
Should the front of the car be flushed out or inside when parking?

Should the front of the car be flushed out or inside when parking?

Nowadays, many parking lots will have "head outward, orderly parking" signs, in fact, there are many exquisite here. Why do you want the front of the car to stop outside?

1. In case of emergencies, you can quickly evacuate

In some places, it is clearly stipulated that the front of the car should be outward when parking, and if there is a situation that requires emergency evacuation, you can quickly leave the parking lot.

2. Keep the thief out

In the current intelligent parking lot, there are special cameras to detect the parking of vehicles. But if you turn the rear of the car to the camera, suppose a thief knocks on the car door, the detection camera will not be able to see through the rear windshield of the vehicle to see the situation inside the car.

3. Improve the safety factor

Parking spaces are limited, so the parking range allocated to each vehicle is relatively small, and the distance between cars is relatively close. The front of the car can avoid blind spots in the field of vision and prevent accidents.

4, more fuel-efficient

After the car is parked for a long time, it will reverse as soon as it starts the car, which is more fuel-consuming, because it is reversed in the cold car state. However, if the engine is still in a hot state to take the reverse into the storage of the parking method, compared to the cold car start to reverse the practice will be more fuel-efficient.

5. Parking is more convenient

In general, when the front of the car is driven inward, it is difficult to judge the distance between the front of the car and the obstacle, which is more technical work for novices. The front of the car is relatively convenient to the outside.

6. Special circumstances

When the vehicle battery is out of power and cannot be started, it is much more convenient to change the front of the car to the outside.

(Xue Ningwei)

(Orient Net)

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