
Ling Zongwei: Behavioral inhibition lasts from childhood to adulthood

Ling Zongwei: Behavioral inhibition lasts from childhood to adulthood

I remembered that some time ago I talked with a jun about a person's family environment and childhood education that may affect a person's body, and the way an adult deals with things and inadvertently often exposes this far-reaching impact. However, once it is found that a person is always repeating the same mistakes again and again, he basically chooses to stay away, or even give up. And many of my friends seem to be kinder than me in this regard.

The relationship between "congenital inheritance, acquired upbringing", acquired environmental factors and education can indeed have an impact on the longevity of people's innate factors, "The emotional life of the brain" said: "The reason why the personality traits affected by genes can be changed is because the genes themselves are not enough to make a certain personality trait appear, even if the genes have formulated the genetic code of the personality traits." Genes also need to be turned on. Studies in humans and laboratory animals have shown that life experience can turn genes on or off. "If a pair of twins had grown up in different environments, the difference in their epigenetic characteristics would have been four times greater at age 50 than at age 13 — at which age the two still had much the same life experience — that is, the number of genes whose switching states differ between the two twins would increase to four times that of age 13." This is why different environments are able to mold twins with the same genome into different people. This point is also more specifically elaborated in "Genes or Parenting".

Kegan's research shows that "behavioral inhibition lasts from childhood to adulthood." "Therefore, I am in favor of parents choosing schools for their children's kindergartens and primary schools." Our emotional and psychological destinies are not entirely determined by a double helix that surrounds each other. Whether the shyness, aggression, or tendency to misbehave lurking in genes manifests itself in a person's behavior depends on the person's childhood life experience. "I remember talking to Zhang Yun about if possible, I can take a moment without investigating the families and childhood education of those famous teachers with split personalities.

Many people feel that I have offended people regardless of the occasion, regardless of the object, and also part of the age. Actually, this is not the case. When I see a person's face clearly, or have no hope for it, I must choose to stay away and shut up. Whether or not he sits in from my words is not for me to decide.

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