
A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

Music itself has obvious stimulating and promoting effects on the development of children's IQ and emotional intelligence, and the musical enlightenment and cultivation of children has begun from prenatal education.

The role of music on people is multifaceted, it can alleviate anxiety, calm emotions, inspire creativity, and so on. The popularity and contact level of children in modern society in music, as well as the degree of learning, is also very wide, it seems that every child has experienced the process of learning music, and every parent's heart, there is also a vague dream of a piano child.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

Judging from the analysis of the college entrance examination in recent years, it seems that more than half of the champions are music lovers, and most of them are piano children themselves. Music is not a task for them, let alone pressure, but a good way to regulate the rhythm of learning and the pressure of learning, and it is also an outlet for them to manage and adjust their emotions.

So is musical enlightenment equivalent to learning children's songs, or is it equivalent to learning musical instruments?

Of course not, musical enlightenment is a broad concept, which includes musical sensibility, music appreciation, musical expression, and music creation.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

From the perspective of a person's musical development process, it will also go through six stages: listening discrimination , rhythm feeling - tone sight singing , reading and reading scores , writing and creation , and keyboard output.

Music is actually played out, today introduce two simple music games, in the boring practice, you can try to interact with the little piano children.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

The first is a simulation game. We can talk to our children about whether all feelings and things can be expressed in music. Let's try it out.

It was a game that My brother and I used to play when we were kids. We can start with the animal, I will say the name of the animal, let the child use tone, rhythm and so on to represent the animal. In the beginning, children pay more attention to the use of tones to represent, such as I say lion, he will play on the bass key, I say bird, he will play on the high key. In order to guide the child to express music in a richer way, I said to the child, now he is a teacher, he said animals, I will play.

So he said tiger, I not only put on the tone of the bass key, but also added a heavy, slow rhythm, and at the same time added a change of music, the child suddenly said to me, Mom, you play like a walking tiger. I secretly rejoiced that my purpose had been achieved, and I took the opportunity to say, can you play a running tiger? The son played excitedly, from the lowest tone, slowly fast, and to the middle, and then slowed down, returned to the bass, said that the mother is a tiger, ran up, and then tired, it ran slow again. I'm happy with my son's comprehension and imagination, but it's really the effect I want.

So we started simulating different animals, and how different animals move in different scenarios. Later we not only played with animals, but also extended to people, people of different personalities, people of different ages, and many things in life, and finally we began to discuss the use of music to express mood, such as happy, sad, angry, angry, afraid, and so on!

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

The second game is the listening game.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

Many parents are very curious why some children have such good music hearing, I remember that brother Niu has been able to practice sight singing for the three tones of the junior and hyun since he was less than 3 years old, and after a tone comes out, he can hear what the tone is. I think it has something to do with the listening game I played with him since I was a child, when I was young, the two of us liked to play singing, that is, I hummed a tune, he came to guess, or he hummed a tune to guess, so that soon his hearing was very accurate.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

After learning the piano, I extended this game, that is, I would close my eyes, he would play three or five notes on the piano, of which there could be two tones of harmony and hyun, and then I would repeat and imitate to see if it was right, and then I would play it again, and he would guess, and so on. The child liked it very much, and to my surprise, after a period of time, his ears listened to the two tones of Harmony Hyun very accurately. Later, we added different beats and gradually increased the difficulty to play these games.

A musical enlightenment game that determines a child's life

Every time I play this piano game, the children are particularly happy, in fact, I am also very happy to play, in this interaction, not only the child's musical ability, imagination and creative ability have been improved, I also got a lot of inspiration and inspiration from it. I want to play music with my kids like this, play the piano. I feel like in this interaction, we're all growing.

In this game, he learned to challenge, learned to imagine, learned to create, learned to express his feelings with music, which is not the ultimate goal of learning music! Children's musical path is like their life path, we are just a guide, the rest is left to them to go!

Education is a practice, and growth is a companionship

"Jing Shu Says" accompanies you all the way

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