
Is your baby in good spirits when he should sleep? Parenting experts win in one move

If it is said that the mother has her own ideas for the child's life planning, different parenting methods and concepts, then the dream of letting the baby "sleep at the point" should undoubtedly be able to get the mother's high degree of unity.

First, the quality of children's sleep affects the development of physical health and learning ability, and mothers must be nervous.

Second, it is also a very important point - only when the baby sleeps, the mother has a pitiful little freedom (sad hug)!

So, in the face of those babies who obviously have time to go to bed, but they are still excited, twisting and turning and refusing to sleep, what can we do?

Learn from the Montessori school practice and try to establish a healthy sleep pattern.

1. Create a relaxing and calm sleeping environment for children

The place where the child sleeps needs to be warm and warm, and there should not be too many sensory stimuli, and once you enter this place, the child should relax, not get excited.

Therefore, the decoration on the wall is as simple as possible, and the toys are left in the activity area, rather than in the sleeping place. Many mothers like to put items such as fur dolls on their children's beds, which is very beautiful, but it is not necessary, not only will it provide additional sensory stimulation to make children excited, but also let children pin their emotional needs on these items, rather than people, thus affecting their development of healthy emotional patterns.

Whether it's napping or going to bed at night, we need to dim the light in the room and let the child establish the idea that this light indicates that it is time to sleep.

Of course, the child's bedding should also be prepared, natural texture, moderate thickness, regular cleaning, drying and replacement.

Is your baby in good spirits when he should sleep? Parenting experts win in one move

2. Guide your child with gentle and firm language

After setting up the environment, we can take the child to the sleeping place and tell the child, "It's time to sleep."

After changing into our pajamas, we can say, "When we sleep, we lie down." Then guide your child to lie down. Then we can sit next to the child and gently pat him to feel that we still have an emotional interaction with him.

Halfway through, if the child gets up on his own again, we need to continue to let the child lie down, and then gently emphasize to him that "when we sleep, we are lying down." "If the child talks to us, we will make a "boo" gesture to remind the child to be quiet and not talk to the child; usually the child will not get a positive response and will not want to continue to talk to you.

In the beginning, we had better establish such a mode of operation and follow this pattern. When a child develops a habit, in fact, we do not need to accompany her and pat her. She could fall asleep quickly on her own.

It is not a good practice to sleep next to the child or we directly put the child on the bed and the light is turned off, in general, we hope that the child will develop his ability to fall asleep independently, but we also do not want the baby to feel that every time it is time to sleep, he is abandoned. Therefore, we will find a balance in the middle, both to provide the necessary emotional comfort and to minimize our own level of involvement.

And with the gradual development of children's habits, it is recommended that parents also consciously reduce their participation, so that children can relax on their own, fall asleep on their own, and have the ability to rely on themselves to fall back asleep after waking up in the middle.

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