
A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Zhengzhou's version of the non-state-owned museum support policy landed, which is the third city in Henan to introduce relevant policies. In the future, non-state-owned museum communities will rise in Zhengzhou, and a more in-depth cultural climate will increase the glory of Zhengzhou's historical and cultural cities, towns and villages with the help of supportive policies.

Subsidies are provided for self-built and leased venues to host non-state-owned museums

Treasure hunting the world

On November 25, 2017, Li Baozong, executive director of the Chinese Culture art museum in Zhengzhou, sent a message in the Henan Private Museum Association group, which attracted a string of likes. The message reads, "Zhengzhou wants real money and silver subsidies to support the construction of non-state-owned museums." ”

Yes, following the introduction of relevant policies in Luoyang and Kaifeng, the Zhengzhou version of the "Support Measures for Non-State-Owned Museums (Trial)" has also made efforts, and the intensity is greater and more interesting.

For example, if the new non-state-owned museum meets the conditions, it can receive a subsidy of up to 3 million yuan; in addition to the subsidy for self-built museums, the rental of non-state-owned museums can also receive a maximum annual rent subsidy of 500,000 yuan. In addition, the functional departments of the government will also assess the management and operation efficiency of non-state-owned museums, and the rewards for excellent assessment are 400,000 yuan / year, 200,000 yuan / year for qualified, and those who are unqualified will not be rewarded.

Of course, what really excites the non-state-owned museum celebrities is that Zhengzhou is trying to create a "private office assistance" model, and the evaluation of non-state-owned museum titles is included in the evaluation of museum professional and technical titles, which means the further implementation of the "equal status" of non-state-owned museums and state-owned museums.

A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Status: The museum's annual purchase of cultural relics is less than one-third of that of private collectors

In addition to Henan's emphasis on the construction and development of non-state-owned museums, Xi'an, Chengdu, Suzhou, Shenzhen and other places have also introduced relevant policies. Is the construction of non-state-owned museums really that important? Looking at a data, according to Guan Qiang, deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, in response to a reporter's question on July 20, 2017, the total number of cultural relics collected by state-owned cultural institutions nationwide is 110 million.

However, the power of folk collection is also not to be underestimated, the number of folk collectors has exceeded 100 million, according to each person's collection, the number of folk collections is also more than 100 million, so only from the number can be compared with the state-owned museums.

Li Baozong has expressed this view on more than one occasion, "Collection can only be a "niche" thing, but its collection belongs to the cultural heritage shared by all mankind. Therefore, the "minority" has the responsibility and obligation to make it a public cultural sharing of the "masses" in society. ”

Li Baozong mentioned that in a provincial museum, the annual collection of cultural relics is only 3 million yuan, which is not as good as some powerful folk collectors, and the annual cost of collection is as high as 10 or 20 million. In other words, the annual purchase of cultural relics by state-owned museums is less than one-third of that of private collectors.

At present, 48 private museums in Henan Province have been successfully launched with the strong support of the "Baidu Encyclopedia Digital Museum" project department, realizing the digital survival of private museums.

A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Highlights: Non-state-owned museums can apply to register as charitable organizations and accept donations

The construction of non-state-owned museums needs strong government support. Because building a museum is actually the ultimate dream of many folk collectors. The annual operating cost of building a museum is between 50 and 1 million, and many private collectors do not have such strength, so a large number of collections can only be sealed and only used by a small number of people.

Nowadays, Zhengzhou also provides another possibility for such collectors, that is, to explore the multi-subject cooperation mode in the new museum at the county level under the mode of "public and private assistance". The so-called "cooperative library" means that, without changing the ownership attributes of state-owned collections and the nature of land use of the museum, eligible non-state-owned museums are allowed to participate in the infrastructure construction and operation management of state-owned museums and provide professional services in accordance with the law.

In addition, the policy also allows "non-state-owned museums to apply for registration as charitable organizations in accordance with the law", so that these museums can accept social donations and enjoy relevant tax incentives and financial policy support.

A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Economic Account: Who among non-state-owned museums needs the most support?

Kang Guoyi, director of the Museum Department of the Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, said that as of now, the province has approved more than 120 non-state-owned museums. Because some are still preparing for the opening stage, there are about 70 or 80 non-state-owned museums in the province, how are they operating?

Compared with ordinary museums, the Chinese Kitchen Culture Museum is constantly crowded, Cao Yuan said, the museum has become a big letter cabinet to spread the Chinese kitchen culture propaganda position, every day there are a car of visitors to visit, the museum operating expenses borne by the company.

In addition, museums such as the Kaifeng Northern Song Dynasty Official Porcelain Art Museum have also relied on the company to inject capital, forming their own cultural industry chain, basically able to bear their own profits and losses. This type of museum is a good type of non-state-owned museum in Henan.

Among the non-state-owned museums, the most difficult ones are the Red Collection Museum, the Folklore Museum, etc., which have little investment and are generally operated by some people with weak economic strength. At present, there are two kinds of people insisting, one is the elephant museum, the collector itself is strong and rich in collections; the other is to rely on the previous family or individual to accumulate a lot of cultural relics collections, but because of the limited financial resources, the museum operation is difficult.

A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Future: The future of non-state-owned museums can be expected

In the future, Zhengzhou will encourage the establishment of non-state-owned museums in the areas of famous historical and cultural cities, towns, villages and ancient villages. In addition, non-state-owned museums enjoy preferential treatment in terms of land, taxes, and fees of public welfare institutions in accordance with state-owned museums, and the prices of electricity, water, gas and heating are implemented by local residents.

These policies have also given confidence to many non-state-owned museum investors. On November 25, the fifth meeting of the first general assembly of the Henan Private Museum Association and the first meeting of the second session were held, at which the development of non-state-owned museums was planned.

For example, mobilize non-state-owned museums in the province to participate together - launch a high-end exhibition held in the state-owned museum every year; from 2020, strive to publish a number of "Henan Provincial Private Museum Collection Series" every year, and plan to produce 100 volumes by 2028. It seems that the development trend of non-state-owned museums is red across the board, but Kang Guoyi also reminds that China's stolen cultural relics information platform will issue documents in the near future, so non-state-owned museums such as stone carvings and steles must identify collections with unknown sources and illegal sources, otherwise it is easy to be involved.

A one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan and an annual rental subsidy of 500,000 yuan to build a museum have become the most fashionable cultural industry projects

Backstory: Folk forces boost policy monetization

For the introduction of the non-state-owned museum policy in Zhengzhou, many museum leaders used two words to express their feelings and happiness. The Henan Private Museum Association was established in 2012, which was also the third provincial-level private museum association in China.

He Fei, chairman of the association, recalled that at the beginning of the establishment of the association, it drafted the "Zhengzhou City Should Introduce Support Policies for Private Museums as soon as possible" and wrote to the main leaders of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Later, the deputies of the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress submitted relevant bills after visiting several non-state-owned museums.

The support of non-state-owned museums really entered the feasibility demonstration stage in 2014. In April of that year, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Zhengzhou Municipal Government, together with 12 committees and bureaus, as well as three private museums in Elephant, Huaxia and Outer City, participated in the research and drafting of documents.

On July 6, 2015, the Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics held a meeting to solicit suggestions for revising the "Zhengzhou Non-state-owned Museum Support Measures (Discussion Draft)". By November 2017, a five-year-awaited policy, the "Zhengzhou Non-State-Owned Museum Support Measures (Trial)", became a reality with the help of a group of non-state-owned museum directors and the attention of relevant government departments, and the policy will be officially piloted in January 2018 for a period of two years.

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