
【Health】Spring Festival "Health Tips" for Children, Pregnant Women and the Elderly

After the New Year, the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching, and it is people's greatest wish to have a happy year. Holiday family reunion, excitement, lively at the same time, the health of family members can not be ignored, especially for children, pregnant women, the elderly need more attention, the following we remind some precautions, I hope that everyone is healthy and healthy, happy to spend the New Year.

【Health】Spring Festival "Health Tips" for Children, Pregnant Women and the Elderly


Parents take good care to prevent accidental injuries

The happiest thing about the New Year is the children. However, during the Spring Festival every year, parents will neglect to take care of their children due to busy preparing New Year goods and receiving relatives and friends, resulting in accidental injuries to some children. To this end, parents need to pay special attention to the care of their children, do not let accidental injuries overshadow the festival.

First of all, it is necessary to prevent inhalation of foreign bodies. During the New Year, a large family can't help but nag at home during meals. However, for small children, laughing and talking during meals is dangerous. Because the swallowing reflex function of children is not yet fully developed, it is easy to suck food into the trachea when eating certain small pieces of food. Food entering the trachea can cause suffocation in the child and can have very serious consequences in a short period of time (4 minutes). Therefore, parents should be careful not to feed their children when they are laughing and crying. Children under the age of 2 should try not to eat jelly, peanuts, melon seeds, bubble gum and other foods that are easy to get stuck in the trachea; when children over 2 years old and 5 years old eat such foods, parents should take care of them from the side and instruct children to chew up the food before swallowing.

Second, it is necessary to prevent fireworks and firecrackers from being injured. Fireworks and firecrackers are very attractive to children, but fireworks and firecrackers must pay attention to safety. In principle, children under 5 years of age should not set off fireworks and firecrackers in person, and should keep a safe distance of 5 meters when viewing fireworks and firecrackers. Children over the age of 5 should set off fireworks under the protection of adults, and it is best for children to wear protective glasses. You should go to the designated shop to buy fireworks with guaranteed quality. At the same time, the firing point should be selected in an open place. In addition, if the child is accidentally injured by fireworks and firecrackers to the bare parts of the body (face, hands, etc.), the first thing parents should do is not to rub and rinse the child's wounds, but to go to the hospital as soon as possible to find a surgeon or ophthalmologist to deal with the wound.

pregnant woman

Live regularly and avoid excessive fatigue

For expectant mothers who are giving birth to new lives, the Spring Festival has a more sacred meaning, because in this year, the family will usher in the birth of a baby in the Year of the Tiger. Many young people gather with relatives and friends during the New Year, eating and living are often not very moderate, as pregnant women, they can not be too willful, must be combined with work and leisure, especially pay attention to the following aspects:

Avoid crowded public places. It is necessary to buy New Year goods before the Spring Festival, but if pregnant women appear in supermarkets, shopping malls and other places where there are many people, it is easy to be bumped. Moreover, in these people's public places with dirty air, they may also be infected with diseases, so it is best for expectant mothers to avoid shopping in public places with many people.

Eat with moderation. Some families will only eat two meals a day during the New Year, but if pregnant women do the same, not only will their stomachs feel uncomfortable, but also unfavorable to the baby in their stomachs. Pregnant women should ensure that they eat three meals a day on time, and can also add meals when appropriate. In addition, many families will prepare rich food during the New Year, and it is inevitable that there will be many big fish and meat on the table, but the diet of expectant mothers should be less oil, low salt, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is best to prepare some light and nutritious food for the mother-to-be alone, so that the diet is moderate and balanced.

Guaranteed breaks. During the New Year, there are many visitors and activities, which often makes the expectant mother tired, and the father-to-be and his family should be more sympathetic to the hardships of pregnant women at this time. Expectant mothers should ensure that they sleep for eight hours a day, preferably during the day.

Don't ignore your physical discomfort. Pregnant women should never ignore minor physical discomfort because of the New Year. In particular, the sudden appearance of abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding secretions, etc., often indicates that the body has abnormalities, at this time we must quickly lie down and rest, if the rest can not alleviate the discomfort, it is best to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

senior citizen

Don't forget to take your medication to keep your mood stable

Most of the elderly have some underlying diseases and are at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. During the Spring Festival, the rhythm of life and sleep patterns will change to a certain extent, coupled with the cold weather, it will cause coronary artery spasm, so patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prone to changes in their condition. During the festival, the elderly must be relaxed in life, especially do not forget to take medicine, especially antihypertensive drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, anticoagulants and other drugs should be taken regularly in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions, do not be taboo to take medicine because of the festival. At the same time, during the festival, the elderly should also pay attention to maintaining emotional stability and avoiding excessive excitement; the diet should also be light, avoid overeating, and drink alcohol in moderation, so as not to cause excessive organ load and illness.

Contributed by: Li Ning, reporter of Chinese Kou Bao

【Health】Spring Festival "Health Tips" for Children, Pregnant Women and the Elderly

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