
#Ageless #At the beginning of the new year, let yourself live as a "ageless" elf Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year, the smell of the year begins to fade slowly, people's age has grown by one year, and many people sigh

author:Wise Creek Water S

#Ageless# At the beginning of the new year, let yourself live as an "ageless" elf

Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year, the smell of the year began to fade slowly, people's age has grown by one year, many people sighed: one year older.

Children love the New Year, they don't have to think about age, they live happy, happy, snacks, red envelopes.

Young people do not feel the New Year, because the child's heart is not there, but there is no responsibility, and some are a lot of youth that can be sprinkled.

Middle-aged people are indifferent to the New Year, and even afraid of the New Year, because after the New Year, they take a step closer to the elderly. The New Year is just like this, as light as usual, in the face of poor economic conditions, the New Year is no less than a robbery.

The elderly look forward to the New Year, although the twilight year, the wind and candles are broken, but the New Year can see their children, this joy beyond the fear of age.

In the eyes of Westerners, age is privacy and secret, so asking about the age of others, especially a woman's age, is extremely impolite.

Chinese there is no such taboo, but with the fusion of cultures, people slowly do not ask about the age of others, especially women.

Women seem to be born more afraid of getting old than men, there are so many words to describe women's beauty is not there: "half old Xu Niang", "people are old and fading", "people are old and yellow", "residual flowers are lost", "tomorrow's yellow flowers", no wonder women are afraid of age.

So, can you live without fear of the years? If there are poems and books hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty. If there is optimism hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty. If there is a child's heart hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty. If there is health in the body, there is still no fear of age.

I remember reading a word "agelessness", that is, to put aside the constraints of age, follow your heart, and pursue your favorite youth lifestyle that has nothing to do with age.

People with no sense of age add oil and vinegar to life, and live more and more young.

People without a sense of age only have the mood to do one thing, not the age to do one thing.

Ageless man, age is just a number, years will not beat him, but make his soul more interesting.

Life is a one-way trip with no returns, allowing yourself to live as a "ageless" elf!

#Ageless #At the beginning of the new year, let yourself live as a "ageless" elf Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year, the smell of the year begins to fade slowly, people's age has grown by one year, and many people sigh
#Ageless #At the beginning of the new year, let yourself live as a "ageless" elf Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year, the smell of the year begins to fade slowly, people's age has grown by one year, and many people sigh
#Ageless #At the beginning of the new year, let yourself live as a "ageless" elf Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year, the smell of the year begins to fade slowly, people's age has grown by one year, and many people sigh

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