
Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

After her girlfriend became pregnant, her family attached great importance to her and took care of her in every way.

But only she has a big heart, two days before each obstetric examination, she will come to me to complain, saying how troublesome and wasteful the obstetric examination is, even if she is very resistant in her heart, but at the time of the obstetric examination, she will still be dragged obediently by her husband to check.

Later, I talked to my colleagues about this matter, but my colleagues can understand my girlfriend's thoughts, and now more and more pregnant mothers are reluctant to go to the obstetric examination, not because they do not care about the health of their children, but because of various reasons.

These uncontrollable factors caused pregnant mothers to resist going to the hospital for obstetric examinations

Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

1. Fear of ambiguous diagnosis

Pregnant mothers are most afraid to hear that the child is unhealthy, the doctor gives a variety of "not necessarily", some specious answers are more worrying and afraid of pregnant mothers.

If the doctor directly gives confirmatory information, then the pregnant mothers still have room for salvation and know how to avoid it, but if the doctor gives "not necessarily", they will feel uneasy in the next pregnancy period, and even the whole family will panic together.

However, after various reviews, the conclusion of the doctor's diagnosis error was reached, although "false alarm" is the best result, but such a meaningless toss, most pregnant mothers are not willing to experience.

Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

2. Obstetric examination is "blind tossing"

Some pregnant mothers feel that the obstetric examination is a blind tossing process, it can be said that this is the true psychological portrayal of most pregnant mothers, and the word "blind tossing" is well described.

On the day of the obstetric examination, pregnant mothers should get up early to go to the hospital to queue up for examination, and when the examination is completed, take the report to the doctor to see the results, it may take a long time, sometimes the examination can not be completed in the morning, and the afternoon will continue to be examined.

Moreover, the air quality in the hospital is not good, and a large amount of "exercise" cannot be consumed by the body of pregnant mothers, so the obstetric examination is a laborious and labor-intensive thing.

Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

3. Projects waste more money

Many pregnant mothers will complain that there are many obstetric examination items, some will be repeated, very wasteful of money, which is a very realistic reason, many pregnant mothers after pregnancy at home rest, do not go to work naturally no economic income.

If the family conditions are average, the obstetric examination during the entire pregnancy period costs a lot of money, and many pregnant mothers are precisely because they have economic concerns, and feel that many examinations are repetitive and meaningless, in order to save money and not go to the obstetric examination.

Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

Which obstetric screenings are essential?

1. Down screening

When the pregnant mother is about 14-20 weeks pregnant, a screening for Down syndrome is required, which is also called chromosome 21, which is caused by chromosomal aberrations and is a congenital disease.

Tang's children's life can not take care of themselves, intelligence can not keep up with the growth of age, if born will cause a great burden on the family, so pregnant mothers to do this obstetric examination, early examination, early detection, so as not to regret the birth of the child.

2. Glucose tolerance test

A glucose test is done around 24-28 weeks' gestation to detect whether pregnant mothers have diabetes.

If it is a fetal baby who grows up in a gestational diabetes environment, there may be a risk of premature birth and hypoglycemia after birth, which has a greater impact on both the pregnant mother and the baby, so this test is essential.

Why are more and more pregnant mothers reluctant to have a maternity check-up? The real reason is poignant

3.B super-check

B ultrasound examination can be said to be a very common examination in daily life, in the process of obstetric examination, ultrasound examination is also indispensable, the meaning of each examination is not the same, through this examination can grasp the status of fetal development in time.

And now there are ordinary black and white B ultrasound, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-dimensional color ultrasound, pregnant mothers can choose which one to do according to their actual situation.

Obstetric examination is important, do not be careless for the sake of the child

Perhaps there are many reasons why pregnant mothers do not want to have a maternity check-up, but pregnant mothers should be soberly aware that the child is their own, and nothing is more important than the health of the child in the belly, and do not feel that the obstetric examination is spending money unjustly.

If you can "spend money to eliminate disasters", why not be a good thing? If pregnant mothers have their own considerations and are very resistant to obstetric examinations, there are several very important tests that still need to be done.

This is all responsible for the baby, can not come with their own nature, if there is really any accident, regret is too late.

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