
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

This is an era of popular health

The younger you are, the more afraid you are of death

I only dare to eat half of the eggs every day, for fear of high cholesterol

Come to the great aunt and eat only the red date-flavored ice cream

After soaking in the nightclub, insist on going for a night run

Wear ripped pants, and put a warm baby in the hole


The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

Day by day, "birth" day by day

"Huh? How did the body grow more and more collapsed?! ”

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

Small popular science time

Whether it's staying up late, or staying up late with a mask

Are easy to damage skin function

Promotes accelerated skin aging[1]

Because staying up late will reduce the ability of the skin barrier to repair

It also affects hormone secretion

Hormones in turn affect the secretion of sebaceous glands

This can lead to problems such as oil production, acne, and enlarged pores

Moreover, the mask has only a brief hydrating effect

It does not moisturize for a long time, nor does it cure acne muscle

Applying it every day makes the skin barrier weak

Therefore, beauty sleep must sleep Oh ~ ~ ~ ~

The National Sleep Foundation recommends

Sleep 7 to 9 hours a day[2]

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

We all know that smoking and drinking hot heads is not good

How bad is that?

Globally, about 3 million people die each year from alcohol consumption

5.3% of total deaths

More than 200 diseases and injuries are related to alcohol[3]

Tobacco kills more than 8 million people worldwide each year

Causes a range of diseases such as cancer, lung disease, cardiovascular disease[4]

Dyed hair perm is not as toxic as it is

However, it may cause allergic skin reactions

Causes hair texture changes and hair loss

Long-term multiple exposure to hair dye,

It may also cause liver and kidney damage

There have been reports of such cases

A 24-year-old lad

Severe liver damage due to repeated hair coloring[5]

Importantly, young people who have already carried the banner of health care

Don't think that eating health care products can "detoxify"

Abuse of health supplements can also cause liver damage[6]

That's worse

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

Vegetables are a favorite of people who lose weight

It is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber

Eat 300 to 500 grams of vegetables every day

Can help reduce cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, among others

Risk of chronic diseases[7]

Plus the "icing on the cake" salad dressing

It tastes great, a big pot to eat...

But in fact, the main raw material of salad dressing is vegetable oil,

Water, egg products, acidic ingredients

Traditional salad dressings usually have a minimum fat content of 50%[8]

This means putting every spoonful of salad dressing

It's the equivalent of drinking half a spoonful of oil!

If you don't believe me, microwave the salad dressing for 1 minute

See if it will appear in its original form

Switch to low-sugar or xylitol yogurt for healthier healthier

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

The girls can't quit milk tea

It's like men can't quit smoking

But after drinking and being afraid of being fat, what to do?

Endure the pain without pearls, without sugar!

However, you still missed the most important "creamer"

Because there are a lot of milk tea shops on the street

In fact, there is neither milk nor tea

It is blended with various powders!

1 pack of 18 yuan creamer powder can make 80 cups of milk tea

It is used as milk

If you don't add creamer again

It's just a drink of loneliness

The main ingredient of creamer is hydrogenated vegetable oil, which contains trans fats

Excessive intake can lead to an increase in "bad cholesterol" in the body

Increased risk of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease[9]

It is not as good as using pure milk and tea leaves with real materials at home

Wouldn't it be more fragrant to cook milk tea like this?

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

Red dates, goji berries

It is an indispensable product for the working life of contemporary health care youth

But they contain a limited amount of nutrients

The "bright" lutein in goji berries is abundant

But many fruits and vegetables can be replaced

The iron element "blood replenishment" in red dates is low

It is better to eat more red meat

3 dates, 10 goji berries

A bubble for a day

In the end, it was all like drinking boiled water

Nutrient intake is also very limited

Of course, drinking boiled water every day is a good habit

Cold drinks are different

A large amount of cold drinks can cause the blood vessels of the gastric mucosa to constrict

Reduces gastric juice secretion, causing decreased appetite and indigestion[10]

At that time, no amount of hot water could cure it

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

"Shut your mouth" is too painful

"Stepping on the legs" is too hard

Weigh it up and give up the weekday dinner

It's coolest to eat on a weekend

Did you do the same?

This is very wrong!

If you eat many fewer calories every day than usual

The body thinks it has encountered a "famine"

It will reduce the basal metabolic rate

Slows down fat digestion and tends to accumulate fat

Guaranteed to get through "difficult times"

So dieting alone is not enough

Once the original diet was restored

It bounces back easily and grows back to more fat

Not to mention eating hesse

The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!
The popular "pseudo-health" in the circle of friends is destroying a generation of young people!

I don't know when it started

Wearing autumn pants has become a manifestation of old age

Not wearing autumn pants is a green onion teenager

You who don't wear autumn pants

You must have experienced the dilemma of "heating basically depends on shaking"

Shaking, do you feel a faint pain in your knees?

The knee joint plays an important role in weight-bearing

The fat layer that protects it is the thinnest, so it is the most afraid of cold

If there is no protection of autumn pants in the cold wind

In just a few minutes, the knee joint will get cold

Although there is no evidence that "cold legs can get arthritis"

However, the cold causes local vasoconstriction and insufficient blood supply

Decreased secretion of synovial fluid from the joints

More likely to be injured when active

The role of foot soaking is to promote blood circulation for a short time

Taking a dip before bedtime may help you fall asleep

But it doesn't help much with "cold hands and feet"

Because the double script body is far from the heart

It is normal to feel cold in winter

Just wear warm autumn pants and socks

So when it's not cold, the autumn pants should be hoarded quickly

Don't go to winter to catch blind Oh~

Wellness is a technical activity

It's not something that hearsay can raise

Take a look at Tencent Medical Code

You can also become a "scientific health expert"!

Contributing Authors:

Duan Guixiang | Attending physician of the Department of Dermatology, Beijing Muslim Hospital


Li Shaohua | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology, 309th Hospital of the People's Liberation Army

Li Baihua | Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Nutrition, Peking University Third Hospital


Liu Wenxian,Wang Jing,Lin Xiaoxia,Zhang Huizhen. Correlation between skin aging and sleep quality[J].World Journal of Sleep Medicine,2020,7(5):764-766.




[5] HOU, Feng-qin; LIN, Xiao-hong; YU, Yan-yan; WANG, Tai-ling; WANG, Gui-qiang Severe liver injury induced by repeated use of hair dye, Chinese Medical Journal: April 2009 - Volume 122 - Issue 7 - p 875-877

doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0366-6999.2009.07.021

Yu Lecheng, Mao Yimin, Chen Chengwei. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced liver injury[J]. Journal of Clinical Hepatobiliary Diseases, 2015.

Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents[M].Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2016.]

Xin Songlin. Research progress and development of salad dressing[J].Food Research and Development,2014,035(002):134-136.

Tong Zhigang. Research status of the relationship between trans fatty acids and cardiovascular-related diseases[J]. Practical Clinical Medicine, 2010.

[10] Mortal Heart. Excessive consumption of cold drinks is harmful to health[J].China Health Nutrition, 2010(5):66-66.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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