
What are the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF in Chongqing?

IVF is currently the most effective way to treat infertility, and its treatment process is roughly a series of steps such as physical examination, ovulation induction, egg retrieval, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, and finally implantation pregnancy. IVF technology not only has high requirements for the doctor's technical level, clinical experience and medical equipment, but also has higher requirements for the physical fitness and age of IVF patients, because the IVF treatment process is very rigorous and complex, and any one link operation error has an impact on the IVF success rate, so what are the main factors that can affect the success rate during IVF treatment?

What are the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF in Chongqing?

Hengjian Overseas pointed out that with the continuous maturity and improvement of IVF technology, as long as the technical level of its doctors is still guaranteed to go to a regular professional hospital, so for patients, physical fitness is a key factor affecting the success rate of IVF. Physical condition is one of the key factors that determine the success of IVF, the state of the body's various functions and qualities, such as the strength of organ function, whether the internal environment is homeostasis, whether hormone secretion is normal or not, good and poor adaptation and recovery ability, these comprehensive performance will have a huge impact on the success rate of IVF.

The key factors affecting the success rate of IVF are mainly reflected by the following factors:

1. Physical fitness

Age is an important factor in the success of IVF technology, over 35 years of age, decreased ovarian reserve function, changes in oocyte quality, increased chance of chromosomal abnormalities, decreased embryo implantation rate, low success rate; Endometrium is also an important condition affecting pregnancy rate, good endometrium provides good conditions for embryo implantation, bad endometrium is like barren land, excellent seeds are also difficult to grow, mechanical damage to the endometrium, fibroids, adenomyosis can be affected to varying degrees; Smoking, high body mass index, and psychiatric factors can also affect IVF success rates.

What are the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF in Chongqing?

2. Uterine environment

The uterus is the implantation place of the embryo and the last hurdle to IVF's success. If the uterine lining is of appropriate thickness, abundant blood flow, normal hormone secretion, and good cell division function, then the probability of embryo implantation will be high, and vice versa, it is easy to biochemical pregnancy. Suffering from uterine adhesions, uterine fibroids, endometrial tuberculosis, uterine polyps, endometritis, and multiple abortions can have a very bad impact on the physiological condition of the uterus.

3. Causes of infertility of patients

Older patients with primary infertility, severe endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and patients with severe hypospermia and azoospermia who do not get sperm from the testicles, or those with a large number of deformities, egg deformities or abnormal development, etc., are also high in IVF treatment.

What are the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF in Chongqing?

4. Embryo quality

When there is a problem with sperm and eggs, no sperm or fertilization without egg splitting can not complete the embryo transfer, excellent embryos are an important condition for success. According to the six-level grading method of embryos: fresh embryos I to IV. are all for transfer, I. Grade II. is an excellent embryo. At present, excellent embryos are only morphological classifications, and the potential of embryos cannot be understood. Now, Embryology Is Working on a more advanced embryo assessment method in the hope of predicting the probability of conception of the embryo.

5. Psychological state

The patient's psychological and mental state is an important factor affecting the success or failure of IVF treatment. According to the study, women with heavy psychological pressure, their endocrine will be affected, blood vessels are in a long-term contraction state, affecting the uterus, ovaries local blood flow, and the tension of the nervous system will make some nerve mediator release abnormal, resulting in uterus, fallopian tube muscle contraction disorders, resulting in embryos can not implant and lead to treatment failure.

Hengjian overseas tip: Female friends are the main body of IVF fertility, so their physical condition is the key to affecting the success rate of IVF. In addition, in order to allow female infertility patients to successfully obtain a certain number of high-quality eggs, ovulation induction programs are very important, through ovulation induction and downregulation to help the follicles in the ovaries to mature synchronously, in the egg retrieval can obtain a certain number of high-quality eggs, thereby improving the success rate of IVF.

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