
There are strange words in the name, do you know how hard it is for children?

Two days ago, the #2021 National Name Report # was freshly baked, and many children embarked on the road of duplicate names.

Because the phenomenon of duplicate names is now more common, many parents in order to avoid colliding with names, so they have found another way to choose strange characters when naming their children, which is not only special, but also reduces the embarrassment of duplicate names.

However, it turns out that the name is cool for a while, and the child will later live in the crematorium.

How hard is it to have strange words in the name?

There are strange words in the name, and life is full of reveals that it is not easy.

First of all, the teacher in the roll call session is either wrong or hesitant, which is extremely embarrassing. When my mother was in college, there was a classmate named "Zeng Yun (yūn)", but every time the teacher called him "Zeng Bin (bīn)", or could not call him by name.

There are strange words in the name, do you know how hard it is for children?

Each time he had to stand up and correct the pronunciation of the teacher, or explain to the teacher how to pronounce his name.

Such an embarrassment, a Douban netizen is also experiencing. He has a jué in his name, and few people have pronounced it correctly since he was a child, and everyone calls him yù. In the end, he was used to it, in the hospital, sports meetings, awards ceremonies, when he heard others call yù he knew it was time for him to play, so far many of his certificates "Jue" have been written as "Yu", and some people see the name and think he is a girl.

The embarrassment of strange words in the name is not only this, but also the headache is that his name cannot be typed by the input method.

There is a netizen who has a "垚" character in his name. When she was a child, when the input method was not as powerful as it is now, the computer could not type this word, and every time she went to find a seat for the exam, she was always the most special one: when she saw a box on the poster, she knew that it was her seat.

There are strange words in the name, do you know how hard it is for children?

Also because this word is relatively rare, many people can't pronounce her name, some people read Gui, and some people directly call her Santu.

Although these strange characters are not easy to recognize, at least they are easy to write, and the strange characters in some names are simply incomprehensible, and there are many bad strokes, such as 禤靐龘 (xuān bìng dá), which is simply unprecedented and unprecedented.

There are strange words in the name, do you know how hard it is for children?

There are strange words in the name, which will cause a lot of trouble in life, such as the fact that your name in the document cannot be displayed, it is easy to be called the wrong name, the name is easy to be ignored by the teacher, and you need to constantly explain the origin of your name...

Take the name carefully with strange characters

Name is the first gift that parents give to their children, and it is also the most important business card that accompanies their children's lives, so parents need to be cautious when naming their children.

Although the use of strange words greatly reduces the risk of duplicate names, it also sets up many obstacles in the child's life path.

One of the most important functions of a name is to let others know you, but after using a strange word, the name and the person often do not match the number, which is not a deviation from the original purpose of the name.

There are strange words in the name, do you know how hard it is for children?

Another thing is that names, as important symbols and labels in our lives, require us to write signatures on many occasions. It is too complicated to write strange words, and it is more difficult for children to write, especially when they are just learning to write.

Because his name was too difficult to write, the children directly collapsed and shouted to change their names.

It is good to name your child without catching up with the trend and taking another path, but it is still necessary to consider more reality and not artificially "lay mines" for your child's future life.

Name is not only a symbol, but also a tool in our lives, easy to use, convenient is the last word.

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