and improve memory.

4. Improve constipation and skin condition

If you have chronic constipation troubles, it is better to sing more. It is said to relieve the stress that leads to constipation and to activate the autonomic nerves that innervate the peristalsis of the large intestine. In addition, the use of abdominal breathing to exercise the abdominal muscles when singing can also stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine.

Never expected! A healthier way than running and swimming is...

5. Prevent diseases

Singing often can also consume a certain amount of calories. Therefore, it is also a good way to exercise.

Singing for a long and short breath increases the body's metabolism, promotes the body's metabolism, improves the function of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, and reduces the possibility of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.

6. Relax and feel comfortable

When singing, people become nervous, but when a song is sung, the singing person will immediately relax. Such a loose and tight cycle can stimulate the autonomic nerves and relieve the body and mind.

During the Spring Festival holiday, meet up with friends and family and sing together!

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