
Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

As one of the three affordable luxury car brands, Audi has always been widely loved by people, and Audi's reputation has always been good among people. Audi's solid chassis makes the owner feel smoother and more comfortable when braking and accelerating during driving, as well as the performance of the excellent four-wheel drive system and the stable and reliable handling, which are all praised.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

But it is such a good reputation of Audi car actually in the headlights of the problem, from Zhejiang you are the last time a year ago to buy the Audi a6, he is optimistic about these advantages of Audi to buy now Audi, at that time said that the quality of Audi's headlights is also very good.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

In the year before the purchase of his own car lights are still good, but recently Mr. Li found that his taillights are not lit, at first Mr. Li thought that there was a problem with the system circuit, but after Mr. Li's careful inspection found that the tail lights are full of water, a shake shows that there are really a lot, Mr. Li feels that this depth can raise fish, and the inside of the headlights is all water vapor, and the bottom is all water like the fish tank.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

Mr. Li has no idea about this phenomenon, helpless to go to the 4S shop to see where the car is wrong, after the inspection of the 4S shop, the 4S shop said that this is man-made destruction, not within the scope of the warranty, which makes Mr. Li himself unable to touch his head, he is usually driving normally, and did not do anything to the headlights, plus why should he destroy the lights? And why is it all water inside?

In this regard, Mr. Li resolutely disagreed with the 4S shop's statement, saying that he resolutely did not destroy the headlights, and must repair the car for himself by the 4S shop. In this regard, many netizens said that it is difficult to become a well-known Audi lamp factory to turn into a fish tank? This is a rare occurrence in the headlights.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

So what exactly is causing so much water in the headlights? And the man saw Mr. Li insisted that he did not have any damage to the headlights, so if it was not water coming in from the outside, how could there be so much water inside?

The lamp mask is not tightly sealed, resulting in water seeping in. In this case, most of the human factors are, the headlights have collided to cause cracks or poor modifications, and water will seep when the car is washed or rained. In addition, such situations occur when the assembly process is poor or the sealing tape is aging at the factory. But Mr. Sun said that he had never destroyed the headlights, so it should not be a human factor.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

Another reason is due to large temperature differences. Some new cars buy the phenomenon of fog on the headlights, most of which is the reason. Whether it is halogen or xenon or LED headlights are not sealed in the absolute sense, there is a ventilated rubber tube on the back cover of the lamp group. When the headlight emits a large amount of heat, the heat is dissipated through this rubber tube to ensure that the headlight is working properly.

If there is more water in the headlight, if the water below you just touches the circuit, so the light may be short-circuited, if it is found in advance, if it is inexplicably extinguished on the road, it is very dangerous, especially on the highway or when the road conditions are unknown.

Audi car lights "fish farming", tail lights are full of water, 4S shop: man-made damage, not covered by warranty

So there is water in the lamp is these two reasons, specifically because the seal is not strict or a large temperature difference caused by it is unknown, may be the identification results of the 4S shop show that it is because the sealing of the lamp is not strict, thinking that Mr. Sun has had an accident in the car before driving, and then the maintenance is not completely caused. What do you think about that?

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